The IBEW and Its History Flashcards
What happened in 1844 and what was the message carried out
“What hath God wrought?”
What was the first electrical accomplishment of commercial importance
What happened in 1844
The first telegraph wire was use from Washington DC, Baltimore in Maryland
What was the famous Samuel Morse code in 1844
“What hath God wrought”
When did the telegraph industry started
in 1848
What happened in 1848
The first telegraph station was built in Chicago Illinois
What happened in 1861
There were spans of telegraph line spanning the whole united states
What happened in 1866
The first permanent telegraph wire was laid across the Atlantic Ocean. Linemans got hire to do this job. People across the nation flock to get work as a lineman
What was introduce 1876 and 1879 that made the public became interested in electricity
Telephone was introduced in 1876
Thomas Edison introduced the incandescent lamp in 1879
What happened in 1882 in NYC
The first central power station known as Pearl Street generating station. It powered 85 buildings.
What did “Harper weekly” posted in 1882
What was happening in the late 19th century in the electric field
The late 19th century the electrical work was in high demand because of the light industry and electric power industry but unfortunately the employers was not offering competitive pay because they were hiring untrained hands of the street upsetting market of electrical workers
Who is the founding father of the IBEW
Henry Miller
What lead to unionism
Better working condition, higher standards and pay
What was the early signs of union
in 1870 Group of electric workers grouped and made the first union but it disappear
!880 telegraph linemen united and affiliated itself with the knights of labor which originated in 1869
What happen in 1883
The first strike against Western union Telegraph happen demanding 8-hour workday, increase in pay and equal rights for woman. The strike failed after a month
What happened in 1884
A group of linemen formed the United order of lineman located in Denver Colorado. It gather lineman from west and Midwest
What happened in 1890 in St louis Missouri
St. Louis Exposition, an annual
agricultural and technical fair, featured electrical wonders of the era. Wiremen and linemen
from all over the United States to wire the building and erect the exhibits.
What was the exposition worker talking about at the end of each day
The toil and the conditioned of the electrical industry
What was the salary and hour in the electrical industry during the 19th century?
12 hours and 7 days a week. The excellent pay was 2.50 a day for electrical worker but a lot electrical worker were making 8 dollars a week.
What was a great concern for lineman
Proper training and safety standards
Mortality rate was 1 of every two lineman
What was the national mortality rate for electrical workers
twice the national average
What did the group of st louis expo worker did to fix there situation
They seek help from The American Federation of Labor to unionize. Charles Cassel was assigned to helped them in 1890 to be charter as The Electrical Wireman and lineman union no.5221.
What was apparent to miller and his small union
That to have better treatment salary and benefits the whole electrical industry has to be invested in the ibew vision
What did JT Kelly first secretary of the electrical brotherhood say about miller
No man could have done more for our union in its first years than he did.
What are the places that miller helped become unionized
Chicago; Milwaukee, Wisconsin;
Evansville and Indianapolis, Indiana;
Louisville, Kentucky; New Orleans, Louisiana;
Cincinnati and Toledo, Ohio; Philadelphia and
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Duluth, Minnesota;
and New York City.
Who attended the first convention in st louis on November 21, 1891, in Stolley Dance Hall
Ten delegates representing 286 members
Henry Miller, St. Louis
J.T. Kelly, St. Louis
W. Hedden, St. Louis
C.J. Sutter, Duluth
M. Dorsey, Milwaukee
T.J. Finnell, Chicago
E. Hartung, Indianapolis
F. Heizleman, Toledo
Joseph Berlowitz, Philadelphia
H. Fisher, Evansville
The Objects of the International
Brotherhood of Electrical
○ To organize all workers in the entire
electrical industry in the United States
and Canada, including all those in public
utilities and electrical manufacturing, into
local unions;
○ To promote reasonable methods of work;
○ To cultivate feelings of friendship among
those of our industry;
○ To settle all disputes between employers
and employees by arbitration (if possible);
○ To assist each other in sickness or distress;
○ To secure employment;
○ To reduce the hours of daily labor;
○ To secure adequate pay for our work;
○ To seek a higher and higher standard of
○ To seek security for the individual;
○ And, by legal and proper means, to
elevate the moral, intellectual, and social
conditions of our members, their families,
and dependents, in the interest of a higher
standard of citizenship.
