The end Flashcards
What is happening to the ventricles, atria, valves and on EKG strip during the first heart sound (S1)?
AV valves close because ventricular pressure exceeds atrial pressure.
Isovolumic contraction occurs due to rapid increase in ventricular pressure.
Occurs during QRS complex
What is happening to the ventricles, atria, valves and EKG strip during the second heart sound (S2)?
Ventricular depolarization (T wave), closing of semi-lunar valves [due to ventricular pressure falling below aortic], isovolumic relaxation, ventricular pressure declines until exceeded by atrial P
What happens during the ventricular filling phase to the atria, valves, and on EKG strip?
AV valves are open, aorta and pulmonic valves are closed, atrial contraction, P wave
What happens during the ventricular ejection phase to the atria, valves, and on EKG strip?
AV valves closed, aorta and pulmonary valves open, ventricular pressure rises suddenly and then declines once rate of evacuation of blood is greater than rate of ejection.
Towards end marks beginning of T wave.
What produces the S3 sound?
ventricular filling - seen in young and some pathologies
What produces the S4 sound?
atrial contraction get last bit of blood out
________ have ATPase activity and ______ are made up of monomer G-actin
thick filaments, thin filaments
Regulatory proteins are tightly bound to ______ on ____ filaments and are responsible for coupling of intracellular Ca++ transient to acto-myosin bridge cycling
actin, on thin filaments
Tropomyosin are two non-identical chains that lie in one of 2 groove formed by 2 actin polypeptide chains. What is their function?
allow or prevent interaction of actin and myosin
What three proteins make up the troponin complex and what is their function?
1) Troponin C = bind Ca++; contain 4 binding sites, I and II are specific for Ca++ and II and III bind both Ca++ and Mg++ and stablizing the troponin complex
2) Troponin I = inhibits interaction between actin and myosin [weaker than tropomyosin]
3) Troponin T = maintains the troponin complex by binding the other two
What enhances troponin I activity?
PKA phosphorylation –> inhibits cross-bridge cycling during diastole
PKA modulates EC coupling by phosphorylating 4 main target proteins? How?
How is PKA activated?
Ca++ channels, Ryr in SR, phospholamban (PLB), troponin
1) Ca++ channels = enhance open probability
2) Ryr in SR = stimulates Ca++ influx to increase Ryr channel activity which improves Ca++ release
3) Phospholamban(PLB) = normally represses activity of Ca++ ATPase pump and inhibits relaxation of Ca++ transient; once phosphorylated, repression removed.
4) Reduces affinity of troponin complex for Ca++ –> relaxation
PKA is activated by sympathetic stimulation by NE
The _____ of the sarcomere is the space where actin is absent
H zone
The sarcomere is the area between each ____ and poses a physical constraint on max myofibril shortening
Z line
The I band are thin, light areas that contain ______ and ______
Z lines, actin filaments
The ________ are opaque, dark areas consisting of ordered overlap between thick filaments, mainly ______
A bands, myosin
[also contain actin]
Describe what happens during sarcomere contraction
During contraction, actin and myosin filaments interact and actins are pulled toward center of each myosin myofilament.. The H zones disappear and the I band becomes very narrow.
Describe parasympathetic effect on heart rate and conduction velocity
Ach binds muscarinic receptors on the SA node, atria and AV node –>
- decrease heart rate (via dec in rate of phase 4 depol via dec If)
- decreased conduction velocity through AV node –> inc PR interval (dec inward ca++ current)
Describe sympathetic effect on heart rate and conduction velocity
- Norepinephrine acts on beta receptors.
- Increased HR by inc rate of phase 4 depol (inc If)
- Inc conduction velocity through AV node, dec PR interval (inc inward Ca++ current)
True/False: In an EKG, the signal travels from positive to negative leads
FALSE - negative to positive
Describe the arrangement of bipolar lead I
Left arm + and right arm negative [0]
Describe the arrangement of bipolar lead II
left foot + and right arm - [60]
Describe the arrangement of bipolar lead III
left foot + left arm - [120]
Describe the arrangement of avF
left foot positive, right and left arms have indiff electrode [90]
Describe the arrangement of avL
left arm +, indiff electrode by right arm and left foot [330]
Describe the arrangement of avR
right arm +, indiff electrodes on left foot and eft arm [210]
Describe the location and attachments to fibrous skeleton of the heart
- in the coronary sulcus
- all muscles and ventricles sweep up in a circular or oblique fashion and attach to the fibrous skeleton
- All valves of the heart are embedded in the same plane of fibrous skeleton
- The fibrous skeleton provides for attachment of the cardiac muscle fibers of atria and ventricles and acts as an insulator
- penetrated by AV bundle that is the only connecting link between atrial and ventricular muscle
Pain sensations from the heart are carried on _______ fibers whose cell bodies are found in the ______
sympathetic, dorsal root ganglia
The inferior vena cava is derived from the ______
right vitelline vein
The superior vena cava is derived from the _______
right anterior cardinal vein
The coronary sinus and oblique vein of the left atrium are derived from the ____
left sinus horn
The sinus venarum is derived from the _______
right sinus horn
What remains of the umbilical arteries in the adult human?
