The Creation of a Fascist Dictatorship, 1922-26 Flashcards
Who did Mussolini appoint as minister of finance and why did he do this?
Alberto de’Stefani, gained support of conservative industrials
How did Mussolini gain the trust of the Catholic Church?
Increased clergy pay, made PPI member Stefano Cavazzoni minister for work and the Vatican supported the PNF instead of the PPI
How did Mussolini gain emergency powers and what did this mean for him?
Said he needed a year of them and used violence to get them, meant he could not be removed by parliament and could govern and raise taxes without support
What was set up in December of 1922 and what did it do?
The Fascist Grand Council, included key fascist such as Balbo, discussed key policies, helped overcome Mussolini’s weak cabinet and undermine government institutions
What was set up in January 1923 and what did this do?
MVSN, absorbed all the squadristi and was meant to support the army and police, pledged allegiance to Mussolini, strengthened control over blackshirts
What was the Acerbo Law?
PR made it hard to get a majority, therefore the law said the party that got more than 25% of the vote would get 2/3 of the seats in parliament
What happened in the 1924 elections?
Mussolini wanted a legitimate victory, but hundreds of opposition offices were destroyed, fascists won 66.3% of the vote, increased from 35 to 275 seats
What was the Matteotti crisis?
Leader of the PCI, spoke out against fascist corruption and believed to have a file on their corruption, kidnapped and founded dead on August 16th, seen as being done by the fascists
What happened in June 1924 after the Matteotti crisis?
100 anti-fascist deputies set up their own parliament the Aventine Secession, but this backfired and made it easier for Mussolini to pass laws, the new parliament was divided meaning they posed no real threat
What happened at the end of December 1924?
Salandra declared his opposition to Mussolini and Mussolini met with squad leaders who demanded he defend the fascist revolution of they would remove him as leader
What key speech was made by Mussolini on 3rd January 1925?
Announced a fascist dictatorship, under the rule of Mussolini, later in the month he formed a new cabinet with himself as the head of foreign affairs, war and the navy and aviation
How did Mussolini reduce the power of the ras in 1925?
Appointed Farinacci as PNF secretary, ordered him to purge the party of opponents, forced the ras to disband and enlist in the militia, reassured army by increasing generals pay
What new laws were introduced in 1925?
New press law, stated all journalism to be supervised and another law allowed the government the power to sack any public employee
What was the title of Prime Minister changed to and what powers did Mussolini gain?
Head of Government and Duce of Fascism, could no longer be removed by a vote of no confidence and could rule by decree from Jan. 1926
What happened in October 1926?
Due to assassination attempts, all other political parties were banned and Aventine deputies were excluded from parliament
What did Mussolini do with local government?
Abolished elected local government, replaced mayors with the Podesta, these were appointed by local prefects who had more power than the ras