The Female Reproductive System Flashcards
What makes up the external genitalia (vulva) ?
Labia majora
Labia minora
Vaginal orifice
Vestibular glands
What makes up the internal genitalia?
Lies in the pelvic cavity
2 uterine tubes
2 ovaries
How is the labia majora made up?
2 folds forming the boundary of the vulva
Composed of fibrous tissue and fat, covered in skin
Contains a large number of sebaceous and eccrine glands
How is the labia minora made up?
2 smaller folds of skin between majora
Contains many sebaceous and eccrine sweat glands
What is the clitoris for?
Contains sensory nerve endings for pleasure
What are the vestibular glands functions?
Secrete mucus that keeps the vulva moist
What is the function of the perineum and how is it made up?
Consists of connective tissue, muscle and fat.
Gives attachment to the muscles of the pelvic floor
How is the vagina made up?
It is a fibromuscular tube lined with stratified squamous epithelium opening into the vestibule at its distal end
How is the hymen made up?
Thin layer of mucous membrane that stretches across the vaginal lumen
What are the different parts of the uterus?
What are the layers of the uterus?
Myometrium - muscle layer
What is the function of the uterine tubes?
Propels the ovum towards the uterus, receives the sperm as they travel upwards and provides a site for fertilisation
How does the breast change during puberty?
Breast development occurs under sex hormones particularly oestrogen and progesterone
Secondary sex characteristic
Ages 8.5 - 13.5
Ductal and lobular development
Nipple size increases
Primary areole becomes pigmented
How does the breast change in pregnancy?
Glandular development occurs under progesterone
Ductal development occurs under oestrogen
Colostrum synthesised
16 weeks start of milk production
What is the structure of the breast like?
Around 20 lobes containing a number of lobules
Lobules open into tiny lactiferous ducts which drain milk towards the nipple
Fatty and connective tissue run through the breast surrounding the lobules
Breast is covered in subcutaneous fat
What is the function of the areola?
Lubricate the nipple during lactation
What is the function of a lobule?
Make the milk
What is the ductal system and its functions?
Complex network of lactiferous ducts which arise from the alveoli and form larger ducts
They transport milk to the nipple
How is milk made?
Milk is synthesised in the acini cells under prolactin
It is synthesised from glucose and amino acids
Milk is secreted from the acini cell across the membrane into the lumin of the alveoli
What does prolactin do?
Milk is sent to both breasts
Produces calmness
Stimulates mothering behaviour
Triggered through touch
What is the prolactin cycle like?
Anterior pituitary gland stimulated - nipple nerve - hypothalamus - anterior part of pituitary glands to release prolactin- prolactin travels through bloodstream and tells acini cels to make milk
What is the prolactin receptor theory?
Prolactin receptor sites open when placenta delivered
Prolactin surges “prime” site to begin milk production
Receptor sites start to close if not primed
What is the function of oxytocin?
Works on muscle cells to expel milk
Induces feeling of love and well-being
Higher levels when baby is near
Can be inhibited by stress
How does the breast change during the menstrual cycle?
More estrogen is made early in the cycle and it peaks just before mid-cycle. This causes the breast ducts to grow in size. The progesterone level peaks near the 21st day (in a 28-day cycle). This causes growth of the breast lobules