Issues Facing Giolitti's Government, 1911-14 Flashcards
What was the name of the Italian socialist party and how much of the vote did they win in 1913?
PSI, a quarter of the vote
Who was the leader of the PSI?
Filippo Turati
Why did support for the PSI increase in the early 1910s?
Mass migration to industrial north, increased awareness of politics and poverty, felt the liberal government had failed and wanted alternatives
How many people went on strike in industrial areas in 1902?
How did Giolitti try and appease the socialists?
Range of social reforms, banning employment of those under 12, and compulsory accident insurance paid for by employer, etc.
What else did Giolitti introduce to solve labour disputes?
Arbitration courts, settled paid disputes between employer and employee
How did the moderate socialists react to the reforms?
Courts accepted and welcomed, lowered the number of strikes and clashes with police
How did maximalists in the PSI react to the reforms?
Did not accept them, hated state and wanted to overthrow it
Which two groups did the socialist reforms cause new issues with?
Nationalists and Catholic Church
Why did the Catholic Church hold such great power and influence in Italy?
Organized youth and social groups, played roles in local level politics and coalition building
What did the Pope encourage voters to do in 1909?
Vote against the socialist party, since it was mostly non-religious and against their interference in politics
What is the ‘Roman Question’?
The idea that the Pope should control Rome and land around it as his own state, similar to the old Papal State
True or false, Giolitti appeased the Catholic Church and gave the Pope what he wanted
False, prioritized the socialists, did not give the Pope any concession on Roman territory, question remained unanswered and he was not actively prepared to court a greater link
What were the consequences of Giolitti prioritizing the socialists?
Increased support from the PSI, anger from the Catholic Church, greater divide with more people believing the Pope should have power over Giolitti
What is meant by Risorgimento?
The idea that unified Italy would have a new Renaissance, the people would be unified by a great nation
What did the Italians want to make Italy in 1911 and how did they say this had to be done?
A great power, pushed for war and imperialism, saying an Italian empire taking over Italian speaking areas would unite people
What was the name of the nationalist party created in 1910 and who was it led by?
Italian Nationalist Association (ANI), Enrico Corradini
What did Giolitti do in order to appease the nationalists?
1911, invaded Libya before France could as the Ottoman empire was weak, Libya surrendered on 8th October and the victory was seen to show their power
How did the PSI react to the invasion of Libya?
Destroyed relations between the party and Giolitti since they were anti-imperialism, said the corrupt liberal order had murdered Italian workers and soldiers
How did the ANI and Church react to the invasion of Libya?
Both had great enthusiasm, support increased for the ANI as they also took credit for the invasion, claiming it as their own idea
Why did the war lead to increased suffrage?
Many soldiers drafted for the war did not have the right to vote due to illiteracy, felt they should get a reward for service
What was the new law for voting proposed in 1912 and did Giolitti pass this?
Yes, meant that all men over 30 who had served in the military could vote
What did Giolitti hope increased suffrage would do?
Increase the support for the liberals and lower it for radical parties since they had passed the law
What happened in the 1913 elections?
Giolitti lost 71 seats, the Catholic party claimed over 200 liberal seats had been won due to Catholic help, as liberals agreed to key points in return for the vote
Why was support for Giolitti withdrawn in 1914 and what did this lead to?
Seen as over relying on the Catholic Church, meant Giolitti was forced to resign and was replaced by Salandra
What was ‘Red Week’ in June 1914?
Series of strikes started by socialists which expanded to other extremist groups over anger at government and police shootings
True or false, by 1914 Italy was close to finding a national identity with the resignation of Giolitti
False, appeared more divided based on class and ideologies since unification, clear split between socialists and nationalists