the future of the international economy: causes for optimism Flashcards
what are the two types of optimism ?
complacent and conditional optimism
what is complacent optimism and is this viable for climate change?
this is when you believe you can just carry on with business as usual and is not a viable option with respect to climate change
what is conditional optimism and is this viable for climate change?
this is when you believe that ideas, innovation and technology of the future will be able to solve the issue. this is viable but requires strategy, incentives and action
why is climate change the toughest public policy problem we have ever faced?
1- the crisis is global
2- it creates a huge collective action problem
3- the problem is intergenerational so who will represent the young and future generations, businesses are only concerned with profits. who bears burden the current or future generations?
4-whole economy is based on cheap fossil fuel energy
5- climate change is a slow moving crisis
6- solution is complex and requiring changes in every sector of the economy
7- energy sector is home to powerful companies who have strong lobbying power
what are factors that need to be taken into account for the collective action problem?
A. Rich and poor countries (ethics!)
B. Exporters and importers of fossil fuels
C. Vulnerable and less vulnerable countries
D. Democracies and dictatorships
what are the adaptive solutions to climate change ?
- investments in infrastructure (costly)
- development of more draught resistant crops
- air conditioning
- riding bike/walking
- public vs private transportation
- building sea defenses
what are three methods of slowing climate change?
geoengineering, carbon removal and mitigation (abatement)
how will geoengineering slow climate change?
it will enable earth to reflect more heat
how will carbon removal slow climate change?
it will remove co2 from the atmosphere
how will mitigation ( abatement) slow climate change?
reduce emissions of co2 by reducing the intensity of production. this will reduce the co2/GDP therefore raising the price of carbon
how will raising the price of carbon affect the consumers?
Provides signals to consumers about which goods and services aremore carbon intensive
how will raising the price of carbon affect the producers?
Provides signals to producers about which inputs are carbon intensive Provides incentives for inventors and innovators to develop low carbon products and technologies
what factors determines the willingness of public to pay a carbon tax?
- What happens to revenue — unpopular if goes to general government budget (BUT Sweden!). More acceptable if targeted at green infrastructure spending, hard hit communities, or lump sum tax rebates
- Public trust in politicians and levels of corruption
what are the three qualities the global policy response must have?
it must be:
effective- policies adopted on an international stage
efficient - reduce the green house gas emissions at the least cost
equitable - burden of adjustment shared equitably between nations and generations
what is the enviromental Kuznets curve?
there is some evidence of an inverted u shape relationship between GDP per capita and the wider environmental degradation
what are examples where there is clear evidence of the environmental kuznets curve?
in heavy metal emmissons
where is there not so clear evidence of the environmental kuznets curve?
in co2 emissions
what is the trend for global co2 emissions relative to GDP?
there is a negative trend which means there is falling carbon intensity
what are the demographic good news?
Rising Life Expectancy
Falling Infant & Child Mortality
Falling Disease Level (Covid-19 excepted)
Rising Demographic Dividends in Developing Countries
what is the trend of life expectancy and income?
there is a postive trend between LE and income
what is the preston curve and how has it evolved?
it is a trend between life expectancy and per capita GDP and it grows rapidly at beginning but then flattens off. the curve has shifted upwards over time.
what is the demographic dividend?
A demographic dividend refers to the growth in an economy that is the result of a change in the age structure of a country’s population. The change in age structure is typically brought on by a decline in fertility and mortality rates.
What is the trend of technological development?
the growth of technology has been acclerating
what is needed for productivity growth?
a rise in the growth of technology and efficiency are vital for productivity growth due to the diminishing marginal returns to capital
what are conclusions about the future of the international economy?
The capacity to adapt and prevent has been increasing over time
As resources are depleted, the efficiency with which we use them has increased exponentially
Technological progress has the potential to solve the major issues in the world in ways that would have been unimaginable only half a century ago!