The IFR Flight and instrument scanning Flashcards
What water conditions should be reviewed for IFR flying?
METARS (other airports as well), TAFS, Surface prog. Charts, Radar, check icing conditions and NOTAMS. check certification for Icing conditions.
What is ILS?
An Instrument Landing System
enables pilots to conduct an instrument approach to landing
What happens when the rain moves through an area?
Weather conditions change.
When do you need top brief the weather conditions?
Departure airport, en route, at arrival airport
When should you file the instrument plan?
before the departure time
What is the next step, after receiving the IFR clearance?
read back the info to controller
What are the training requirements of Instrument rating?
1) 50 hours of cross country
2) 40 hours instrument time. Actual or simulated
3) 15 hours of instrument instruction
4) instrument cross country 250NM with 3 different kinds of approaches.
What are the top three skills that a pilot needs to develop for instrument flying?
1) Instrument Scan
2) Instrument instrument interpretation
3) Airplane Control
What is a Glass cockpit?
Cockpits with LCD screens.
What is a T pattern?
Arrangement of the instruments.
Airspeed indicator is on the top left
Attitude indicator is in the center.
Altimeter is on the right
and heading indicator is at the bottom
VSI is ont he right side of the T and Turn coordinator is not he left side.
Where are the locations of the Instrument on PFD?
Attitude indicator is in the center, airspeed is on the left and altimeter is on the right. Turn coordinator is on the attitude coordinator.
What is a standard or half standard rate turn?
On the heading indicator, mark and line represents the rate of the turn.
How does the VSI is shown on PDF?
maybe a tape or vertical line with digital needle.
What are the four fundamentals of instrument flying?
Straight and leveled flight
What is a tachometer?
what is artificial horizon?
atititude indicator
What is the connection between Altitude indicator with performance instruments.
Attitude of the plane’s affect can be read on the performance instruments.
Attitude indicator is leveled but how to double check?
check altimeter to confirm.
Attitude indicator : wings are leveled. How to double check?
heading indicator to confirm
what’s is the most important instrument when instrument flying?
Attitude indicator. 2/3 of the scan is altitude indicator.
What is the common error when checking the instrument flying?
looking instruments rapidly without knowing. Slow down and get the message.
What are the scan errors?
1) Omission
2) Emphasis
3) Fixation
What is omission?
ignoring one or more instruments during the cross check. Happens when attitude change is not checked with performance instruments.
Example: Leveling from climb but not checking the altimeter
What is emphasis
placing too much importance on an isntruemnt
What is fixation?
focusing all of attention on one instrument
mostly happens, when approaching climb or decent or heading during a turn. Pilot doesn’t want to pass the target but forgets the other instruments.
All maneuvers done visually or instruments involve in
controlling pitch, bank and power
What are the two basic methods of instrument flying?
“control and performance” and “primary and supporting.
What are the control instruments?
Attitude and power indicators.
Power indicators vary with aircraft and may include manifold pressure, tachometers, fuel flow,
What are the performance instruments?
reference to the altimeter, airspeed or vertical speed indicator (VSI), heading indicator, and turn-and-slip indicator.
What are the navigation instruments?
course indicators, range indicators, glide-slope indicators, and bearing pointers.
What are the Procedural Steps in Using Control and Performance?
1) Establish an attitude and power setting on the control instruments
create the image in your mind
2) Trim (fine tune the control forces) until control pressures are neutralized.
3) Cross-check the performance instruments to determine if the established attitude or power setting is providing the desired performance.
Aircraft Control During Instrument Flight
Attitude Control
Pitch Control
Bank Control
After each, changes, always cross check.