internal iliac arteries and medial umbilical ligaments
What remains of the umbilical vein?
ligamentum teres of liver
What remains of the ductus venosus?
ligamentum venosum
Describe cross-bridge cycling in smooth muscle
A rise in cytoplasmic Ca++ binds to Ca++ binding protein calmodulin and activates MLCK. MLCK phosphorylates MLC20 and facilitates actin binding and cross-bridge cycling.
Phosphorylation of MLC20 is balanced by MLCP.
MLCP dephosphorylates MLC20 –> reduces cross-bridging cycling –> muscle relaxation
Describe the hydrostatic and osmotic pressures along the skeletal muscle capillary
The capillary osmotic pressure stays constant.
The hydrostatic pressure is higher at the beginning of the capillary [pushing fluid out - net filtration] then becomes lower than osmotic pressure towards the end [bringing fluid back in - net reabsorption]
Describe the hydrostatic pressure and plasma oncotic pressure in the glomerular capillary. How does this compare to the tubular hydrostatic P?
The glomerular hydrostatic P is constant and stays high
The tubular hydrostatic P is constant and states low.
The plasma oncotic P falls in the middle and rises to a max that is below glomerular hydrostatic P.
As a consequence, high capillary filtration and low reabsorption.
What keeps glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressure high?
efferent arteriole
What are the three main systems that regulate systemic arterial pressure?
1) sympathetic nervous system
2) RAS
3) renal sodium handling
True/False: Pulmonary circulation has a considerable effect on systemic arterial pressure
Describe norepinephrine’s effect on a) pulse pressure b) systolic blood pressure c) diastolic blood pressure d) mean arterial P e) heart rate
increases PP, DP, SP, MAP
dec HR
Describe isoproternol’s effect on a) pulse pressure b) systolic blood pressure c) diastolic blood pressure d) mean arterial pressure e) heart rate
dec DP, MAP
inc HR, PP
mixed effect on systolic bp
True/False: Blood flow to the coronary vessels increases during exercise
What is the difference between noreepinephrine and epinephrine at high doses? at low doses?
at high doses, epinephrine increases PP more and increases HR
at low doses, epi decreases diastolic P
What are dopamines effects on a) renal blood flow, b) cardiac output, c) TPR, MAP
a) at low doses, inc renal blood flow via D1
b) at medium doses, increases cardiac output via B
c) at high doses, increases TPR and MAP via alpha
True/False: Resistance vessels are regulated by parasympathetic innervation
FALSE - receive very little parasympathetic innervation
At rest, what two organs receive greater portions of cardiac output than heart?
liver and skeletal muscle
Autoregulation is well developed in renal, coronary and cerebral systems. In what system is it not well developed?
The skin
How can NSAIDs lead to renal failure?
Normally, if there is a real or perceived decrease in extracellular fluid volume entering the kidney then there is an increase in angiotensin II and sympathetic activity.
There is a balance between contraction of renal arterioles and dilation of arterioles [via release of prostaglandins] to optimize RBF. When NSAIDS block release of prostaglandins - arteriole dilation inhibited so renal blood flow sinks and ta-da renal failure
What are the three factors that regulate renin release?
decrease in stretch of afferent arteriole
decrease in macula densa NaCl activity
increase in sympathetic nerve activity
Describe autoregulation of renal blood flow
a) myogenic mechanism= renal afferent arterioles contract in response to stretch - increased renal arterial pressure stretches the arterioles which contract and increase resistance to maintain constant blood flow
b) tuberoglomerular feedback = increased renal arterial pressure –> inc delivery of fluid to macula densa –> constriction of nearby afferent arteriole –> inc R to maintain constant blood flow
Describe tuberoglomerular feedback in detail.
A decrease in arterial P leads to a decrease in glomerular hydrostatic pressure and dec in GFR.
Ascending limb reabsorbs more NaCl due to decreased flow.
When flow reaches macula densa in distal tubule, sense decrease in NaCl.
