The European Commission Flashcards
Duties of European Commission
- Proposes legislative acts
- Proposes (and adopts) delegated acts
- Guardian of the Treaty: monitor MS and their respect for EU law
- Evaluation of existing policy
- Coordinating role (budget and programmes)
- International negotiations
Structure of EC
- political level: the college (“running the institution”, deciding, appointed for limited period of time)
- bureaucratic level: the departments and services
Commission’s responsibility: legislation proposals
Legislative acts may only be adopted on EC’s proposal
Exceptions: in criminal matters, ECB, ECSB and for establishment of special courts (attached to General Court)
Composition and appointment of the European Commission
- 1 commissioner per MS
Appointment of EC President (Lisbon treaty):
- European Council takes into account EP election results
- then proposes a President to EP (qualified majority)
- nominee gives a speech before vote in EP (political guidelines for next commission)
- EP elects President by majority voting
All together:
- remaining commissioners are elected (-> vote on full Commission)
- the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy,
- and the President are subject to consensus vote by EP, then European Council approves them by QMV
Members of EC
- Commission’s term of office is 5 years
- shall be competent and independent
- independence: revolving doors -> during and after their term of office to prevent conflicts of interest
- compulsory retirement possible (ECJ decides), resignation on request of President possible (protecting the whole Commission)
High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
- ensure consistency of Union’s external action
- term of office: 2.5 years only (once renewable)
- one of the Vice-Presidents of the Union
- appointed by QMV of European Council
The President of the Commission
- convenes at least weekly meetings of the Commission
- adopts the agenda for Commission meetings
- formal member of the European Council
Vice Presidents of the Commission
- Steering and coordinating the work in their area of responsibility
- Assessing how and whether proposed new initiatives fit with the focus of the Political Guidelines of the President of the Commission
- Representation of the Commission in their area of responsibility in the EP, Council, national parliaments
Directorate Generals (DGs)
- assist the Commission in the performance of its tasks
- within each DG there are 3-6 Directorates
- within each Directorate: 3-7 units
- 30,000+ civil servants working for the EU
Division of DGs and services in 4 areas possible:
- specific policy areas
- external relations
- general services
- internal services
Expert groups
- assist the Commission in preparing legislation (advice and expertise)
- formal expert groups: set up by Decision of Commission
- informal expert groups: responsible Commissioner, Vice-President + Secr. General have to agree
- > depending on the hierarchical level of the issue
Composition of expert groups
Certain member levels (Type B and C only if in Transparency Register):
Type A: true experts
Type B: individuals representing several stakeholder organisations
Type C: NGOs, organisations, trade unions, etc.
Type D: MS authorities
Type E: other public entities (third countries, etc.)
Selection of expert groups
Carried out by ‘public calls’ (-> Register of expert groups)
The Secretariate of the Commission
Highest civil servant: Secretary-General
- > assists the Commission
- > attends all Commission meetings
- very influential: consulted on all proposals of political importance
Agencies and bodies
(in addition to the DGs); also: EU representations throughout the world
Internal organisation of the Commission
- weekly meetings with attendance obligation (not public, confidential) with Commissioners, SG, Head of Cabinet of the President (+ sometimes others)
The Cabinet
- ‘private team’ of Commissioner (Head of Cabinet, Deputy adjoint; experts; administrative staff)
- Cabinet members are assumed to speak on behalf of the members of the Commission
- preparation of Hebdo’s
Interinstitutional Relations Group (GRI) [part of The Cabinet]
- consists of Deputy Heads of Cabinet
- prepare collegial positions in the inter-institutional process
- > if issues not solved: Hebdo; then: College
DG’s and political level - Jour Fixes
- weekly: Commissioner + DG’s meet to discuss policy planning, weekly updates on happenings
- every 2 months: Commissioner, DG’s + related VP discuss strategic questions
Idea for proposal - where does it come from?
- political guidelines (start of new Commission)
- work programme (every year, State of the Union)
- European Council meeting
- ECJ decisions
From draft to proposal
- from a DG (often in collaboration with other internal and external networks)
Before formal proposal:
- often publishing of Green or White books
- coordination within Commission between DG’s (informal vs. formal consultations)
- adjustments until ‘ready’ -> screening, approval of responsible Commissioner, (for major initiatives: impact assessment)
- > if adapted -> formal proposal into decision-making system in EU
Green books vs. White books
Green books: contain broad policy orientations
White books: more detailed
From decision to implementation
[e.g. technical standards, price levels for CAP, …]
- implementation with national officials from MS
- monitoring through specialised bodies/agencies
Where to get information on the stage of the process? (Formal information flow)
Yearly work programme of the European Commission:
- Annexes
- REFIT: regulatory fitness and performance programme
- Priority Pending Proposals
- Withdrawals