The Hobbit Flashcards
Describe a hobbit.
A hobbit is a person that is roughly half the size of a grown man. They often live in holes in the ground that and enjoy comfort. They dislike adventure and like to keep to themselves
What is the name of the town that Bilbo lives in and what is the name of the nearby area.
Hobbiton and The Shire
Why did Gandalf mark/scratch Bilbo’s door after his visit?
So the dwarves could know whose house to go to
Name all 13 dwarves.
Thorin, Fili, Kili, Dwalin, Balin, Oin, Gloin, Dori, Nori, Ori, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur
What is the position that Gandalf enlists Bilbo for the quest?
What is the name of Thorin’s father and grandfather.
Thrain and Thror
When Bilbo wakes up, where does Gandalf tell Bilbo to meet the dwarves?
The Green Dragon Inn
Name the 3 mountain trolls.
Bert, Tom, and William
How are the trolls defeated?
Gandalf returns after the dwarves and Bilbo are captured and distract and confuse them until the sun comes out. Then, the sun turns the trolls to stone.
What are the names of the swords Thorin and Gandalf get from the troll’s lair.
Orcrist (Biter) (Thorin’s sword) and Glamdring (Beater) (Gandalf’s sword)
Where do the company stop to rest and what is the name of the place?
Rivendell (The Last Homely House)
What are the names of the runes Elrond reads on Thorin’s map?
Describe the mountain pass that the company tries to pass to reach Mirkwood.
The name of the mountain pass are the Misty Mountains. It is dangerous because the weather is often dangerous and there are many paths that lead to danger. There are often thunderbattles between the Stone Giants. The Goblins of the Misty Mountains also dwell in this mountain range.
Why do the goblins hate Thorin?
Because they found the Orcrist on him. The blade killed many of their kind and hate anyone who uses it.
Who kills the Great Goblin?
What is the winning riddle that Bilbo tells Gollum?
What have I got in my pocket (the ring)?
How does Bilbo escape the mountain?
He takes Gollum’s ring and puts it on, making him invisible. He then follows Gollum to the exit because Gollum is panicking that Bilbo found the exit. Bilbo then escapes Gollum’s lair and then squeezes out of the exit, narrowing escaping the goblins.
Why are the wargs out?
They were suppose to go on a raid with the goblins but the goblins are late because Gandalf killed the Great Goblin.
How does the company escape the goblins and the wargs?
The eagles come and save the company not because they are allies of the dwarves but because they are enemies of the goblins and wargs.
How does Gandalf ask the company to approach Beorn’s house?
In groups of 2 or 3 so that a group of 15 wouldn’t suddenly surprise and startled him.
What road does Beorn tell the company to take and what advice does he and Gandalf give?
The North Road (otherwise known as the Elf-path). Beorn tells the company to take this path because the goblins will likely go down the south path/road thinking that the dwarves are going there. The advice that is told to the dwarves is DO NOT STRAY OFF OF THE PATH.
What happens to Bombur once he falls in the river?
He falls asleep and the rest of the dwarves have to carry him.
The dwarves see the flicker of lights on the side of the road. They try and approach the lights but they suddenly go out. How many times does this happen?
3 times and on the third time, Thorin is captured.
How does Bilbo defeat the spiders?
He Bilbo wakes up, he is bound but cuts himself free. He then slays a spider. Afterwards, he puts on his ring, and by using stones and yelling, he leads the spiders away and frees the dwarves.