The Fundamental Attribution Error Flashcards
What is attribution theory?
Concerned with how people make causal explanations for their own and others behaviour - how the perceiver uses information to arrive at explanations. understanding the causes and implications of events people see
What did Fritz Heider believe?
People as intuitive scientists - want to find out casuality
understanding, predicting and controlling future behaviour
there are personal and impersonal causes - inside and out
Who is Firtz Heider?
The major figure of the attribution theory
What are the problems with personal vs impersonal causation?
The distinction between them isn’t as clear cut as people make it out to be
Gilovich and Regan 1986 - dispositional vs situational attributions
Ppts kept a diary for a week and wrote down an event which happened each day. Had to indicate how important their personal characteristics were in producing the event and how important situational factors were. Two authors judged the events to be experiences or actions
events judged as actions - dispositional attributions are significantly higher
events judged as experiences - situational explanations are more prevenlant
Conclusion - if people carry out actions, seen as free will and intended
What is the correspondent inference theory?
Concerned with the variables which are involved when people seek out information about dispositions from observed acts / the conditions which people make dispositional attributions of others
What conditions affect if people make dispositional or situational attributions?
Choice - if you chose to do something, seen as disposition
Social desirability - may say things due to the situation
Social roles - when people say something in a social role, could be due to the situation
Jones and Harris - attitude attribute paradigm
Participants were asked to read essays on Castro Cuba, student had written the essay based on:
a. you have to write a criticism
b. you have to write a defence
c. you can do what you want
puts then read the essays, asked to judge characteristics of target person and estimate true attitude
choice - if they write pro, judge them to be more procastro than students who wrote anti
no choice - pro Castro still seen as having more pro Castro attitudes ,even though they had no choice
What is the correspondence bias?
This is the tendency to draw inferences about a persons unique dispositions from behaviours that can clearly be explained by the situations in which they occur
What is the fundamental attribution error?
The overestimation of personal or trait factors, underestimation of the situation
Why does it happen?
Behaviour engulfs the field - don’t have the access to internal states, so make an inference based on their observable behaviour, believing it is due to the personality
Who came up with the FAE?
Quiz master and contestants study - Ross, Amabile and Steinmetz
Ppts randomly allocated to be either quizmasters or contenstens. quiz master made up 10 questions. Average correct answers was 4/10. quizmasters rated their own and contestants knowledge as similar but contestants saw themselves as well above average.
conclusion - committed the FAE, don’t take the situation into account
What does Gilbert suggest?
When people understand others, they make judgements first due to disposition
judgements after this, take into account the situation (situational correction) - initial dispositional inference is more resource efficient, easy, quick whereas situation requires effort
so, increases in cognitive load can undermine situational correction - won’t bother
What are the sequence of events that occurs when attribution is made?
Prior beliefs - situation perception - behaviour expectation - behaviour perception - dispositional inference - situational correction
But, things interfere such as high cog lod, time restrictions, mood
Is the FAE influenced by mood?
Experiments show that positive mood increases and negative mood decreases correspondent inferences - positive mood leads to less systematic processing of info than negative - so less correction
Causes of correspondence bias
Lack of awareness of situational constraints
unrealistic expectations for behaviour
inflated categorisations of behaviour
incomplete corrections of dispositional inferences
the salience bugaboo
Do dispositional explanations relate to political attitudes?
Liberals - focus on situational
Conservatives - focus on personal explanations
Is the FAE influenced by political attitudes?
Split up into liberal vs conservative
quiz master vs contestent design
ppts read a story about a quiz. contestant gets 1/5 correct. Asked how intelligent each of them are
liberals - no difference in intelligence, may situational correct
conservative - rate the contestant as less intelligent than the quizmaster
What is the ideological script hypothesis?
Identifying oneself as liberal or conservative leads people to adopt different explanations for social problems - attributions are due to a specific political point rather than personality
What are the biases in perceptions of situational correction?
People think that others are more prone to the correspondence bias than they are themselves - other people don’t situational correct, people see themselves as superior perceivers
Example of people being biased in their perceptions of attribution patterns
Van Boven et al
Questionnaire, two dispositional factors and two situational factors. Asked to estimate how their classmates would rate each factor
own estimates - believe that they would make more situational correction than dispositional. Peers would make both situational and dispositional factors
Are there cross cultural perspecives?
People from individualistic make dispositional factors
people from collectivist cultures make situational explanations of behaviour more
Sabini’s arguments
Believed the FAE was all wrong
social psychologists have not shown that dispositions in general are less important than people believe them to be. They have shown that some dispositions are less important and other more important - avoiding embarrassment and saving face are very important
What is embarrassment?
Feeling ashamed and uneasy
aversive emotional state in social interaction, wanting to flee from the social interaction
What is face?
Refers to the positive aspects of character that a person claims to be - people are concerned with how others view them
What is the face threatening act?
Ac act that suggests that someone is less worthy than their role requires them to be
What is the problem with the FAE?
People underestimate the importance of specific factors - there is typically no answer to some questions
Sabini’s view on Milgram
The findings could be interpreted as showing that the disposition to obey authority is stronger than the disposition to obey one’s conscience - their obedience was due to having a difficult time to confront the experimenter, people were embarrassed
we have got the dispositional factor wrong
Sabini’s view on Asch
The reason people were wrong is because they didn’t want to look like fools (dispositional), they wanted to avoid embarrassment, not because of the situation
Sabini’s view on Jones and Harris
Maybe their belief about being pro Castro or not was to do with what internal cause was active: the writers beliefs about Castro or a desire to please the political science instructor - so we underestimate the wish to obey the experimental instructions
Responses to Sabini
The distinction between internal and external causes of behaviour is muddled
not easy to divide causality into external vs internal factors - concerns about face are important