The Gut Unit 3 Flashcards
What are the abdominal wall layers? (Be able to label separately as well.)
Camper’s fascia (superficial), Scarpa’s Fascia (deep), abdominal muscles, and parietal peritoneum
What are the 4 Abdominal Wall Muscles? (Be able to label separately as well.)
Rectus Abdominis, External oblique, internal oblique, and transversus abdominis.
What are the main functional uses of the abdominal wall muscles?
Posture/movements of torso, protect organs, forced expiration, defecation, micturition (urine), and parturition (childbirth).
What is the membrane that sits against the wall of the abdominal cavity called? What does it do?
Parietal peritoneum; suspends the organs in place in the abdominal cavity.
What is the membrane that sits around the organs of the gut called?
Visceral peritoneum
What do the peritoneum structures attach to within the abdominal wall?
The Mesentery
What organs are apart of the proximal gut?
Tongue, esophagus, stomach, and pyloric sphincter (attaches stomach and small intestine).
Where does mechanical digestion occur?
The stomach
Where does most chemical digestion occur (in humans)?
The small intestine
What are the three parts of the small intestine (descending order)?
Duodenum, jejunum, and the ileum.
What does the duodenum part of the small intestine do?
first part of the SI that receives stomach contents, pancreatic juice, and bile.
What quadrant of the torso does the liver sit in?
Mostly the upper R quadrant.
What are the four lobes of the liver? (Be able to label separately).
Right, left, caudate, and quadrate.
Name the traits of the jejunum.
the proximal 2/5ths of the SI, thick walls, prominent plicae circularis.
Name the traits of the ileum.
distal 3/5ths of the SI, thin walls, few plicae circularis, and lymphatic patches.