The ethics of AI in sport Flashcards
Which areas in sport can be changed with AI?
- Training
- Coaching
- Doping
- Injury Prevention
- Refereeing
- Fans engagement
Definition of AI
“Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to systems that display
intelligent behaviour by analysing their environment and
taking actions – with some degree of autonomy – to achieve
specific goals. AI-based systems can be purely software- based, acting in the virtual world (e.g. voice assistants,
image analysis software, search engines, speech and face
recognition systems) or AI can be embedded in hardware
devices (e.g. advanced robots, autonomous cars, drones or
Internet of Things applications).
I system: An AI system is a machine-based system that can, for a given set of human-defined objectives, make predictions, recommendations, or decisions influencing real
or virtual environments. AI systems are designed to operate
with varying levels of autonomy.
The hidden side of AI in sport
- misuse
- cheating
- doping
- data storage
- data selling
- privacy
- athletes career
–> The problem is the governance with the AI!
Examples for the ethics of AI in sport
- tech neutrality
- use/misuse
- self
- integrity of competition
- human control
- unpredictability
tES - meaning
tDSC - meaning
transcranial electrical stimulation
transcranial direct current stimulation
= are not banned by WADA
The use of AI in brain stimulation
Technological possibilities AI offers for
intellectual augmentation (IA)
* The use of AI in tDCS improves competitive
athletes’ maximal exercise performance
* improve isometric force endurance and
decrease pathological conditions and
muscle fatigue.
* Improve acquisition and retention of
sport skills and improves response time
and concentration.
Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI)
They are used to improve attention and emotional
regulation; monitoring the level of engagement of
athletes/players, designing focus training games, etc.
* They enhance human cognition and sport performance
* BCIs AI-driven can be a disruption in parasports and
sport inclusion.
IA - meaning
Intelligence augmentation
Where are AI advisors are already in play?
assistant decsion making systems in coaching, training, refereering
ethical principles (substantive)
- human-centered
- autonomy
- justice
- equality
- beneficence
- non maleficence
ethical principles (epistemic)
- Transparency
- Accountability
- Sustainability
Applied Ethics - Basic Human Rights
- Dignity
- Autonomy
- Equality/no discrimination
- democracy
Conclusion of AI in sports
- Neither good nor bad
- Human responsibility
- Human control
- Inherent biases
- Ethical framework
- Citius, Altius, Fortius and