The Concept Of God As A Trinity Of Persons Flashcards
What does the word Trinity mean?
Trinity means triad or three united as one.
What are the three distinctive parts to the Trinity?
The Father
The Son
The Holy Spirit
Recall Corinthians 13 and Matthew 28 about explains how there is only One God with three distinctive parts
Matthew 28: Jesus instructs the apostles to baptise ‘in the name of the Father, the son and the Holy Spirit.”
Corinthians 13: Paul parts for God’s grace to be present with the Church through the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
What are the three main beliefs about the trinity?
All persons of the Trinity are equal; they have the perfect complete relationship.
Each person in the trinity fulfils a different role
God and the Holy Spirt are both unseen but Jesus is said to be seen by humans
What do Christians believe about God the Father?
Christians believe that God the Father is the creator of the universe. This is expressed in the Apostles’ Creed on of the first statements of belief.
What are Christians taught about how to speak to God?
The Bible says to use the phrase ‘Abba, Father’ [Romans 8:15]. Abba means daddy showing close relationships.
What does the Proverbs 18:10 say about God the Father?
God the Father convey a sense of safety and protect for those who are his followers where the righteous are said to be safe in God’s strength.
What do Christians believe about God the Son
Jesus believe to be God in human form. In the Apostles Creed it says: ‘I belief in Jesus Christ, God’s only son our Lord who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary.’
Why was Jesus free of sin when conceived?
Christians believe that Jesus was not conceived naturally but was placed in Mary by the Holy Spirit. They believe that Jesus was free of all sins because he was not made of two humans.
What were the three main purposes for God to come down to Earth as Jesus?
To reveal Himself to people, showing His love and power and teaching them how He wasn’t people to live, This is explained in the section about Jesus Christ.
To sacrifice Himself on the cross, receiving Gods punishment for humans sins in order for repentant people to be forgiven. This is explained in the section about salvation and crucifixion.
To Rise from ten death to show that God has the power over death, that He is eternal and the Christians too may have an everlasting life in heaven after death. This is explained in the sections about resurrection and eschatological beliefs.
What do Christians believe about God the Holy Spirit?
The Holy Spirit is the constant guide and comforter.
‘All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them’ Acts 2:4
What do Christians believe about the Holy Spirit in today’s world.
Christians believe that the Spirit helps them to live in the way that god requires, helping them to understand His teaching and giving them the promise of Life with Him in heaven after death.
Name three symbols used to show the trinity and the idea of three in one.
Triskelion, Borromean rings, Shamrock