where is mali located
mali is located in west africa
what was mali and how did it become that way
it was a powerfull kingdom in the 14 century and wealthy as a result of trade across the sahara desert
what and to wich places was mali conected to
trade routes
mali was conected to north africa , asia, europe
explain the sahara desert
the largest hot desert stretches across entire north Africa a lot of sand many sandstorms very hot
what did the traders quicly
that camels walked over sand much easier than them and could go longer without food and water
how did the traders transport there good
the traders transported their goods through the desert using large groups of camels called caravans.Sometimes there would be up to 40 000 camels in one caravan
what did the traders fear they might incounter
- sandstorms
- heat
- cold
- getting lost
- robbers
- little food and water
true or false;
salt was valuable
why was salt valuable
there was no fridges and salt prevented meat from going bad. Salt was usually traded for gold. Salt was scare. T he people from west africa had to fond it elsewhere. From north Africa traders transported salt on camel back through the desert to the west.
explain timbuktu
timbuktu was a large and important city. In Timbuktu there was a large market where all goods were sold
what was very important to the Arabic countries and Europe
Gold from West Africa
wat goods were taken from West Africa and taken to North Africa
- slaves
- ivory
- ostrich feathers
- peacock feathers
- leather good
what did they get in North Africa
- weapons
- fabric
- horses
- wood
what happened to the slaves
they travel to North Africa and sold to the wealthy people
what is an Islam
- Islam is the religion of followers of the prophet muhammad.
- they are called muslims .
- During the 7th century Islam started in Arabia and then spread to other countries especially through trade routes . *The Muslim traders went to stay between the local people and built mosque and converted people to Islam in this way.
- In west Africa , Islam also became established amongst tradeers and leaders.
- In this way the arabs astablished a large empire.
- 7th to 9th century
who was the most famous king of Mali
Mansa Musa
what does the word mansa mean
how long did masa rule
25 years
from when to when did he rule
1307 to 1332
what happend to Mali
mali reached its peak . his goverment had a very good system wich worked well for law and order
how large was his empire
8 million people
what did he do to his empire
He divided his empire into provinces and appointed governors to rule each and in every city had each own mayor
what was unique to him
he asked slaves for advice and he was a muslim but exeptted other african religions
what else did mansa musa have
a strong army
what did he do that involved his religion
he made Islam the state religon and built many mosques .
what did he make Timbuktu
he made Timbuktu a very famous and important place
wat was Timbuktu known for
the centre of trade and learning . Travelers also said the crime rate was low and there was fair trading
where is mecca
mecca is a city arabia which place for muslims as the prophet muhammad was born ther
what does muslims believe
that mecca is that its ther duty to make a pilgrimage to mecca at least once in their lifetime
what is an oasis
a place in the desert where you can find food and water
when did Mansa Musa take his pilgrimage to Mecca
explain Mansa Musa pilgrimage to mecca
every muslim has to go to mecca 1 in their life
he went through the sahara to Cairo Eygypt
he took more than 80 camels
transported gold and gifts
he took 1 000 of :
along his journey he erected and build mosques
he invested so much money the value of gold in egypt went
what was Mansa Musa known for
being kind and promoting trade and education
who did masa musa take back to Mali
what was Mali at Masa Musa death
stable and wealthy
wat city was important in Mali
what did masa take back with him when he returned to Mali
An arabian architect to help buld the Great Mosque.
