The Fall Flashcards
What was special about the serpent?
It was more crafty than any other of the wild animals.
What did the serpent say to Eve at first?
“Did God really say you may not eat from any tree in the garden?”
What did Eve reply?
“We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’”
What did the serpent reply?
It said that Eve would not die: her eyes would be opened and she would be like God.
Why did Eve eat the fruit?
- It was good for food and looked nice
- She wanted her eyes to be opened
Who did Eve give the fruit to?
What did Adam and Eve do when their eyes were opened?
They realised they were naked, so they made coverings for themselves with fig leaves.
Why did Adam and Eve hide?
They heard God walking in the garden.
What excuse did Adam give for hiding?
He said he was naked, and he heard God walking through the garden so he hid.
How did God reply to Adam’s excuse?
He asked Adam how he knew he was naked, and He asked if he had eaten from the Tree of Knowledge.
How did Adam and Eve respond to God’s accusation?
Adam blamed Eve and Eve blamed the serpent.
How did God punish the serpent?
He made it crawl on its belly and caused it to be enemies with humans.
How did God punish Eve?
He made childbirth painful and he made Adam rule over her.
How did God punish Adam?
He made him work in the field and declared that he will die and return to dust.
How did God guard the Tree of Life?
He placed a flaming sword and cherubim around it.
What does the serpent represent?
Rebelliousness, deceitfulness and human desire.
What does Eve’s act represent?
Human desire for power.
What does Adam’s act represent?
Human weakness.
What does nakedness symbolise?
Shame and conscience. Adam and Eve know what they have done is wrong.
What do the punishments symbolise?
The effects of sin. Sin is cutting one’s self off from God, which is why Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden.