The Crucible Flashcards
Why has Reverend Parris sent for a doctor as the play begins?
His daughter Betty is sick-like a coma
What advice does the doctor send back?
The doctor can’t discover a medicine in his book, he should look for an unnatural reason
What does Parris question his niece Abigail about?
If her name in the village is white-is her reputation good
What did Parris see in the woods the previous night?
The dress and someone naked
What has Elizabeth Proctor said about Abigail?
It’s been heard she won’t sit next to someone so spoiled
Why does Abigail say she was dismissed by the Proctor’s?
She is hated by them, she refuses to work for the Proctors, bitter, lying, cold, sniveling woman
What rumors have circulated the town about Betty Parris? What proof later occurs that “proves” that she is a witch?
Have you seen her fly?
Who does Abigail accuse of conjuring spirits at this point?
What does Betty Parris reveal about what happened in the woods?
Abigail drank blood as a charm to kill Elizabeth
What threat does Abigail make to the other girls?
She threatens that if they speak out, she will come stab them in the middle of the night, physically harm them
What happened in the past between John Proctor and Abigail? How does each of them feel about it now?
They had an affair, John stops, Abigail still goes after him
How does John Proctor feel about Reverend Parris?
Does not like him. Does not mention God anymore. Does not like how he runs the Church
What is the disputed between John Proctor and Thomas Putnam?
Land and boundaries
Why is Reverend Hale in Salem?
Called by Parris to stop rumors of witchcraft, witch expert
What does Giles Corey reveal to Reverend Hale?
His wife reads strange books at night. He thinks it is witchcraft
When Abigail is questioned by Reverend Hale, who does she blame? What proof does she offer?
Tituba, Tituba has made her laugh while praying
What ultimatum is Tituba given?
Confess, bless Lord, name others. (or be hanged)
Who does Tituba accuse of being a witch?
Sarah Good, Sarah Osborn
Why does Abigail start accusing people at this point?
Tituba saves herself by confessing Abigail does the same thing
Why does Betty Parris start accusing people?
Does what Tituba and Abigail did
Why has Mary Warren disobeyed her employers and gone to Salem?
She thinks she is more important than a servant now. Has been named an official of the court
What did Abigail Williams reveal to John Proctor? Elizabeth reminds him of this
That it was all sport. The girls were just playing in the woods. No witchcraft was involved.
Why hasn’t John told the court what he knows?
He is afraid he won’t be able to prove it because everyone thinks the girls are saints. Revered and feared. He worries he will have to prove what she said while they were alone
What lie did John Proctor tell to Elizabeth which makes her more suspicious of him?
He didn’t tell Elizabeth that he was alone with Abigail when they talked
What news does Mary Warren reveal to John and Elizabeth about the trials?
Goody Osborn will hand, Goody Good confessed
How does Mary Warren behave toward her employers?
Embraces her new authority, demands John’s and Elizabeth’s respect because she is an “official of the court”
What does Mary Warren mean when she says, “I saved her life today!”?
Abigail has accused Elizabeth of witchcraft, but Mary claims she has never seen any indication of it. The court dismisses accusation because of this
What does Elizabeth realize when she finds out that she has been accused?
Abigail wants her dead so she can have John
What does Elizabeth ask John to do?
John should go to Salem and tell the court what Abigail had said to him about incident in woods
Why does Reverend Hale visit the Proctors?
Investigating stories and rumors heard in court. He was at Rebecca Nurse’s house earlier.
Hoe does John Proctor response to questions about why he has not been to Church?
Claims his wife has been sick, he does not agree with Parris on theological matters. (“I see no light of God in that man”), he thinks Parris is too concerned with material possessions
What does Reverend Hale ask Proctor to do?
To say the Ten Commandments
What information does John Procotr reveal to Reverend Hale?
Mr. Parris saw them “sportin” in the woods. They were scared and became sick.
What does Reverend Hale want John to do with this information?
Hale thinks John should testify in court.
What news does Giles Corey reveal to the Proctors and Reverend Hale?
Giles says his wife, Martha, and Rebecca Nurse have been taken to jail
What has Rebecca Nurse been accused of?
The marvelous and supernatural murder of Goody Putnam’s babies
Why has Martha Corey been accused?
Walcott - a neighbor claims Martha has bewitched his pigs (killing them) with her books
Why do Ezekial Cheever and Marshal Herrick arrive at the Proctor home?
They have a warrant to arrest Elizabeth
What does John ask Mary Warren to do? Why is Mary so afraid to do as he asks?
He wants her to explain to the court that she made the poppet - not Elizabeth, she says Abigail will kill her
Why does Mary Warren warn John about testifying against Abigail? What does John decide to do?
Mary tells John that if he testifies against her, she will “charge lechery” and ruin him, he tells Mary that they will both testify in court against Abigail. Although it will ruin him, he can’t allow Elizabeth to die.
As act 3 opens, what accusation does Giles Corey make?
Is reaching out for land. Killing his own neighbors to get land
What news do we learn about Rebecca Nurse?
Rebecca Nurse is not only mentioned, but condemned. She has been killed. She was found guilty of witchcraft.
When John Proctor arrives at court with Mary Warren, what does Reverend Parris accuse him of?
Has been accused of trying to overthrow the court
What two pieces of evidence are brought out against Proctor in regard to his Christian nature?
He doesn’t go to Church and he plows on Sundays
What news does Danforth tell John Proctor about Elizabeth? What deal does he try to make with him?
Elizabeth is pregnant. She will be able to live for a year because they won’t kill the baby
What is going to happen to the 91 people who signed the testament stating a good opinion of Elizabeth, Martha Corey, and Rebecca Nurse?
They will be arrested and questioned
What is Giles Corey’s proof that Thomas Putnam is “reaching out for land.”? Why won’t he reveal his source?
Word of mouth from an honest man. He doesn’t want that person to go to jail.
What happens to Giles Corey?
Arrested and charged with contempt of court
What is Reverend Hale’s advice to John Proctor as he is about to read his disposition before the court?
He needs to get a lawyer
What does Danforth think Mary Warren’s appearance in the court might be?
Mary’s appearance in court may be that Satan’s trying to overthrow the court
When Mary Warren says she pretended to faint in court, what is she asked to do? What is the result?
Faints, she can’t
What does Abigail do when suspicion that she might be pretending falls on her?
Evades or attacks
What does John Proctor do to discredit her?
Confesses by calling her out for a whore
Who is called to back up John’s testimony? What happens?
Elizabeth, she lies
What happens when Reverend Hale states that Abigail has always seemed false to him?
She pretends the bird is attacking
What is Mary Warren’s reaction to Abigail’s performance?
She cracks, blames Proctor
What does Hale to when Proctor is arrested?
He quits the court
Why has Reverend Hale returned to Salem?
To help those who are themselves accused
What is Reverend Hale advising the condemned to do?
Confess to witchcraft
What does Reverend Parris reveal about his niece Abigail?
She has left, and taken his money
How does Andover differ from Salem?
Overthrow the court
How do the proposed hangings of Rebecca Nurse and John Proctor differ from the past executions?
They are higher up in the community. They are believed to be innocent
What does Reverend Parris want Danforth to do?
Pardon the condemned or at least postpone the trial
What does Reverend Hale want Danforth to do?
Pardon them (not enough time)
What does Reverend Hale mean when he says, “there is blood on my head!”?
He is blaming himself for some of the deaths, he knows he has been wrong
Why does Danforth refuse to postpone the hangings?
His reputation. He has already hanged 12.
What do Hale and Danforth request of Elizabeth Proctor?
Talk to John to get him to confess
What happens to Giles Corey?
Pressed to death with heavy stones for having no answer to his indictment
What is John’s excuse for confessing?
What is one more lie? Spite only keeps me. It is hard to give a lie to dogs. Nothing is spoiled by giving them this lie…
What is Elizabeth’s proof that John is a good man?
He has waited this long
How has Elizabeth changed since we first met her?
Elizabeth has realized that she, too, is at fault and that she can’t be John’s judge
After John confesses, what does Danforth want him to do?
Nail it to the wall of the Church
What does Hale attribute Proctor’s willingness to hang to?
Proctor’s pride
What does Elizabeth attribute it to?
More than pride. It is self-respect
Before the action of the play begins, Betty Parris and her friends
have been caught dancing in the woods
Why is Reverend Parris reluctant to tell people that someone in his house may be bewitched?
He feels that his enemies will destroy his repuation
Which of the following statements best describes Tituba?
She is a slave from Barbados who is devoted to Betty
Which of Abigail’s statements shows that she is not as harmless as she appears?
“I can make you wish you never saw the sun go down!”
What is Ann Putnam’s greatest grief?
Seven of her children died in infancy
Why is Reverend John Hale summoned?
He is an expert on witchcraft and can help Salem
Why does Reverend Nurse advise Parris to send Hale back immediately?
She knew Hale’s presence would frighten the people and cause upheaval
Betty is likely to be in a trancelike state most likely because
She fears punishment for being caught dancing in the woods
Why does Tituba confess to meeting with the Devil?
She feared she would be hanged if she didn’t confess
When Abigail threatens Betty, Abigail is motivated by her
fear of the villagers knowing everything they did in the woods
Why do the people “part like the sea” when Abigail walks in the court?
People fear Abigail’s power to accuse them
How does Mary Warren feel about her role in the court?
She enjoys the new power and status she has in the village
Which commandment does John forget when Hale asks him to recite the Ten Commandments?