what did they use to make the Great Mosque
a special mud mixture
what was the mud mixture made of
- water
- soil
- rice husks
- straws
- wood
what happened to the Great Mosques
it became dilapidated in the 19th century that had to be rebuild . In 1988 it was declared a world heritage site each year a new mud mixture has to be put on
who was leo africanus
he was a traveller and he wrote books
when did he travel through africa
16th century
where was he born
raised in morocco
was a muslim
how did people learn more about africa
through Leo’s writtings
wat did Leo show
That West Africa had powerful kingdoms and flourished cities
what did the Pope ask Leo to do
to write about Africa
how and how many times did he visit Timbuktu
He visited Timbuktu 2 and used camel caravan to cross the Sahara Desert
when did Leo visit Timbuktu
early 1500s
what discriptions did he give about Mali
- the houses are build from clay and thin branches and have grass roofs
- there is a temple in the middle of the city made from clay and stone
- there is a large palace were the king lives
- there are many shops and workers who work with cotton fabric
- they sell textiles imported from Europe
- there are many wealthy people there
- the woman keep their faces covered with veils
- wells with Sweet water
- Niger River floods water is directed with canals
- lot of butter milk are used because a lot of animals
- king is wealthy and a lot of gold
- are many slaves who work for citizen
- peaceful nation
- king appoints juges , teachers, priests
- are many many handwritten books sold for big profit
- they dont have coins they pay using pure gold lumps or smaller kauri shells persia
- they walk around in evening sining and dancing
where is Timbuktu located
in the centre of the TransSahara trade route , near the NigerRiver.
why is Timbuktu well located
All traders meet here the river traders from the south as well as the camel caravan traders from the north who had travelled through the desert
who came to buy from West Africa
countries around the mediterranean sea
what did they buy from West Africa
- Gold
- Copper
- Salt
what did they buy from the Sahara
- Ivory
- Dried fish
- Cola nuts
- Slaves
what did the traders from other countries bring
- Textiles
- Horses
- Other luxury items to sell
what was a bid demand
what was the most important item for sale
- gold
* salt
who had controlled the goldmines in the South of the country
what other items were for sale
- Manna (type of maze)
- Rice
- Grain
- Sorghum
- Dried fish
when did Timbuktu become the centre of education
When Islam spread to Mali
what was in Timbuktu
- University
- Mosques
- libraries
- Schools
scholars came from were to study at Timbuktu
All over the Muslim world and Arabic countries
about what did the scholars write manuscripts about
Astronomy and Mathematics
wich scientist were advanced
- Physics
- chemistry
- maths
what did they replace and introduced the consept of 0
Roman numerals
who invented Algebra
scientists in Timbuktu
who invented the glass mirror
Arab scientists
who figured that the day was devided into 24 hours and how
Timbuktu Scientists and they figured it out by using a water clock
what did the astronomers figure out
- How big the earth was
- That the earth was round
- That the moon revolved around the earth
- That the earth revolved around the sun
- the milky way consisted of 1 000 stars
True or false
all people believed them that the earth was round
Many Europeans did not believe them
what did they know also a lot about
what did they figure about sicknesses
some were infectious (such as pox,measles,TB)
first people to build hospitals
what is optics (ophthalmology)
eyesight and they could heal eye infections and cataracts
True Or False
experts of history and geography travelled a lot and build up knowledge which they also spread during their travels
what did they introduece to the West
Chinese Compass
how did they work their routes through the desert
using the star
who helped the government to implement various system and showed them how to apply islamic tradition in the government systems
The Arab scholar
what was written in Arabic
Manuscripts and antique documents
what does these manuscripts tell us
the history of Africa long before the people in Europe could read or write
how does these manuscripts get damage
- Dust
- Air
- And the weather
how old is some of these manuscripts
500 years old
in wich year did the South African government offer to help preserve these manuscripts
what did they do to protect these manuscripts
- They found out which temp to store these manuscripts
* trained people to handle these manuscripts
what is UNESCO
UNESCO is a worldwide organisation
what does UNESCO stand for
United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation
what does UNESCO do
they decide which places in the world are valuable and should be preserved for future generations.
what is a world heritage site
a place reserved by UNESCO
who does a world heritage site belong to
everybody in the world no matter in which country you live
name 2 world heritage sites in Africa
Robben Island
when was Timbuktu named a world heritage site
why did they call Timbuktu a world heritage site
*The architectural styles of the mosques and the city value as a centre of learning