The endocrine system Flashcards
what is the endocrine system
a system that is similar to the nervous system, but it produces and releases hormones in order to control and coordinate. The 2 systems complement each other but uses different speed. the effect of the endocrine system can last for hours, weeks or years.
endocrine gland
gland that secreates its products (hormones) directly into the blood stream
exocrine gland
gland that uses ducts to secreate their product
How do hormones work?
they alter the chemistry by their target cell and adjust the rate of reaction.
They control the rate of certain chemical reactions; aid in transporting substances through membranes; and help regulate water balance, electrolyte balance and blood balance. Endocrine hormones play also an important part in reproduction, development and growth.
the 2 types of hormones
steroid hormones
protein + amine hormones
How do steroid hormones work
they alter the cell by entering the cell through the cell membrane and attach to receptors in the nucleus. All steroid hormones are derived from cholesterol.
How do protein + amine hormones work?
They work by altering the cell by binding to receptors on the cell membrane, they trigger a secondary messenger pathway.
Hormones of the anterior pituritary gland
LH FSH Growth hormon, GH Adrenocorticotropic hormone, ACTH Melanocyte-stimulating hormone Prolactin Thyroid-stimulating hormone, TSH
Hormones of the posterior pituritary gland
Hormone of the thyroid gland
Triiodothyronine (T3)
Thyroxine (T4)
Hormones of the adrenal glands
Cortisol Epinephrine Noradrenalin Aldosterone Gonadocorticoids
Hormones of the pancreas
Cells that produce Insulin
Beta cell
Cells that produce Glucagon
Alpha cell
When is insulin stimulated
When the blood glucose level is high
When is glucagon stimulated
When the blood glucose level is low and insulin level is high
Which are the sex hormones
How travel hormones through the body?
via blood
What are hormones?
organic compounds
What are the different types of stress?
Physical stress
psychological stress