Thou shalt not commit adultery
Reverend Hale doubts John Proctor’s religious faith mainly because Proctor
doesn’t attend Church regularly and one son isn’t baptized
Elizabeth says that Abigail accuses her of being a witch because Abigail
wants to get rid of Elizabeth so she can have John
What does Proctor mean when he says that his wife will never die for him?
He knows his adultery with Abigail has caused Elizabeth to be jailed
As Elizabeth is led away to jail, what does John demand of Mary Warren?
that she inform the court that Abigail is lying
What is unusual about the doll that Mary Warren makes for Elizabeth?
It has a needle stuck in its stomach
At the end of Act Two, Mary says she cannot tell the truth because she
is terrified of what Abigail will do to her
After reading Act Two, what can you conclude about Hale’s thoughts?
He is confident that the Devil is in Salem
Deputy Governor Danforth
seems proud and does not like his authority challenged
In Act Three, the person who begins to have doubts about the righteousness of the witch trials is
Rev. John Hale
When John Proctor appears at the General Court with evidence that the accusations are false,
Ezekial Cheever says that John plows on Sundays
What does Judge Hathorne ask Mary Warren to do in court that she cannot do?
What does John tell the court about his wife?
She will not lie
Parris’ concerns about the depositions presented suggest all of the following except that he
wants to see justice done
Abigail triumphs for all of the following reasons except
Hale denounces the proceedings
Elizabeth’s motivation for lying about John’s affair with Abigail is most likely that
she loves John and wants to protect him
Which two emotions dominate Proctor in Act 3?
guilt and outrage
Which line best expresses the most likely truth behind the trials?
“…private vengeance is working through this testimony!”
Why does Hale denounce the proceedings of the court?
He believes that Proctor and Mary are telling the truth
How do the girls in the courtroom terrorize Mary Warren?
They repeat everything she says
Why is Francis horrified when Danforth insists on questioning the people who signed the petition?
He fears harm will come to them
What does Abigail immediately do as soon as Danforth begins to question her?
She threatens Danforth
Danforth does not want to find out that the girls’ accusations are false most likely because he
will be blamed for the death of innocent people
What was the Inquisition?
Many people believed witches were among them, expose witchcraft
In order to convict someone of witchcraft, you first had to prove that he or she was a witch. What were some of the methods used to comdemn witches?
The Devil’s mark-the Devil would leave special marks, if no pain with a poke, it is unnatural.
Swimming test-witch’s float
Witchcraft hysteria gripped Salem, Massachusetts in 1962. Why was Salem particularly vulnerable to witch-hunts?
Puritans were constantly on the look out because of Satan and evil. Political instability hurt the Puritans. Endless strive is hard to maintain.
What is misogyny?
Puritan woman were supposed to be silent, submissive, at home, listening, hearing
The young women accused their neighbors on the grounds of spectral evidence. What was this spectral evidence?
Evidence that the person occurred in a different specter. Specter is only evident to person making acquisations
Why were specters so dangerous to use as evidence?
Accepting evidence from one person is dangerous
What was for role of status, or standing in the Salem community in the witch accusations and trials?
Low-standing people, beggars, drunks
Why did these young girls accuse so many people of witchcraft?
- ) For sport
- ) Power
- ) Fun
- ) Possibly genuinely believed they were possessed
- ) Personal benefit, property sold at auction
Uncle, we did dance; let you tell them I confessed it–and I’ll be whipped if I must be. But they’re speakin’ of witchcraft. Betty’s not witched
My name is good in the village! I will not have it said my name is so soiled! Goody Proctor is a gossiping liar!
I have laid seven babies unbaptized in the earth.
Mrs. Putnam
Oh, Abigail, what proper payment for my charity! Now I am undone!
Have you tried beatin’ her? I gave Ruth a good one and it waked her for a minute.
Abby, we’ve got to tell. Witchery’s a hangin’ error.
Mary Warren
You did, you did! You drank a charm to kill John Proctor’s wife! You drank a charm to kill Goody Proctor!
I may think of you softly from time to time. But I will cut off my hand before I ever reach for you again. Wipe it out of mind. We never touched.
Can you speak one minute without we land in Hell again? I am sick of Hell!
She sends her spirit on me in church; she makes me laugh at prayer.
Mr. Reverend, I do believe somebody else be witchin’ these children.
I danced for the Devil. I saw him’ I wrote in his book.
Spare me! You forget nothin’ and forgive nothin’. Learn charity, woman! I have gone tiptoe in this house all seven month since she is gone. I have not moved from there to there without I think to please you, and still an everlasting funeral marches round your heart.
I made a gift for you today…I had to sit long hours in a chair, and passed the time with sewing.
Mary Warren
Then go and tell her she’s a whore. Whatever they promise she may sense–break it.
