Russia and WWI Flashcards
Weaknesses were highlighted by the war. Externally they looked like a force to be reckoned with, but internally its military, society and government were falling apart. The war highlighted weaknesses in Russia’s government and society which contributed to the downfall of the Tsar…
- Armed forces
- Transport
- The Economy
- Nicholas and Alexandra
- Political opposition
(Armed forces) Initial enthusiasm for the war was shattered by…
2 early defeats at Tannenburg and the Masaurian Lakes 1914
(Armed forces) The armed forces became demoralised and undisciplined for many reasons:
- Poor conditions
- Insufficient food supplies
- Lack of rifles and ammunition
- Military hospitals often filthy
- Insufficient medical supplies
- Military command structure was inefficient (officers chose because of their SOCIAL POSITION rather than their MILITARY ABILITIES)
(Transport) The railway system transported troops and military equipment - the needs of the army took priority.
The railways were…
overloaded in peacetime and by 1919 the system had virtually collapsed
(Transport) Armament factories were producing plenty of supplies but the state of the railways meant that they…
couldn’t be delivered: not enough food getting through
1916 food shortages were widespread and many people i towns were left…
(Economy) in 1914 the government abandoned the gold standard, this left the government free to…
print as many bank notes as they wanted - INFLATION, wages could not keep up with rapidly rising prices
(Economy) By 1916 peasants realised that because of inflation it wasn’t worth selling their grain, so they started …
hoarding it
(Economy) Russia’s main ports for exporting good were blockaded, which added to the…
government’s economic difficulties
(N+A) In september 1915, Nicholas II appointed himself?
Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces, meaning he was away from Petrograd for long periods of time
(N+A) Nicholas appointed Alexandra to supervise the government in his place, because she was German it was rumoured she was passing…
Military secrets to her German relatives
(N+A) Alexandra constantly changed ministers, causing…
instability in the government
Rasputin strongly influenced…
The aristocracy and officials felt threatened by Rasputin’s…
importance at court and his power over the royal family
(Political opposition) In 1914 most political parties supported the war effort and the Duma was…
(PO)1915 failures in the war forced Nicholas to recall…
the Duma
(PO) The recalled Duma repeated the demands of the 1st Duma…
A government which had NATIONAL SUPPORT and which would be ANSWERABLE TO THE DUMA
(PO) Nicholas rejected the proposal of the Duma and the Duma parties united to form the..
Progressive Bloc, which continued to press for CHANGES in the running of the war
(PO) 1915 Zemgor was formed to help with the war effort. It provided:
supplies for hospitals
helped to organise smaller industries in towns and villages
(PO) Nicholas was suspicious of the PO and…
refused to work with it