The Foot Flashcards
What are the branches of the anterior tibial artery in the foot? Where do they arise?
- Dorsalis Pedis (arise on dorsum of foot)
- Anterior lateral & anterior medial malleolar arteries (arise above ankle)
- Contribute to collateral circulation of ankle
What are the branches of Dorsalis Pedis?
- Arcuate artery: becoming common dorsal digital arteries supplies toes
- Deep plantar artery: Supplies sole of foot passing between toes 1&2
Describe the ankle joint
- Synovial hinge joint
- Between distal fibula, tibia & talus
- Weakest ant & post
What movements are possible at the ankle? What muscles produce them?
- Dorsiflexion-most stable, ant leg muscles
- Plantarflexion, post leg muscles
- Inversion (supination + adduction)
- Eversion (pronation + abduction + dorsiflexion)
What ligaments help to strengthen the ankle joint?
- Deltoid/medial (tibiocalcaneal, tibionavicular, ant&post tibiotalar)
- Distal part of interosseous membrane
- Calcaneal (Achilles tendon)
- Flexor retinaculum
- Anterior & Posterior tibiofibular
- Ant (weakest) &post talofibular
- Calcaneofibular
What are the important inter tarsal joints? How are they formed?
- Subtalar= Talus & calcaneus bones
- Transverse talar= 2 articulations between calcaneus & cuboid bones and navicular & talus bones
What movements are possible at the subtalar joint?
Describe the arches of the foot. What is their function?
- Transverse= cuboid, 3 cuneiform & 5met
- Medial longitudinal=calcaneus, talus, navicular, 3cun, med 3met, highest, weight transmitted from talus->calcaneus->met
- Lateral longitudinal= calcaneus, cuboid, lat 2met
- Shock absorbers, weight distribution & flexibility of foot
What is pes planus?
Flat foot- longitudinal arch has flattened out/ not developed properly/lowered
Name the intrinsic extensor muscles of the foot
Extensor hallucis brevis
Extensor digitorum brevis
Located on lateral dorsum of foot
What nerves supply the medial & lateral ankle?
M= saphenous nerve L= Sural nerve
Name the muscles & vasculature & the layers they reside in in the plantar aspect of the foot
1) Superficial,FDB, abdH & abdDmi trunks of medial & lateral plantar nerves &arteries
2) Tendons of FHL, FDL & attached lumbricals and quadrates plantae
3) FHB, FDmiB, addH, arterial arch
4) Deepest, 4dorsal & 3plantar interossei
What is the function of the plantar aponeurosis?
- Supports longitudinal arches of foot
- Protects deep structures in the sole
- Found superficial to first layer of muscles in the foot
Describe the interossei
- 3 plantar & 4 dorsal
- Attached to & occupy space between metatarsal bones
- Adduct or abduct about 2nd toe axis
What does the deep fibular nerve give rise to on the dorsum of the foot?
- Motor branches to extensor digitorum brevis & extensor hallucis brevis
- Ends as cutaneous branch to skin between great & 2nd toe