The first members of the brotherhood were unskilled
and incompetent. What did the ibew do to change that
NBEW Constitution estab
lished an apprenticeship system that required
a minimum of 3 years of training under the
supervision of a journeyman before an applicant could become eligible for membership.
What was the death benefit deducted tax per month
$0.10 per month
What did the new national union struggle with
They struggle with finance. They took a loan of 100 dollars from the St louis local union and resistance from employer
What did secretary Charles P. Ford commented about the union
this was the time and manner in which
the Brotherhood was born.
there was little
to encourage this small group of dedicated
and determined men.
the opposition to
unions at that time was active and bitter.
the obstacles seemed unsurmountable.
Hearts less courageous would have given
up in despair.
What did miller did in the first year of the brotherhood existence
He visited all the east of the untied state and was able to add 35 local unions to the brotherhood
The second convention
1882 they held the second convention in Chicago there was 43-member union chartered, 2000 members and 646.10 in the treasury. They establish $50 funeral payments for member and a $25 for member wives.
Grand treasure stated getting pay $900 dollar a year and the first woman Mrs. Mary Honzik became a union member. During the second convention they authorize the publication of a journal called the Electrical Worker
When did the electrical Worker publish and what was the benefit of having that
Issued on January 15, 1893, and Kelly said if it wasn’t for this magazine the brotherhood would not stay intact in the early year of its development
Third Convention
The third convention was in 1893. There was 10,000 member and 61 charter union local. During this time the NBEW became Un financially unstable because inconsitant funds. Alot of members died and all the widow wives was getting death benefit. they agree tax of $0.15. They decide to have the convetion every two years to save money. union empolyer were being hunted down during that time.
What happened in 1894
Grand Secretary-Treasurer Kelly re
ported a loss for the year of $468.50. Which was covered my members taking out personal loans
what happened in the 1895 conventioned
it was held in washington dc
12 delegates anwer the roll call
lost 600 members
lost 29 local union
treasure deficit to 1016
They abolished the funeral benefit. That pay the spouse they reason for its abolished was its strain on the treasury
initiation fees increase to $5
per tax capital was increased to $.25
What happen in 1896
On July 10, 1896, Henry Miller pass away from a head trauma that happen when he got shocked from a pole he was working on
Potomac Electric Power Company paid for his burial
Convention 1897
Held in Detroit Michigan
1700 members
Treasury Surplus
New type of member was introduced such as
Crane operator
Semiskilled factory workers
First all-woman local union 80 chartered in Cleveland Ohio
Sent organizer over to Canada which was succesful
When did the name change from NBEW to IBEW and why
The name got change in 1899 convention to IBEW in result of the first Canadian local 93 out of Ottawa Ontario
1901 convention
Grand secretary reported in the convection that as many 40 strikes at one time was going on and member wasn’t paying their due. They didn’t discipline the member because they didn’t want to make a bad image on the employers
1903 convention
They assigned a full-time salary for the grand president. They assigned Frank McNulty as Grand president. transformed the Brotherhood from a tenuous association into a coordinated and effective organization
They established a permanent base of operation (headquarter) in Springfield Illinois
Created regional districts within the brother hood copy it from union on the west cost which they formed in 1902 western conference
What was Mcnulty determined to enforce
the provisions of the IBEW Constitution, particularly
those that dealt with relations between the
union and employers. All cases of infraction
were promptly punished. In a short time, the
organization gained prestige as employers were
assured that contracts made with local unions
would be respected and enforced.
How did Mcnulty leadership change Ibew during that time
many difficulties that would have formerly resulted in strikes were peacefully settled, and membership turnover greatly decreased.
Regional district was created for what
strengthen organizing and
bargaining efforts.
What happen in 1905
Pay dues increase to 24,000
12,247 new members initiated in the preceding 2 years
1906 event
James Reid the third district VP strike the bell company
which force McNulty to get assistance from the AFL which they came to a settlement with bell company
1908 event
Brotherhood split began between Reid murphy, Covent and Frank J. McNulty and Peter W. Collins
it divided the brotherhood for 6 years
What happen in 1912
The court declared Reid-Murphy convention illegal and its action void
People who returned from Reid-murphy received credit
12-month death benefit credit for everyone past, present and new.
