MEDICINE Flashcards
What does an indigenous healer look at when he looks at his patient?
He looks at the thoughts and feelings of a person that could cause disease.
How does Indigenous Healers heal their patience
With Herbal medicine and spiritual world
With who does the Indigenous Healer communicate
With ancestors
Why do Indigenous Healers use herbs
To heal patience and protect them from evil
Types of Indigenous Healers
What is the oldest form of medicine?
Use of medicinal plants passed .
Which Indigenous Healer is most important
Where does word Sangoma comes from?
Zulu word izangoma
What are most Sangoma’s
What do Sangoma’s do?
Find out why you are sick or worried
Give messages from ancestors to you
What do Inyangas use to heal, what do they have knowlegde of?
They use medicinal plants, they have a great knowledge of plants and their uses.
Don’t use spiritual healing
Can an Inyanga be a sangoma?
No a Sangoma can be a Inyanga
What are most Inyanga’s
They are men
How does a person knows he must be a Traditional Healer?
- Born with a gift for healing
- Their ancestors play important role
- They dream of being a healer
What must happen if an Indigenous Healer has a mental illness or are distrubed
They must be healed
What must a person do to become an Indigenous Healer?
- He must work with a practising Healer and learn all the techniques and knowledge about plant medicine.
- The practising healer will do certain ceremonies
- They wear specific clothes and beads
Name 3 well known medicinal plants
- Lavender,
- aloes,
- thyme
Elephants foot (what part is used) ___________ to cure rheumatism, which is a painful disease of _________
Roots is used to make a tea, painful disease of the joints
__________ the plant bulb is used, it helps backache, fevers and _________
Wild Pineapple, headache
African wormwood the ________ is used to make a tea that helps with _______ and _________
Leaves, Colds and coughs
______________, the bulb of this plant is poisons, but outer layer is used on wounds
Tumble weed.
What is Medical Science?
- It is curing the body of disease.
- learning what cause the disease
- doing experiments to find out if they are correct.
Who developed medical science
The Greeks
From Who did the Greeks learn medical Science
From the Egyptians
Who was Hippocrates?
Hippocrates was a well known Greek doctor.
What did Hippocrates want to find?
Physical causes of disease
When did today’s medical science start
During the Renaissance
How are Western doctors educated?
Western doctors are trained in science and how to apply technology to cure diseases.
Who discovered that certain diseases are contagious?
The Egyptians and the Greeks
What disease was VERY contagious from 1700 - 1799
What is pox?
Pox is highly contagious disease from 1700-1799.
It can spread by just touching a sick person
What are the symptoms of pox?
Symptoms are:
- High fever
- Body covered in sores or blisters
- It could spread to brain and lungs - result in death
Who got the cure for Pox?
Dr Edward Jenner
What did a person have after he was cured of pox?
He had very ugly scars
How did Dr Edward Jenner discover the cure for POX?
He saw that the girls who milked the cows never got pox.
How did Dr Edward Jenner’s experiment work to cure POX?
He took puss from a cowpox sore and rubbed it onto a healthy boys arm, the boy got a little bit sick but not bad.
Then he took real pox puss and rubbed it into a cut on the boys arm. The boy did not get pox or sick
What did Dr Jenner call his experiment when it worked?
How does Vaccination work?
Person is injected (vaccinated) with a few germs of the disease, the body forms antibodies that fight the disease.
What causes diseases to start?
What are Germs?
Micro-organisms that are too small to see with the naked eye
How can we see germs / micro-organisms
With a microscope
Who is Louis Pasteur

