The Global Health Security Agenda and EPT-2 Flashcards
What is GHSA?
A global partnership involving nearly 50 countries, international organizations, and civil society
What is the goal of GHSA?
To accelerate progress toward a world safe and secure from the threat of infectious disease
When was GHSA formaly launched in the USA?
February 2014
What is the GHSA framework?
Prevent avoidable epidemics
Detect threats early
Respond rapidly and effectively
What does GHSA try to prevent?
1: Antimicrobial resistance
2: Zoonotic disease
3: Biosafety and biosecurity
4: Immunization
What does GHSA try to detect?
1: National laboratory system
2 and 3: Real-time surveillance
4: GHSA reporting
5: Workforce development
What does GHSA respond to?
1: Emergency operations centers
2: Linking public health with law and multisectoral rapid response
3: Medical countermeasures and personnel deployment
What is EPT-2 building on?
The progress of EPT-1 by strengthening prevention, detection, and response related to emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases
What is EPT-2 goal?
To prevent, detect, and control emerging infectious disease at their source
What is the GHSA vision?
Accelerating progress toward making the world surface from the threat of infectious diseases
What are the stages of GHSA and EPT-2 focusing on disease emergence?
1: pre-emergence stage
2: localized emergence stage
3: pandemic stage
What is the pre-emergence stage?
Microbes transmitted among animal reservoirs
What is the localized emergence stage?
Limited spillover events or large-scale spillover
What is the pandemic stage?
Sustained human-to-human transmission
What factors that intensify animal-human interactions is disease emergence closely linked?
Population pressures Security Economic growth Globalization Changing habitats
What are the EPT-2 strategic areas of focus?
Developing longitudinal data sets Understanding the human behaviors and practices Promoting policies and practices Supporting national OH platforms Investing in the OH workforce Strengthening national preparedness Strengthening global networks