The Emerge Of Communist Dictatorship 1917-1941 Flashcards
When was the communist revolution
October 1917
How did the Bolsheviks consolidate there power fast ( briefly)
Act first and justify later
Pragmatism over ideology
What did Lenin and Trotsky assume that the Bolshevik seizure of power would spark?
Similar revolutions elsewhere. Particularly in Germany
What was the Bolsheviks relationship like with Germany
Although ideologically the Bolsheviks were committed to rousing the German workers and soldiers against their Imperial government the Bolsheviks were simultaneously committed to pursuing peace with Germanys government. This was despite knowing that piece would only strengthen the Imperial government they wished to destroy.
What did the the Germany want in return from Russia due to them pulling out of the war
What did this cause between the Bolshevik party
A large part of Russian territory
This caused a split between the Bolsheviks, with Bukharin leading the ‘revolutionary war group’ wanting to pursue war to defend socialism and Russia itself however this would have been betraying he promises that the Bolsheviks made to the people when seizing power
What was Trotskys solution when leaving the war
What was Lenins decision
What happened as a result of this
“Neither peace nor war”
Lenin took a more pragmatic view and argued for the acceptance of the German terms.
The treaty of Brest- litovsk was signed in March 3rd 1918
Why was the signing of Brest litovski significant for the Bolsheviks
It was important in making the future direction of the soviet state to start with ‘socialism at home’ instead of the spread of international revolution.
What parts of Russian territory were lost to Germany
Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania which became independent republics and Poland became an independent state
Semi independent governments were set up in Georgia, Belarus and the Ukraine.
How much did Russia loose when pulling out of war
1/6 of its population ( 62 million people ) and two million square kilometres of land including the area that produced 1/3 of Russia’s agricultural produce. 26% of Russia’s railway lines and 74% of its iron ore and coal supplies were taken.
What would lenins conventional Marxist government mean
That government would be in the hands of he people. He used the slogan “ all power to the soviets”
What did Lenin suggest in “state and revolution” ( written before the October Revolution)
That the Bolsheviks government ruled in their interests of the People would support it. He spoke of an expansion of democracy with “the people” managing their own affairs and a reduction in state bureaucracy.
What did Lenin sideline in order to form the bolshevik only sovnarkom and why
What did this show
Sidelined- the Petrograd soviet
Why- as it contained non Bolshevik socialists
His showed he had no intention of sharing power with other socialists particularly the Mensheviks and social revolutionaries
When the sovnarkom was created who’s power decreased
The sovnarkom met once or twice a week and he soviet started to meet less and less frequently, through this its power was undermined.
Why did kamenev and Zinoviev temporarily resign
As Lenin had created a purely Bolshevik state and was so hostile to any further suggestions of power sharing. They favoured a broad socialist government.
What was the reaction when Lenin abolished the constituent assembly in January 1918
How did he reason the abolishment
Civilians demonstrated against his actions and they were fired and 12 were killed.
” the dissolution of the constituent assembly means the complete and open repudiation of democracy in favour of dictatorship. This will be a valuable lesson”
Why did the Bolsheviks adopt the title “ communist party”
The left wing social revolutionaries walked out of the sovnarkom in protest against the treaty of Brest- Litovsk
When was the Cheka created
Why was their a civil war
The new communist state became even more firmly associated with terror and repression as the Bolsheviks fought against their political enemies the whites
What did the Civil War demand from the Bolsheviks
Obedience and for the party to be tightened.
What happened to the economy during the Civil War and how was terror used
New central controls were brought in to manage the economy this was known as war communism to deal with food shortages.
Terrorwas used systematically to enforce the stringent new measures and eradicate opposition.
How did opinions towards ethnic minority is change during the years of the civil war
Earlier supporter of national self-determination for the ethnic minority is was abandoned and all independence movements were denounced as counter revolutionary. The demands for greater independence in Georgia from 1922 were brutally crushed, on the orders of Stalin who was a Georgian himself.
What happened to the Mensheviks after the civil war
Julius Martov the Menshevik leader left the country. The arrest of 500 for counter revolutionary activity is destroyed this group as a political force.