Role of AAVMC Flashcards
What does species survival depend on?
Stewardship of natural resources
What is needed with the increasing global population?
Increasing resource utilization
What happens if biophysical resource utilization exceeds resource availability?
Ecosystem health is endangered
What are the drivers of zoonotic disease emergence of the human domain?
Increasing human population Increasing urbanization Increasing incomes Changing trends in livestock population Pressures on natural habits Climate-associated factors Increasing volumes trade and human travel
What caused a challenge presented in global trade in food animals?
H5N1 HPAI pandemic
What made people realize the speed of global travel and the threat of spread of EIDs?
SARS pandemic in 2002
What makes up the systems approach to global health?
Food systems Public health Ecosystem health Animal health Biomedical and animal health research
What are the organizations are involved in global one health?
AVMA AAVMC CDC and AFNET USDA APHIS VS ILRI Higher education institutions CIMTRADZ, OHCEA, and VWB Global health secutiry agenda
What is AVMA an instituitional partner of?
One Health Commission to steer OH efforts through a multi-organizational OH Joint Steering Committee
What program did the AVMA develop through SAVMA?
One Health Challenge
What program of the US DHHS does the AVMA participate in?
Health people 2020 program
What does the AAVMC represent specifically?
30 US vet schools 5 Canadian vet schools 8 US departments of vet science 8 US departments of comparative medicine 8 international vet schools 3 vet med education organizations 4 affiliate international vet schools
What is the vision statement of the AAVMC?
To promote and protect the health and welfare of animals, people, and the environment
How does the AAVMC pursue its mission by?
Providing leadership in:
Advocating on behalf of academic vet med
Serving as a catalyst/convener on issues of importance to academic vet med
Providing information, knowledge, and solutions to support members’ work
Building global partnerships and coalitions to advance our collective goals
What does the AAVMC do with the AVMA for OH?
Build awateness on the benefits of the OH approach
What does the AAVMC do with AAMC for OH?
Develop OH education framework
Provide NIH clinical translational science awards for science on diseases shared by humans and animals
What does the AAVMC do with APLU for OH?
Programs for AMR
Why did the USDA APHIS Veterinary Services establis the OH Coordinating Center (OHCC)?
To address issues at human-animal environment interface
What is OHCC part of within USDA APHIS VS?
Surveillance, preparedness, and response services
What are the APHIS goals that OHCC advances OH efforts to contribute to?
Goal #1: Prevents the entry and spread of agricultural diseases through interagency collaboration, training, and technical assistance on animal health and zoonoses
Goal #6: Protects the health of US agricultural resources vs zoonoses by implementing surveillance, preparedness and response, and control programs
What does OH recognize in the CDC?
The health of people is connected to the health of animals and the environment
Why does the CDC say that a OH approach is important?
6 out of every 10 infectious diseases in humans are spread from animals
What are the CDC OH programs?
Influenza and Zoonoses education among youth in agriculture
Crowd sourcing to report and respond to zoonotic diseases
Development of an animal vaccine for Rift Valley Fever
What are the 7 priority areas to achieve AFENET’s strategic objectives?
Developing field epidemiology capacity in Africa
Developing public health capacity in Africa
Public health disease surveillance and response systems
Networking and collaboration for public health advancement
Documentation and dissemination of experiences in public health
Public health program management and research and development
Promoting OH approach
What are the AFENET OH programs?
Establishing and strengthening of OH platforms in Africa
Preparedness and response programming
Training programs in Burkina Faso and Senegal
What are the objectives of the USAID funded CGIAR US universities linkages projects?
Use point of care diagnostic tools to:
Screen pigs to determine animal health constraints to swine production
Screen humans for evidence for zoonotic pathogens originating from swine (Trichinellosis, cysticerosis)