Misc Flashcards
Most effective drug for allergic rhinitis
intranasal steroids
Tx for peritonsillar abscess
lacrimal gland (above)
nasolacrimal gland (below)
RF for retinal detachment
myopia, cataracts
+ sign seen with retinal detachment
Shafer’s sign
Shafer’s sign
clumping of brown colored pigment cells in the anterior vitreous humor resembling tobacco dust
When can you patch a corneal abrasion?
if >5 mm, but not more than 24 hours and not in contact wearers
pH of eye?
Pre-septal cellulitus tx
Orbital cellulitis tx
What drop is ok in a TM perforation?
placenta over os
placenta previa
sudden painless bleeding in pregnancy
placenta previa
adherent placenta
placenta accreta
Premature separation of placenta
placental abruption
dark 3rd trimester bleeding; severe pain
placental abruption
MCC of placental abruption
maternal HTN
fetal vessels transverse the fetal membrane over cervical os
vasa previa
abortion: termination <
20 weeks
Abortion is MC in the ?
7th week
MCC of 1st trimester bleeding
threatened abortion
Cervical os closed; bloody vaginal d/c
cervical dilation > 3 cm; bleeding
inevitable abortion
some POC expelled, some retained; heavy bleeding/cramping/boggy uterus
incomplete abortion
all POC expelled; cervical OS closed
fetal demise but remains in uterus >6 weeks
Only potentially salvageable abortion?
Dysfunctional uterine bleeding in premenopausal women is likely d/t?
Dysfunctional uterine bleeding in perimenopausal women is likely d/t ?
consider hyperplasia/carcinoma
Acute severe vaginal bleeding?
high dose IV estrogen or high dose OCPs; D&C if estrogen fails
Primary dysmenorrhea is due to increase in?
MCC of secondary dysmenorrhea in young
MCC of secondary dysmenorrhea in older
Tx of dysmneorrhea
NSAIDS; vitamin E
Herniated disc MC @
back pain radiating to thigh/buttock –> lower leg (below knee)
Pain: L4
anterior thigh
Pain: L5
lateral thigh, hip/groin
Pain: S1
posterior leg/calf, gluteus
Sensory loss: L4
median ankle
Sensory loss: L5
dorsum foot (between 1-2 toes)
Sensory loss: S1
plantar foot
Weakness: L4
ankle dorsiflexion
Weakness: L5
big toe extension; walking on heels difficult
Weakness: S1
plantar flexion; walking on toes difficult
Reflex diminished: L4
knee jerk; weak knee extension
Reflex diminished: L5
Reflex diminished: S1
loss of ankle jerk
Tx cauda equina:
neurosurgery and corticosteroids
Spinal stenosis is worse with?
extension (prolonged standing/walking)
Spinal stenosis is better wtih?
flexion (sitting/walking uphill)
Spinal stenosis tx:
lumbar epidural injection of corticosteroids
Gout is MC d/t
under excretion of uric acid
Which ARB does not cause gout?
What HTN meds increase risk of gout?
CXR gout:
mouse-bite or punched out erosions
only drug used in acute and chronic gout?
MC site of pseudogout
Tx of pseudogout
intraarticular steroids (1st), NSAIDs, colchicine (chronic: colchicine)
Tietze syndrome
localized palpable edema, heat, and erythema –> MC at 2nd and 3rd costochondral junctions
85% of ankle sprains involve?
collateral ligaments
MC ligament impacted by ankle sprain?
anterior talofibular
Main stabilizer during ankle inversion?
injured with ankle eversion?
Bell Palsy is a CN?
VII (7)/facial palsy
What virus has a strong association with Bell Palsy?
herpes simplex virus
Bell Palsy is MC on which side?
Bell palsy progression?
sudden onset of painless ear pain 24-48 hours –> unilateral facial paralysis (unable to wrinkle forehead), loss of nasolabial fold, decreased lacrimation
Bell phenomenon?
eye on affected side moves laterally and superiorly when eye closure attempted
Trigeminal neuralgia tx:
carbamazepine (tegretol)
cluster prophylaxis
essential tremor inheritance
What type of tremor is an essential tremor?
Essential tremor MC location?
UE and head
What tremor is relieved with alcohol?
essential tremor
Parkinson’s is d/t
dopamine depletion; failure to inhibit acetylcholine in basal ganglia
What type of tremor is assoc with Parkinson’s?
resting tremor (“pill rolling”); worse at rest
Gait associated with Parkinson’s?
shuffling gait; festination (increased speeding with walking)
Myerson’s sign
tapping bridge of nose repetitively causes sustained blink in Parkinson’s
Tx of Parkinson’s
Seizure assoc with bilateral symmetric 3 Hz spike