Macula densa cells have a Na/K/Cl ATPase that produces a certain amount of adenosine at normal [NaCl] levels. This adenosine stimulates receptors on mesangial cells which leads to contraction of the afferent arteriole.
In low [NaCl], not much adenosine being made, so decreased contraction of afferent arterioles.
There is an increase in renin release which leads to increase efferent arteriole contraction [R]
Therefore, system adjusts itself to increase GFR
Describe the change in ICF/ECF in response to careless admin of saline.
There is no change in osmolarity that would allow H2O to flow in and out of cells. ECF increases with no change in ICF.
Overall, expansion of ECF only
Describe the change in ICF/ECF in response to compulsive water drinking
Hypotonic [have to drink mass quant]
Dec in estracell osm –> expands ECF –> higher intracellular particle concn –> water goes into cells –> expands ICF. Cells swell.
Overall, expansion of both ICF and ECF
Describe the change in ECF/ICF in response to drinking sea water.
Inc in extracell osmolarity –> extra particles will draw H2O out of cell –> cells and ICF shrink –> ECF expands –> leads to xs thirst and dry tongue
Describe the change in ECF/ICF in response to hemorrhage.
Contracts ECF compartment
Describe the change in ECF/ICF in response to adrenocortical insufficiency [Addison’s dz]
Aldosterone normally stimulates Na+/K+ pump. When absent, Na+ enters urine –> saline diuresis. Salt loss in xs of H2O.
Therefore, osm in ECF decreases –> causes intracell osm to increase –> water enters cells –> ICF expands.
Overall, ECF contracts and ICF expands.
Describe the change in ECF/ICF with diabetes insipidus.
With diabetes insipidus, dec in ADH, therefore lose water.
Increases extracellular osmolarity so water shifts out of cells BUT you’re continually losing water because you don’t have ADH so hahaha doesnt matter
ECF and ICF decrease.
What is the primary place for water reabsorption in the kidney?
papillary/medullary collecting duct
Blood vessels control their diameter via smooth muscle except for in what instance?
capillaries - single layer of endothelial cells
Why do AV valves close during filling of atria?
lack of P gradient
Pressure in what part of the cardiovascular system directly measures blood pressure?
Describe the normal delays in conduction of electrical impulse in the heart.
AV node delays activation of ventricles by 120ms.
Bundle of his has a 30-120ms delay in receiving signal from AV node.
What happens in the case of LBBB as far as conduction of electrical impulse?
Right ventricle has to excite left so pattern of excitation shifted to the right [signal normally transmitted to bundle of his down to purkinje fibers]
List in order from highest to lowest for impulse generation:
AV node, purkinje, SA node, His bundle branch
SA node, AV node, His bundle branches, Purkinje Fibers
Why does tetanus not occur in cardiac muscle cells?
effective refractory period is too long
[even if it wasn’t - cells would die because wouldn’t refill enough]
True/False: SA and AV node cells generate an upstroke that is slower than atrial, purkinje and ventricular cells
Conductance of what ion determines RMP?
The resting membrane potential of ventricular, atrial and purkinje cells is -80 to -90. Why is this slightly more positive than the K+ equilibrium potential if K+ matters so damn much?
Na+ permeability
Describe the action potential in ventricular, atrial and purkinje cells
Phase 0 = upstroke, increase in Na+ conductance, increase in Na+ inflow, depolarization
Phase 1 = brief repol due to K+ out [Ito channels active at 30mV]
Phase 2 = plateau caused by in Ca++ conductance and K+ conductance [via delayed rectifier, 20mV] canceling each other out
Phase 3 = repolarization due to dec Ca++ conductance and inc K+ conductance [dominates]. Lrg outward K+ current [Ik1 - neg 20mV]
Phase 4 = RMP. Stable MP due to perm across IK1 channels.
The duration and potential of which phase of action potential in ventricular, atrial and purkinje cells determines amount of force by muscle?
Phase 2
Describe action potential in the SA node.
Phase 0= inc Ca++ conductance
Phase 3=repolarization. Phases 1+2 skipped bc of activation of Ica w/ progressive activn of Ik leads to rapidly repol.
Phase 4=diastolic depol. Ik declines and If increases until threshold potential hit.
How does Na+ play a role in SA node action potential?
In phase 4, Ifunny channels allow increase in Na+ conductance. They are turned on by hyperpolarization to -40mV of membrane during axn potential.
The _____ is the most negative membrane potential during diastole
maximum diastolic potential, -55 to -60mV
The conduction velocity is inversely proportional to __________. KNOW DIS.
Also, where is conduction velocity quickest and slowest?
resting membrane potential
Quickest in purkinje, slowest in AV node.