He was a French scientist
Where and when was Louis Pasteur born
France, 1822
What did Scientist believe in Louis Pasteurs time?
That there were small particles in the air that floated around causing desease, making plants & animal material rot
Why did Louis Pasteur study wine?
Louis Pasteur wanted to know why it went bad
What did Louis Pasteur discover when he studied wine?
That heat killed bacteria, and sealed bottles wine did not go off.
He concluded that there are bacteria in the air causing food to go bad.
According to Louis Pasteurs Theory about disease and germs, all ………………… are caused by ……………….
Diseases are caused by germs
What made Louis Pasteur famous?
- Rabies vaccine
- Process of pasteurisation - stop milk from becoming sour
- That heat kills bacteria
- Theres bacteria in the air that makes food go bad
What did Louis Pasteur do for the French Silk Industry
He saved the silk industry when he stopped a disease from spreading that would kill all the silkworms in France
What is rabies?
Deadly disease from animals saliva, transfer when they bite someone.
What is Pasteurisation?
Process milk goes through so that it does not go sour.
What is TB - Tuberculosis?
Infectious BACTERIAL disease
affects a person’s lungs.
Coughs a lot.
Can be deadly
What are the symptoms of TB?
Cough alot
can be deadly
Who is Robert Koch? What did he do?
German doctor, excecllent researcher
Researched what bacteria caused what diseases
Why did Robert Koch colour/stain bacteria?
To make it more clearer under the mocroscope and to photograph it
Did Robert Kock make the medicine to fight TB
No only years after his research was medicine made for TB
What did Robert Koch do with the TB bacteria?
He was the 1st person to inject the bacteria into another person.
Later he injected same person with live TB virus and person did not get sick.
Who is this and what was his job?

Alexander Flemming
Trained medical doctor in First World War
What happened during the war and what did Flemming do?
Lots of soldiers died of infected wounds
After the war Flemming did research how to kill germs that cause infections
How did Flemming discover antibiotics
There was old bread in the laboratory that had fuzzy green mold on it.
He noticed that the bacteria close to the bread had died.
He repeated the experiment with same results
With who did Alexander Flemming work.
A F worked with
Howard Florey
Ernest Chain
When was the first antibiotics made?
During the Second World War
America gave money to companies to make Penicillian for the war.
What is Surgery?
Surgeon make a cut in patient body to fix or remove a sick part.
The cut is sewn up with stitches and person recovers.
Stitches are removed.
What is Anaesthesia?
It makes a person unconscious while they are being operated on, they do not feel pain.
When was modern anaesthesia started?
When morphine were discovered
What did the discovery of Morphine meant?
Surgeons could operate for longer and more carefull, as patients can’t feel pain.
What did doctors use before anaesthesia?
Chloroform gas in 1840’s
Why do patience still die after surgery?
Because wounds becomes septic
What does Septic mean?
The wound is infected with bacteria
Who decided in 1865 that bacteria caused wounds to become septic?
John Lister
What did John Lister do to fight wounds becoming septic?
He paid attention to how clean the enviroment is where operations took place.
What happened that more people survived after surgery?
- Doctors wash their hands when with patiens
- They clean surfaces
- Sterilise instruments for operations (by boiling)
- Use antiseptic germ killers
What is blood transfusion?
It is when blood from a healthy person is put into a sick person.
How much blood is in an adults body?
5 litres
In the 1900’s they identified 4 blood groups, name them.
In 1914 - 1918 medicine were made to help with what in the blood?
Prevent blood from clotting
When did the first blood bank opened?
how did they get blood?
People donated their blood and it was stored for the use by other patients.
Who by accident discovered how to make x-rays?
Wilhelm Rontgen, a German Scientist
How did Wilhelm Rontgen discover the x-tray?
He was busy with an experiment using electricity and a special light machine when he took a photo of this fingers.
He realised the light could go through black paper
On who did he repeat the experiment?
On his wife
What did he realise could x-rays do for doctors
It could help doctors to see broken bones and growths
It could also help in surgery
Why do they take x-rays of a persons chest?
To see if he’s got TB
What is a Transplant?
It is when a sick part is removed fromyour body and replaced with a healthy part from someone else’s body.
Since when do surgeons do transplants?
What type of organs can be transplanted or used?
Kidneys and heart that are still “fresh” from a recently died person
Who did the first heart transplant?

Dr Chris Barnard
When did Dr Chris Barnard do the first transplant and where
Dr Chris Barnard did 1st transplant in 1967
at Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town
Who was the first heart transplant patient?
Louis Washansky
Who’s heart did Louis Washansky receive?
He got the heart of a young lady that died in a car crash
How long did Louis Washansky live with his new heart
18 days
He died of a lung infection
What is Holistic Healing
Treating the HOLE person
Body, mind and spirit.
Focus on everything that happens in person’s life
What is Traditional Healing
They also treat hole person, verything in your life that could cause you illness
Western Healing
medicine companies have now changed and use indigenous plants in their medicine.
Western doctors realise that a persons feelings and emotions are an important role in their healing
What kind of healing do South Africans use
Most use traditional methods.
Like homeopaths, chiropractors, acupunturis
What does Western countries name traditional healing
Alternative healing