The Enlightenment Dilemma/ butler and Hume Flashcards
Scientific approach to knowledge relying on sense observation and systematic and public data collection with amendable conclusions and theories
The enlightenment dilemma
Name for the ongoing debate regarding the definitive nature of human beings in the world.
18th century. Reason over religion became the tool to settle intellectual issues
Human being
Self aware. Somewhat rational, animal inhibiting a planet in the known universe
Commonly accepted and often revered patterned of thought and behavior varying across space and time while also sharing commonalities
David Hume
Says man has no greater significance than an oyster.
Human are as all else
Our thoughts and actions are not intrinsically speaking
“Behavior” is all there is
Morality derives from human social evolution
Morality is subjective relative and based in feeling.
Joesph butler
Disagrees with Hume and says it regulates human kind to cosmic significance and demotes us.
Says we are uniquely spiritual. Our thoughts and actions have intrinsic moral significance. Morality is from a higher source than social evolution. Morality is objective absolute and based in duty.
Belief in the existence of God especially a personal God as creator and ruler of the world
Joesph butler was one
Joseph butlers thoughts on the world
Assumes human nature is God made and therefore must contain proof of gods intention for humanity. This examines our human nature
Conscience choosing right from wrong proves gods existence and his intention for us.
Short term hedonism cannot truly satisfy our nature
Humes beliefs
No higher standard guides or subjects human life. Morality is rooted in subjective passion and emotion. Good an evil are not absolute but instead relative to each individual or group.
Hume on religion
Religion is a social good for restraining evil and fostering moral values but nonetheless not a real basis for oralist and can be dangerous.
Humes ethics
Upbringing and society determines our thoughts and outlooks on situations. Human nature is the foundation of morality.
Butlers ethics
Conscience is the highest human principle
Always follow our conscience