Telephone industry made an impact to the brotherhood Woman operator from Boston join the brother hood making local 1A.
What was local 1A impact in the industry
establishing a collective bargaining agreement and win
ning an 8-hour work day and paid vacations.
Impressed by this success, male and female
telephone workers throughout New England
began to organize, marking a new chapter in
IBEW’s history.
What was some of the impacts of World War 1 on the ibew
The growth of membership went from 23,500 in 1913 to 148,072 in 1919.
The ibew provided it services to the United States war effort
IBEW play the vital role as the “arsenal of Democracy”
What happen in 1915 and in 1917 convention
Delegates action didn’t go through because of referendum votes
In 1917 the government intervene and took control of the railway which the ibew only had 25% of the industry with ibew before 1917. When the government took over it made a collective policy of collective with employees making the industry 90% ibew.
Telephone industry impact in IBEW
The telephone industry was became huge around the 1915 that the ibew had to change is magazine name from Electrical to Electrical and Operator.
In 1918 the ibew establish the Telephone Operator Department. Which had its own leadership, journal and financing
To stop the problem that happen in 1915 and 1917 with referendum votes for decisions. They adopted a constitutional amendment in 1918 all action final except when convention is voted on membership consideration. By doing this it made the brotherhood much effective and efficient.
What happen after world war 1
The Open Shop Movement refers to “Amercian Plan” they believed union to be un-American, adversarial and inefficient. They targeted IBEW members and members inside the AFL were being targeted
Employers campaign resulting in in restrictive laws and court injunctions. They use strikebreakers, spying agencies and bombing to weaken the solidarity of union
What happen after world war 1
Membership drop to 56,349 by 1925. A loss of 91,723 members in 6 years.
1919 convention
It was held in Louisiana in that convention they they establish a strike fond that collects 0.14 dollar a month from itss members
To protects the asset in the ibew they directed all the financial office scatter in different region to come together as International office which went in affect in 1920
They established the CIR (Council International Relation). It orginated in the 1916 when members called the conference club use to gather together to talk and find solution for there problem.
Charles Ford the secetary of the ibew Put the CIR in affect in and approved by neca.
CIR went in affect in 1920 and saves employers and employees time and money. All solution get resolve there before a strike form
How Council industrial Relation originated
It originated in 1916 where electrical contractor meet calling themself the conference club they talk about industrial issues. They meet with ibew in 1919 to come with the “national labore agreement”. NECA join also and in 1920 with the help of the secretary of ibew Charles ford the CIR came to light.
Employer and union can dispute its differences with anonymous votes. it saves time and money on both parties
In the 1920 the IBEW change its headquarters from Springfield Illinois to Washington DC. The building was erected by International association of machinist
They need a seat next to the government
in 1921 convention they made the Electrical worker benefit association which cover Electrical Woker’s death and injuries because a lot of electricians were getting electrocuted
Electrical Worker benefit association was introduced in the 1923 convention in Montral Canada to solidify US and CA relations.
note: benefits are inseparable
1927 convention
They created the Pension Benefit Fond (PBF) which was introduce to A Chapter. It was funded by dues pay every month at .37 cents and a 40-dollar monthly check. it went in affect in 1928
They establish the A chapter and the BA chapters
in 1925
IBEW holds a position in the AFL Executive Council
The great depression hit it stop retirement plans for Ibew officers and executive
The international office relocated to the IBEW office in Washington dc.
Canada and the US were facing the great depression
More than 50 of the ibew members were idle with out jobs
Member was still receiving pension and publication
The was 50% wage cut on officers and some didn’t get paid and other laid of
H.H broach was the ibew President at the time
membership drop from 50,000 to 64,000
convention got postpone from 1929 to 1941
During that time members felt IBEW needed to be rewritten to make it much stronger. The IEC approved and let the president to get 11 members from different union to meet with him and the international secretary in the international office
President Rosavelt play a vital role the US recovery and the IBEW growth. He implemented legislation to help the people
Industry Act Established the Public Work administration which provide a collective bargaining of wages and hour standards
The national labor relations act 1935 also known as Wagner act introduce protection to union and organize workers
Wagner act introduce the National Labor Relations Board for unfair workplace treatment.
