Departing the terminal area Flashcards
When does the terminal departue expectation start?
Right after a take-off
What is SID (benefits)? Explain the follwoing picture
Standard Instrurment Departure
Do you need clearence for SID?
Yes from ATC.
Explain the follwoing
Ground and Max. Altitude for departure.
Explain the following:
Eplain the following
When ODP is not textual, they are grouped in SIDs.
What is the procedure of ODP?
Explain the follwoing:
Obstucal departure clearance is avaliable. Go and check the
Explain the following
Take off from a departure from class G
Take-off is at your own risk.
What is the IFR climb procedure?
What is the publication creteria of departure?
Explain the follwoing:
Means there is a onstacle panetration and guidance is provided to avoid them
explain the follwoing
IFR is not allowed