This is a strange time, Mister. No man may longer doubt the powers of the dark are gathered in monstrous attack upon this village. There is too much evidence now to deny it.
Adultery, John.
For murder, she’s charged! “For the marvelous and supernatural murder of Goody Putnam’s babies.” What am I to do?
Francis, Mr. Nurse
I never said my wife were a witch; I only said she were reading books!
‘Tis hard proof! I find here a poppet Goody Proctor keeps. I have found it, sir. And in the belly of the poppet a needle’s stuck.
One must balance personal issues/responsibilities with ___ issues/responsibilities.
big problems stem from
little ones
Though the trial has religious and supernatural implications, Miller tends to show the troubles as stemming from recognizable human
They play illuminates the plight of the Puritans as they struggled to maintain their idyllic ____ of society and order
people tend to think in “black and white” and reduce complex issues to fit this ___
An _______ is a narrative that serves as an extended metaphor.
The difference between an allegory and a symbol is that an allegory is a complete narrative that conveys ____ ____ to get a point across, while a symbol is a representation of an idea or concept that can have a different _____ throughout a literary work
abstract ideas, meaning
John Proctor
The Law
Danforth and Hathorne
Goodness and Common Sense
Rebecca Nurse
Education, Learning, Rationality
Reverend Hale
Allegory is one to
A large, merciless girl who intimidates others and is the one who runs nude in the forest
Mercy Lewis
a slave from Barbados who is whipped until she names people who supposedly conspire with the devil
a timid, weak girl who gives in to the other girls’ false accusations against the innocent
Mary Warren
her husband mentions that she reads unapproved books and acts secretely at times
Martha Corey
a local reverend who seems to care more for wealth and prestige than for family and holiness
Samuel Parris
a woman known throughout New England for her good works and charity
Rebecca Nurse
Reverend Parris attended this college
name by Tituba as a witch only after Mr. Putnam supplies her with the name
Goody Osborne
the town famous for its Witch Trials and the setting of The Crucible
a neighboring town where the citizens begin to overthrow the courts
a young, inexperienced reverend who attempts to root out witches but ends p condemning others to die (causes him guilt and shame)
John Hale
the local constable who shows his shame by drinking to forget the pain; oversees the jail
Marshal Herrick
a jealous and bitter woman who has lost many babies early in their lives
Ann Putnam
man who speaks too loudly and often has a good heart; dies by being pressed
Giles Corey
she saw Mary Warren sew her poppet
Susan Walcott
a teenager whose desire for a married man dooms the village
Abigail Williams
a wealthy businessman who uses the Witch Trials to profit from
Thomas Putnam
a character who chooses moral goodness and spiritual purity despite consequences
John Proctor
a young girl who is first “afflicted” by spirits
Betty Parris
a man who condemns others to die after hearing their claims (a relative of Nathaniel Nawthorne’s)
Judge Hathorn
a man who gains wealth and respect on his own; Mr. Putnam is jealous of him
Francis Nurse
a stubborn, selfish man who would rather allow innocent people to die than admit any wrongdoing
a morally upright woman whose only lie dooms her husband and others
Elizabeth Proctor
a homeless woman accused and convicted of witchcraft
Sarah Good
a guard at the jail
a former friend of the Proctors who soon does the bidding of the unjust court
Ezekial Cheever
Speak nothin’ of it in the village Susanna
I would never hurt Betty. I love her darly
There is a faction that is sworn to drive me from my pulpit
I cannot blink what I saw, Abigail, for my enemies will not blink it
There be no blush about my name
…I have laid seven babies unbaptized in the earth
Mrs. Putnam
Oh, we’ll be whipped
Give me a word, John. A soft word
This is society will not be a bag to swing around your head, Mr. Putnam
We vote by name in this society, not by acreage
[A faction] Why, then, I must find it and join it
They [books] are weighted with authority
I go to God for you, sir
Rebecca Nurse
My baby’s blood?
Mrs. Putnam
I want to open myself
Spare me! You forget nothin and forgive nothin! Learn charity, woman
It is her dearest hop, John, I know it. There be a thousand names, why does she call mine?
Is your husband a leacher?
A fire, a fire is burning! I hear the boot of Lucifer
“Life, woman, life is God’s most precious gift; no principle, however glorious may justify the taking of it
I cannot mount the gibbet like a saint. It is a fraud. I am not that man
It were a cold house I kept
It is evil. Good, then - it is evil, and I do it!
Damn the village! I confess to God, and God has seen my name on it
He have his goodness now. God forbid I take it from him
One of Parris’ main supporters in the village
Thomas Putnam
Important way that Rebecca Nurse differs from Hale and the others
She has common sense
Trait of Reverend Hale that causes problems in the village
Character trait that makes Reverend Parris emphasize his status and clerical rights
Insecurity and prententiousness
Reverend Hale’s questions are always based on the assumption that
the devil actually exists