The Economy: Show Me The Money Flashcards
Business cycle
Fluctuations between expansion & recession which is a part of modern capitalist economies
Two types of state involvement in the economy
- laissez-faire: “hands-off”, allows to go free
- interventionist state
What type of proach does the national gov’t have?
A mixed
Economic conditions
- inflation
- economic stability
- recession
Inflation (too hot)
A rise in the general price levels of the economy
Economic stability (just right)
A situation in which there is economic growth, rising national income, high employment, & steadiness in the general level of prices
Recession (too cold)
A short-term decliné in the economy that occurs as investment sags, production falls off, and unemployment increases
2 types of governmental economic policy
- fiscal policy
- monetary policy
Fiscal policy
-federal gov’t policies on taxes, spending & debt management
Who controls fiscal policy
Congress & president control fiscal policy
3 types of taxes
- progressive: more $ you make, the higher the % you pay
- regressive: more $ you make, the lower the % you pay
- flat: everyone pays the same rate
16th amendment
Allows congress to collect income tax
What is the average rate an American pay ?
Budget terms
- deficit: spend more money then you have
- surplus:more more money
- balance budget: an equal budget; spend equal amount
- debt: all the deficits added together
U.S. debt = $21 trillion
Which country is in the most debt?
Federal budget 2916 (estimated)
- revenue: $3.3 trillion
- expenditures: $4 trillion
Monetary policy
-federal gov’t policy regulating the notions money supply & interest rates
The Federal Reserve System
-independent agency created in 1913 to regulate monetary policies. Controlled by the federal reserves board (a.k.a the “Fed”) made of 7 members who serve for 14 yrs. Members are nominated by the president & confirmed by the senate. Lead by a chairman appointed for 4 years
3 methods the “Fed” controls monetary policies
- reserve requirements: control the banks
- discount rate: interest rate which Fed charges the bank
- open market operations: sell & buy T-bills
Consumer Price Index (CPI)
An index measuring inflation
Migration of drives to an external provider
Out sourcing to a different nation in order to take advantage of lower labor costs
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Total market value of all final goods& services produced in a country on a given year. GDP for the U.S. in 2017 was $19.4 trillion
Dow Jones index
Index at the total weighted value of 30 blue chips stocks
How much is Dow Jones worth ?
25000 points