The hazard management and human responce Flashcards
what are the stages in the hazard management cycle
- Mitigation
- Preparedness
- Response
- Recovery
what is mitigation in the hazard management cycle
- focus
- actions
- when does it take place?
mitigation - Preventing hazard events or minimising their effects
. focus- identifying potential natural hazard and taking steps to rescue their impact
. actions -Zoning and land use planning
- developing and enforcing building codes
- building protective structures
. Takes place - before and after the hazard
What is the preparedness in the hazard management cycle
when does it take place?
preparedness - preparing to deal with a hazardous event
. focus - minimising loss of life and property and facilitating response and recovery. Plans are developed and implemented by emergency planners
. Actions - developing preparedness plans
- warning systems
- creating evacuation routes
- raising public awareness and stockpiling essentials
happens before a event
what is the response in the hazard management cycle
- focus
- actions
when does it take place?
Response - responding effectively to hazardous event
. Focus - coping with disaster, Aim is to save lives, protect, property e.g.
. Actions - search and rescue efforts
- evacuating people where needed
- restoring critical infrastructure e.g. power and water supplies
takes place after a hazardous geophysical event
What is the recovery in the hazard management cycle
- short term
- long term recovery
recovery - getting back to normal
-short term recovery - providing essential healthcare
. restoring permanent power and water supplies
. re-establishing transport routes
. Providing food and temporary shelters
. Organising financial assistance
- long term recovery -
. rebuilding homes and other structures
. repairing and rebuilding infrastructure
. re-opening business and schools
what are the advantages of the hazard management cycle
- emphasis on preparation before which can reduce loss once the hazard occurs
- Can help in assessing how good a hazard management has been. Lays out what should have happened so can be compared to what actually happens
- Reduces stress and Anxiety within a population
What are the disadvantages of the hazard management cycle
- More applicable to HICS who are wealthier so they can easily adopt the polices
- unquantable and generic
what are responses to a hazard from the public and authorities is dependent on
- Economic wealth
- technology and education
- Past experience from the natural hazard
- priorities and attitudes
what is the decision process for managing a hazard like
Hazardous event - period of reflection and then a perception of future risk is then formed
What are the 3 types of human response to hazard risk
- prevention modification
- modify vulnerability
- modify the loss
What happens in the prevention and modification response
prevention - engineering solutions and technology too lessen the likelihood of major impact
- Avalanche and earthquake proof buildings
- raising houses on stilts in flood areas
- flood defences
What happens in the modifying vulnerability response
predicting the occurrence of an extreme natural event is the key to protect lives
- planning laws
- prediction technology and research
- emergency service provision
- communication and education
you prepare a community for a hazard
- evacuation plans
- warnings
what happens in modifying the loss response
Length of recovery depends on the speed of response from authorities
- extent of damage to infrastructure and lives
- collaboration between governments and aid agencies
insurance if very hard to gain in hazardous areas
Who are the key players in hazard management
. insurance and governments
. local communities
. foreign aid
. NGOs
what does insurance and governments do in hazard management
Governments work alongside insurers
- insurance coverage can help communities recover after it provides individuals and businesses with money they need to repair and build
- However HICs have low insurance losses (25-30%) due to management
- Insurance usually provides cover for property loss, fires, flooding etc.
What do the communities do in hazard management
Local people are usually the first to respond after a disaster.
- Crucial in immediate search and rescue
- community groups involved in long term strategies
- In rural/mountainous areas aid takes a while to arrive
What do Aid donors do in hazard management
- Aid is divided into stages in the hazard management cycle. Emergency aid, Short - term aid, long - term aid
- Comes from many sources such as government organisations e.g. UN
- Aid comes in many forms e.g. food, cash, personnel and is directly given to the government
Why is disaster aid often criticised
- May be a corrupt or poor distribution systems
- doesn’t encourage bottom up or a self-help approach to disaster management at local levels
- In Haiti aid workers were also implicated in the spread of cholera
How do NGOs play a role in hazard management
important where the government is struggling to respond and they are non governmental
- Can provide funds, coordinate search and rescue efforts etc
- often remain years after the hazard