Germany In Transition (1919-1939) - Nazi Economic, Social And Racial Policy Flashcards
How did Hitler control the workforce?
Nazi Trade Union (DAF) - German Labour Front
Disagree with Hitler sent to concentration camps
Don’t have freedom to vote (dictatorship)
Hitler got rid of all Trade Unions - noone to protect the workers
Hitler is Fuhrer and can control anyone
Who were the Leading Nazis involved in the Economic Policy?
Dr Schact looked after the economy when the Nazis came to power in 1933, he did a lot to sort out the economic crisis in Germany but fell out with Hitler
Need for iron and steel increased - German production tripled 1933-39
Economic war policy
Increased spending on rearmament
German army increased
Schact resigned in 1936 and was replaced by Goering - Schact wasn’t preparing for war quickly enough
Goering in charge of 4 year plan - ready for war in 4 years
How did Hitler keep the workforce happy?
Start payment towards the new Volkswagen people’s car - no cars delivered because the money was used for war production
Strength through Joy (KDF) organised leisure time for workers - reward for working so hard
Holidays including weekend trips and cruises, hiking, expeditions and sports fixtures
Films, shows, concerts and museum trips
SdA was set up to persuade employers to improve working condition - organised campaigns
Provided at cut cost - ordinary workers more opportunities
How did Hitler reduce unemployment?
7000 miles of autobahns built - 1933-38 18.4 billion marks - 37.1 billion marks
Built schools, hospitals and houses
The Nazis put hundreds of thousands of people into concentration camps - makes unemployment appear lower
Women and Jews were forced to give up jobs - not eligible to work
18-25 year olds had to do 2 years military service and 6 months in National Labour Service (RAD)
By 1939, armaments jobs 3.5-26 billion marks
1/2 a million unemployed in the Labour Service
1.3 million men in the armed forces, need peacetime jobs
Employed in SS, SA, Gestapo
Public works programme, far too expensive to afford for long
In 1933, how many people were unemployed?
6 million
What were the National Service Corps (RAD)?
18-25 year old men had to do 2 years military service and 6 months in the RAD
Didn’t count in unemployment figures
Built autobahns, schools, hospitals, 1936 Olympic stadium
6 months in camps with small pay
As many jobs as possible
Manual Labour was favoured
What was the German Labour Front (DAF)?
All other trade unions banned.
DAF was the Nazi Trade Union
It set wages and kept people working long hours
Followed wishes of employers not employees
What was Strength through Joy (KdF)?
Organised leisure time - film shows, concerts, theatre trips, sports fixtures, holidays
Invest in Volkswagen cars but never received them
Dr Robert Ley in charge
What was Beauty of Labour (SdA)?
Tried to improve working conditions
Organised building of canteens, sports facilities and swimming pools
It organised better lighting and heating in the workplace
These improvements had to be made by workers in their spare time
What were the Nazi expectations of women?
Three Ks - children, kitchen, church
Not expected to wear makeup or trousers
Couldn’t dye hair or smoke in public
Discouraged from being slim - it was thought slim women had trouble giving birth
Emulate traditional peasant fashions - plain peasant costumes, hair in plaits or buns, flat shoes
Lebensborn - women can volunteer to have a baby for an SS member
Law for the Encouragement of Marriage 1933 - newlywed couples loaned 1,000 marks - could keep 250 marks for each child they had
High birth rate - Mother’s Cross - 5=bronze, 6/7=silver, 8+=gold
Law for Reduction of Unemployment - financial incentives to stay at home
Female labour was cheap
Between 1933 and 39 employment of women rose by 2.4 million
Women discouraged from working
Not conscripting women until 1943
Equal voting rights in 1920s led to a rise in women professionals
What did Hitler call his Nazi Empire?
The Thousand Year Reich
What did Lebensborn mean?
Fountain of life
In 1937 what were women encouraged to do?
Go back to the work place
What two things did teachers have to do?
Join Nazi Teachers League
Swear an oath to Hitler
When did it become compulsory to join the Hitler Youth?