The Dumas Flashcards
Important people in this period are:
Peter Stolypin
Tsarina Alexandra
Stolypin =
Prime Minsiter 1906-1911
Tsarina Alexandra=
Tsar Nicholas’ wife
She ran the government during WWI
Advisor to the Tsar and Tsarina
The Dumas occured between 1906-
Nicholas II introduced what in 1906 to reassert his authority?
The Fundamental Law of the Russian Empire
The Fundamental law stated 5 things:
2) The Tsar could govern by ISSUING DECREES
3) The Council of State would be set up (a parliamentary body made up of Tsarist sympathisers)
4) Laws proposed by the Duma had to be APPROVED by the COUNCIL OF STATE and the TSAR (reform seemed unlikely)
5) Government ministers were APPOINTED BY THE TSAR and only had to answer to him - not the Duma
The 1st Duma occured…
April-June 1906
The 1st Duma was made up of 4 main parties:
Trudoviks (represented peasants and workers)
Octobrists (Moderate-loyal to the Tsar)
Progressives (New party made up of businessmen)
Kadets (Supported by intellectuals and professionals)
Nicholas refused their demands and after 72 days he…
Dissolved the Duma
After the dissolution of the 1st Duma, deputies gathered in Finland and appealed to the Russian people to…
Protest the dissolution of the Duma
Nicholas responded by arresting the deputies and banning them from standing for election in the future
2nd duma occured…
Feb-June 1907
Parties present in the 2nd duma =
Number of kadet deputied dropped
SRs, Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks gained seats
Summary of 2nd duma =
Passed important land reform proposed by Stolypin
Existed in a state of almost constant uproar
Lasted just 4 months
3rd Duma occured…
Nov 1907- June 1912
Parties present in 3rd duma =
Electoral system revised, peasants lost vote, meant deputies fairly conservative
The Octobrists were the largest party present
Summary of the 3rd Duma=
More right-wing, so prepared to work with the government rather than challenge it
Most proposals from the government were passed, e.g. further land reforms presented by Stolypin and a fairly progressive system of insurance for factory workers
Lasted over 4 years
4th Duma lasted…
Nov 1912 - Feb 1917
Parties present in 4th duma =
Dominated by the Octobrists and other right-wing parties
Summary of 4th Duma:
Worked with the government until the outbreak of war in Aug 1914
But its significance changed dramatically as the war progressed
The 3rd and 4th Dumas made some progress, 5 key points are:
1) The hated system of Land Captains was replaced by the Justices of the Peace
2) There was a massive increase in educational provision for students of all ages
3) Political parites which had been attacked by the Tsars and the Okhrana were now LEGAL
4) The debates which took place in the Dumas were widely reported and discussed in the press
5) Nichola II apeared to change his attitude towards the Dumas. 1906- he wrote that he SPAT on the idea of a CONSTITUTION, 6 years late he wrote ‘The Duma started TOO FAST. Now it is SLOWER, but BETTER, and more LASTING’