The Elizabethan Age (1558-1603) Definitions Flashcards
Privy Council
A group of advisors chosen by Elizabeth to advise her and help her run the government.
Royal Court
Elizabeth’s closest advisers (many of whom were also in the Privy Council) including family members, noblemen, noble ladies (also known as ladies in waiting) i.e close friends, confidants and attendants. Royal Court was the centre of all political power.
Personal staff of Elizabeth (including most members of the Royal Court and servants).
The people who attended the Royal Court.
The power to appoint people to an important job or position in return for their loyalty.
Divine Right
The belief that the monarch has the right to rule because they are chosen by God.
Extremely poor, unable to get food and/ or shelter.
A person who survived through a life of crime.
Refused to attend Church, usually an extreme Catholic.
A college that trains students to be priests, ministers or rabbis.
Seminary Priests
Trained Catholic Priests.
A member of the Roman Catholic Society of Jesus of Roman Catholic Priests. They performed missionary work.
Religious missions, promoting faith in foreign countries.
Hang, draw and quarter
Punishment for treason, very harsh.
To plot against the monarch. The most severe of crimes.
Spanish navy attacking and invading England.
Spanish or Catholic Inquisition
The persecution of Protestants in Spain by Phillip II.
Impotent poor
The deserving poor. Genuinely unable to work due to age, hardship etc. It was recognised that they were in need of poor relief.
Able bodied poor
Undeserving poor. Those considered capable of work but who were either unable or unwilling to find employment. Belief that they should be encouraged/ forced to work to prevent them from begging.
Beggars. A person without a settled home or regular work who wanders from place to place and lives by begging.
Alms houses
A house founded by charity, offering accommodation for poor people.
Wandering. A person who wanders from place to place without a home or job.