The Heart & Circulation (Lec 1) Flashcards
The percentage of total blood volume accounted for by cells, usually 42% in males and 38% in females
Hematocrit (HCT)= (Packed Cell Volume (PCV))/(Packed Cell Volume+Plasma Volume (PV))
Makes up ~55% of blood volume, 91% water, 9% plasma proteins (60%- Serum Albumin: maintain osmotic balance, 36%- Serum Globulin: carriers for other molecules, 4%- Fibrinogen: involved in blood clotting)
Composed of protein center, Globin (carries CO2), 4 iron-containing Heme groups (bind to O2). − Males ~ 14-18g/dL − Females ~ 11.5-16g/dL − Children ~ 12g/dL − At birth ~ 17g/dL
1g of Hb combines with 1.34ml of O2 (Therefore, Males carry ~21.4ml O2 /dL, Females carry ~18.8ml O2 /dL)
The process of producing RBC’s in response to stress, ↓O2 tension and Hypoxia (↓O2 in tissues)
A decrease in proportion of RBC’s
Blood Glucose
Levels of glucose found within the bloodstream, average levels of blood glucose found to be within a 4.5-6.0mmol/L range
Blood pH
7.35-7.45pH (decreases to 7 during exercise)
Blood Cells
Approx. 45% of blood volume,
− Red blood cells (Erythrocytes)
− White blood cells (Leukocytes)
− Platelets (Thrombocytes)
Regulation of RBC Production
Increases in response to ↓O2 tension and quantity of O2 transported to tissues (hypoxia)
Tissue hypoxia results d/t – High Altitude – Cardiac Failure – Haemorrhage – Anaemia
Heart Walls
- Epicardium
- Myocardium (responsible for contractions)
- Endocardium
Control of Heart Rate
- Neural
- Hormonal
- Intrinsic factors
Neural HR Control
Neural control
– Most dominant control mechanism
– CV regulatory centre in the medulla
– Signals delivered via ANS (SNS and PNS)
“Central Command”
– Signals pass through medulla
– d/t emotional factors/ activation of motor cortex
Electrical Conductivity and HR
Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS)
– Cardiac accelerator nerves secrete norepinephrine and some epinephrine to increase HR
Parasympathetic (PNS)
– Vagus nerve endings secrete acetylcholine to slow the heart
– Most increase in HR during exercise is d/t inhibition of vagal activity
Intrinsic Regulation of HR
Regulated by 2 nodes named according to their location:
– Sinoatrial (SA)
• ‘Pacemaker’ of the heart
• Located at the top right atrium, at the base of the superior vena cava
– Atrioventricular (AV)
• Located in the floor of the right atrium
Intrinsic Regulation of HR Process
- SA Node initiaites contraction
- Impulse spreads out of Atria causing contraction
- Depolarisation spreads to AV Node
- Depolarisation spreads from AV Node, down Bundle of His to apex of heart and Bundle Branches
- Continues to spread through Purkinje Fibres and around ventricles causing contraction