Cain and Abel Flashcards
What relationship did Cain have to Abel?
They were brothers.
Who were Cain and Abel’s parents?
Adam and Eve.
What was Abel’s job?
He kept the flocks (shepherd).
What was Cain’s job?
He grew crops.
What offerings did Cain and Abel give to God?
Abel gave some of the firstborn of his flock. Cain gave crops.
Which brother’s sacrifice did God favour more?
Why was Cain angry?
God did not look upon his sacrifice with favour.
What did God say to Cain after the sacrifice?
He said ‘sin is crouching at your door. It desires to have you, but you must rule over it’.
What did Cain do in the field?
He attacked and killed Abel.
What did God ask Cain after he killed his brother, and what did Cain reply?
God asked where Abel was. Cain said he ‘was not his brother’s keeper’.
How did God find out what Cain had done?
He heard Abel’s blood crying from the ground.
How did God punish Cain?
He made no crops grow when Cain worked the land and he made Cain wander the earth.
Why did Cain say he could not bear his punishment?
He said that anyone who found him would kill him.
What did God do to make Cain’s punishment less severe?
He placed a mark on Cain so that nobody would kill him.
Where did Cain go to live?
The land of Nod, east of Eden.
Why did God reject Cain’s sacrifice?
Cain’s motives were bad.
What does Abel’s blood crying from the ground refer to?
His innocence.
What does this story tell us about God?
- God desires genuine worship from the heart
- God is generous: God could have killed Cain but he gave him a second chance. He also placed a mark on Cain so nobody would kill him.
What do Cain’s sins show?
The development of sin: from jealousy to anger to murder and then lying.