Wagner act also let ibew organized utility companies and manufacture plant in a efficient and productive way
Legislation that began in the 1920 and continue on in the 1930s
Railway labor act
Social Security Act
United States housing act
Norris Laguardia Act
IBEW played a big role on all the act
TVA and IBEW RElation
In 1933 the ibew Helped and organized Tennessee Authority Valley. They use a 20-year-old IBEW vet to help assess and develop TVA Labor section. He also helped TVA sign huge collective agreement that included one of the USA work provision at the time
1939 events
German declared war on Poland and Canada declare war on Germany
Canda labor movement became a big impact for the ware specifically the electrical industry play a big role for the military
1940 events
President Rosavelt prepared the United States of America for war and he use organize labor to be the critical role of the USA defense
Rosavelt elected the Ibew president Tracy at the time to resign his position in the ibew to become assistant secretary of labor of war related construction
more than 35,000 members active duty in the military were ibew
non active members in the military were paying the active member dues, pension, electrical Woker benefit fond
Officers and members accelerated the training for new members
95% of the electrical construction in the military were done by the ibew
Ibew establish a system of defense jobs within 72 hours of receiving the government request
the convention was postponed from 1941 to 1946
1941 convetnion
it was held in st louis Missouri
12 years after the last convention in 1929
There was 869 local union with 200,000 members
wages were $1.15, $1.38 and some place $2.20
everybody had a 5 day work schedule
They establish the National Apprentice standards of electrical construction
Who helped the Electrical workers gain there mechanical, technical and professional knowledge needed on the job
Ibew with the help of the neca and federal committee on apprenticeship gave the electrical work help develop standards training and the goal of its members
What did the ibew help organized apart from the ibew
They help organized the railroad, utilities and manufacturing plants
who was the barganing agent in 1939 for CBS technical employees
What happened in 1944
The ibew new that electronic was the future. it collaborated with Marquetta University in Milwaukee. they send hundreds of ibew member to learn about electronic until 1945 which which they went back to there local as instructors
negotiated an agreement to develop tv training to employees of CBS.
1946 convention
it was held in San Francisco 1800 delegates attended and there was 360,000 members
Tracy got voted put as president of the ibew and got replace by ED J brown
There was a lot of changes There was a .20 cent PBF permanent establish .03 for ibew fund
they put in to vote a increase in pension from 40 to 50 which went in affect in 1947
Because the ibew relize that they need employer to contribute to employee’s retirement. The ibew and Neca came together and the made National Electrical benefit fund NECA agree to put 1% percent of their payroll to the fond
Us treasury granted approval in 1947
NEBF is i one of the largest Taft Hartley pension plans in the United States
The made a new chapter called BA They get the same voting right as A chapter and get the same benefit. The only difference is that Chapter A pension and death benefit is different because they pay additional dues on them
a law got pass that all district Vice President have to meet annually for a progress report
When was the B membership eliminated
It got eliminated in 1957
What happened because of the member growth in 1946
They had to open an11th12th vice presidential district
1946 Anti legislation law
There was stated that adopted the constitutional amendment that prohibits organize union. Such state that adopted this law in 1944 was Florida, Arkansas and in 1946 Arizona, South Dekota, Nebraska.
right to work act
Taft Hartly act came in affect in 1947 and restricts the activity and power union has
1947 event
Neca and the Ibew came together and made National Joint Apprenticeship Training Program.
Its one of the largest apprenticeship training program of its time and trained more than 350,000 apprentice
1948 Convention
It was held in Atlantic city New Jersey, and it spoke about anti-labor legislation law and Taft Hartly act
1950 convention
It was held in Miami Florida
talked about the anti labor law
They approved the convention to be held every 4 years
1954 convention and events
Tracy resigns his presidency
Milne becomes president and Joseph
D. Keenan becomes secretary
the convention was held in Chicago Illinois
What happened in the between 1954 - 1956
The ibew help organize 75 percent of the utility
the largest convention was held in 1954 3130 delegates representing 625,000 members a referendum vote had to be place because to put a restriction on how many can go because of space
In the convention they mentioned anti-labor law.16 states participated.
In the convetion they updated and fixed collective agreement even.