The End Flashcards
Stroke of small vessels (penetrating branches)
CM lacunar stroke
- Pure motor (MC)
- Ataxic hemiparesis (leg > arm)
- Dysarthria (clumsy hand syndrome)
- Pure sensory loss
Tx lacunar stroke
Middle cerebral stroke CM
- contralateral sensory/motor loss/hemiparesis greater in face, arm > leg/foot
- Contralateral homonymous heminopsia, gaze preference toward lesion
- D: broca (expressive), wernicke (sensory), math comprehension, agraphia
- ND: spatial deficits, dysarrthria, left sided neglect, anosognois, aprexia
Anterior cerebral artery storke CM
- contralateral sensory/motor loss/hemiparesis greater in leg/foot
- face spared, speech preservation
- Personality changes, confusion
- Urinary incontince
- Gaze preference toward lesion
Posterior cerebral stroke CM
- Visual hallucinations
- Contralateral homonymous hemianopsia
- Ipsilateral CN deficts + contralatteral muscle weakness
Basillar stroke CM
cerebellar dysfunction
vertebral stroke CM
vertigo, nystagmus, N/V, diplopia
Ischemic stroke dx
non-con CT to r/o hemorrhage
Tx ischemic stroke
thrombolytics within 3 horus of onset
- Alteplase only tpa effective in ischemic stroke
- antiplatelet therapy: ASA after 3 hours and TPA not give; or at least 24 hours after thrombolytics
- only lower BP if >185/110 for thrombo or >220/120 with no thrombo
Berry aneurysm MC location
circle of willis
Spinal injury MC after blowout vertebral body burst fracture
anterior cord
Anterior cord mneumonic
ANT couldn’t walk to the bathroom in the TeePee so he peeds his pants when his bladder busted into flex
(LE >UE)
Spinal injury MC after hyperextension injuries
central cord
MC incomplete cord syndrome
central cord
central cord mneumonic
because maleficicent developed frost bite when she extended her hand to touch the cold window pane, she couldn’t put her shawl on with her weak hands
sensory “shaw distribution”
Posterior cord
loss of proprioception and vibratiory sense only
MC cord syndrome after penetrating trauma
Brown sequard mneumonic
the MVP (motor, vib, prop) on the winning side was oblivious 2 (levels) the stabbing heat of pain (temp and pain) of defeat from the losing side
- Ipsilateral motor, vibration, proprioception
- Contralateral: pain, temp
optic neuritis tx
IV methylprednisolone followed by oral steroids
Most important step in chemical eye burns
irrigate eye for how long?
30 minutes or >2 L until pH 7.0 - 7.3
Orbital cellulitis is most commonly secondary to
sinus infection (ethmoid)
Orbital cellulitis abx
vanco, clinda
erysipelas tx
IV PCN, vanco
cellulitis tx
cephalexin, dicloxacillin
MRSA: Iv vanc or linezolid
folliculiits tx
topical mupirocin, clinda, eryth
6th disease =
Only childhood exanthem that starts on trunk and spreads to face
MC viral cause of pericarditis/ myocarditis
MCC of pancreatitis in children
Measles =
Koplik spots
Koplik spots def
buccal mucosa