the domestic division of labour topic 1 Flashcards
what does functionalist Parsons say about conjugal roles
that they were first segregated in traditional Nuclear Families- the husband performs and instrumental role and the women performs an expressive role
what does expressive role mean- done by the women
she is the housemaker, carer and nurturer
what does Parsons say about division of labour (2)
- that it is based on biological differences and
- that the division of labour is beneficial to both men and women, their children and society
what do functionalists Willmott and Young say
-that more women are involved in paid work and so men are more involved in HW
what do Willmott and Young say about relationships
that they are becoming more equal and symmetrical
what do feminists say about Parson’s view on the division of labour
- that it benefits men
- they reject the idea of relationships becoming more equal and symmetrical
what do feminists argue about domestic work and the role of women
-that the domestic division of labour is unequal and gender-specific
what is Willott and Young’s march of progress view on the family
-see the family has improved for all its members, becoming more equal and democratic
what did Willmott and Young’s book ‘The Symmetrical family’ argue about
-that the privatised home-centred family which was becoming the norm appeared to be far more family-orientated and symmetrical in relation to domestic, work and leisure activities
what does the ‘principle of stratified diffusion’ mean
- that an emerging trend starts with middle class people then works its way down to the working class people. when this happens it is classed as the ‘norm’
what did Willmott and Young believe would make relationships more symmetrical
if women worked outside of the home in paid employment
what did Willlmott and Young believe would would happen to women if they worked in paid employment
it would increase their bargaining position in the home and encourage males to participate in domestic labour
what did Willmott and Young say about the availability of labour saving devices such as washing machines etc
that it reduced the time spent on domestic labour which made more men contribute to house work as it was easier and quicker
what did Wimmott and Young find evidence on symmetry in
couples who were younger and geographically mobile
why do feminists disagree with the march of progress view (3)
- because mean and women remain unequal within the family
- conjugal roles are defined by gender
- and greater priority is given to male’s paid work
why do feminists believe that little has changed in the family with regard to domestic labour
because the family and society are patriarchal- women occupy a subordinate and dependent role within the family and wider society
what did Oakley (feminist) criticise about Willmott and Young’s work
-that 72% of men in their research ‘helped’ with HW, other than washing up and ironing- this does not prove symmetry
what did Oakley find out that men were involved in
- childcare
- house work
what statistics found out by Oakley criticises the fact that relationships were not symmetrical and egalitarian
- 15% of husbands had a high level of participation in HW
- 25% had a high level of participation in childcare