The Family Flashcards
What is extended family?
Multiple generations of adults living with their spouses and children. More asian and middle east families.
What is a nuclear family?
An adult male and female and their offspring living together. More anglo-americans.
What is the idealized nuclear family?
Married heterosexual couple with children, usually a son and a daughter, lives in the suburbs, middle class, white, christian, father works, mother looks after children.
What is a single parent family?
Typically a female parent, usually working in the paid labour force and does domestic chores. Typically visible minorities.
What are the types of couples?
Common law couples, same sex couples
What are the types of families in Canada?
Nuclear families - 44%
Unmarried - 15.5%
Single parent - 15.9%
What are types of benefits for families?
Family allowance, child tax credit, education tax credits, social assistance, low income housing developments.
What is absolute poverty?
Families live in a state of absolute poverty when the household income does not cover all the basic necessities, such as food, shelter and clothing.
What is relative poverty?
When a family income does not have the things that middle class families typically enjoy, such as a car, a tv, microwave oven, washer and dryer, etc.
What is cultural capital?
Children’s social assets gained from their parents which will help them to succeed in school. These assets include values, beliefs, attitudes, and competencies in language and culture.
What is “keeping up with the joneses”?
If people see their friends and neighbours have the latest toys and gadgets, they want them too. The downside is excess consumption and the rising level of household debt.
What are the types of family income? (2)
- Single income earner household
- Dual income earner household
- Multiple income earner household
What are some typical family problems?
Sandwich generation, boomerang children, daycare.
What is a sandwich generation?
Parents who are looking after their aging parents and children at the same time.
What are boomerang children?
Children who return home after economic hardship (e.g., losing a job).