How did new ideas spread through Europe in 15 & 16 centuries?
People travelled more and brought ideas about culture, lifestyle, science, technology with from the Middle East.
What was the MOST IMPORTANT INVENTION of the 15th century?
Printing Press:
Johannes Gutenberg developed it in 1455.
Why was this so important?
Books could be printed quickly and cheap.
More people can read and gain knowledge.
Who originally discovered paper and printing?
The Chinese
Name 3 New Inventions.
Gun Powder
Magnetic Compass
Improved Ships - The Caravel
Discuss gun powder in detail.
- Gun powder is an explosive
- Used to fire bullets form guns and canons.
- Chinese discovered gunpowder
- Europeans used it in canons to protect towns and win new areas.
- Today it’s used in building roads to break up rocks
Discuss Magnetic Compass in detail.
Before the Renaissance seafarers used the stars to find their way.
During the Renaissance seafarers start to use magnetic compasses.
The compass will always point to the earths magnetic north and seafarers can now travel without getting lost.
What did the improved Technology in Europe bring?
As Technology improved the magnetic compass became more accurate. Information helped to draw up maps of land and sea. The quadrant (dividing a map in blocks like a GPS) helped seafarers to divide their maps in 4 quarters This helped them to determine how far north or south they were from the equator.
How could a ships Captain determine how fast they were sailing
They tied a rope to a wooden plank, threw it into the sea.
Knots were made at regular intervals on the rope.
Sailors counted how many knots were made sailing away from the wood in a certain time.
What was so special about the Caravel ships
It had adjustable sails that could sail against any wind direction.
The boats were build strong enough to sail in stormy weather
Who build the first carvel?
The Portuguese
Who found America and what was the ships name
Christopher Columbus found America on the Santa Maria, a Spanish caravel ship.
What did they improve over time?
Stronger sail cloth and ropes.
Who was the Head of the Catholic Church and what did he support
The Pope, he supported spreading the message of Christian believe
How was the Christian Faith spread during the 14th/15th century
The explorers helped convert non-believers.
Missionaries travelled with explorers to spread the message of the christian faith.