The heart 2 Flashcards
Pericardium Serous membranes of the heart
- Parietal pericardium
- Parietal cavity
- Visceral pericardium
Parietal pericardium
- Superficial (close to body cavity)
- Pericardial sac
- Tough fibrous CT
Pericardial cavity
- Space between parietal and visceral mem
- Pericardial fluid (reduces friction & creates a vacum)
Visceral pericardium
- Deeper (touches the organs)
- Epicardium
- Simple squamous epithelium overlying areolar CT
Cardiac muscle
- short branched cells
- 1 nucleus/cell
- striations
- involuntary
Cardia muscle
- Intercalated disc
- Glycogen
- Myoglobin
- Lots of Myochondria
Intercalated discs
Cardiac muscle
- gap junctions
- Allow rapid electrical transmissions
- Desmosomes
- Prevent cells from separating
- Cardiac muscle
- Converted to glucose/ catabolized
- Cardiac muscle
- Stores oxygen
The Heart Valves
- Atrioventricular (AV) valves
- Aortic valve
- Semilunar valves
- Pulmonary valve
Atrioventricular Valves
- Right AV (tricuspid)
- Left AV (bicuspid or mitral)
- Regulate the opening between atria and ventricles
Semilunar valves
- Pulmonary and aortic valves
- Regulate the blood flow form the ventricles into the opening of the great arteries.
Pulmonary valve
-Controls the opening from the right ventricle in to the pulmonary trunk
Aortic valve
-Controls the opening from the left ventricle in to the aorta
Muscle twitch
-single contraction of skeletal muscle. T 3 phases -latent -contraction -relaxation.
Muscle twitch
-Is the interval from the stimulus application until the muscle begins to contract (shorten)
Muscle twitch
-This phase is when the muscle fibers shorten, the tracings will show during this phase (a) peak(s).
Muscle twitch
- muscle is going back to its original state of relaxation and the muscle will once again lengthen
- Downward curve`
Layers of the heart wall
- Visceral pericardium (Epicardium)
- Myocardium
- Endocardium
- Serous membrane of the external H surface
- Simple squamous epithelium
- Largest branches of coronary BV travel through
- Outer layer
- Made of Cardiac muscle cells (Cardiocytes)
- between Epi and endo
- Inner layer
- Covers valve surfaces and its continous with Endothelium of BV.
- Simple squamous epithelium
P wave
QRS complex
T wave
- Chambers-Both Atria
- Elect event- Depolarizing
- Muscle event- Systole
- Blood flow- Ejected
QRS complex
(Atira repolarizes)
- Chambers- Both ventricles
- Elect event- Depolarizing
- Muscle event- Systole
- Blood flow- Ejected
- Chambers-Both Ventricles
- Elect event- Repolarizing
- Muscle event- Diastole
- Blood flow- Filling
Electrical event
-Na & Ca influence
Electrical event
- Return to resting membrane potential
- K exits
SA node Function in EKG
-Spreads through the atria and depolarizes them
AV delay (purpose)
- Allows both ventricles to relax and be refilled by the contracting atria.
- After delay, the ventricles contract and force blood into the aorta (systemic circulation).
EGK measures
- Amplifies the electrical currents if the heart by means of electrodes apply to the skin.
- Composite recording of all action potentials produced by a nodal and myocardial cell
EKG used for
-To diagnose abnormalities in the conduction pathways, myocardial infraction, enlargement of the heart and electrolyte and hormone imbalance.
Parasympathetic effect on Heart
- Muscarinic
- Decrease Hr
Sympathetic effect on Heart
beta 1
- Increase HR
- Beats more effective
Sympathetic NS Control in Heart
- Control ctr- Cardioaccelatory center
- Receptor in H- Beta adrenergic (NE)
- Ion channel- Incr. Ca in cardiocytes
- Elec event- Depolarization
Parasympathethic Control in Heart
- Control ctr- Cardio inhibitory Ctr
- Receptor in H- Muscarinic (ACh)
- Ion channel- decrease K in cardiocytes
- Elect event- hyperpolarization
Chronotorpic agents/ Conditions
- Affect Hr (K+)
- hypercalcemia
- Inhibits repolarization (slow Hr)
- Hypocalcemia
- Depo. more diff. due to Hyperpolarization (slow Hr)
Iontropic agents/ situations
- Affect force of contraction
- Hypercalcemia
- Slow Hr, more forceful contraction (digitalis)
- Hypocalcemia
- weaker contraction