Introduction Of Christianity Flashcards
Question 1 : How many people follow Christianity in the world?
Answer:2.4 Billion
Question 2: What characteristics of God do Christians believe in?
Answer: Christians believe that there is only one God, who is all-powerful, all-loving and created the universe.
Question 4 What do Christians believe about the trinity of God?
Answer: Most Christians however believe that God has three parts: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Question 4: What is the basic information given about Jesus?
Answer: Jesus of Nazareth lived in Palestine in the first century and was crucified around 30CE
Question 5: What did Jesus’ followers initially believe in?
Answer: Jewish
Question 6: What does Resurrection mean and what did it show?
Answer: When believing that Jesus rose from the death. This belief showed Christians that he was divine as well as human.
Question 7: What is the Messiah known as?
Answer: Messiah translated as Christ in Greek
Question 8: What did Christians believe that Jesus did for humans?
Answer: Jesus dies for the sins of humanity and that because of his death Christians can hope to spend eternity with God in heaven.
Question 9: What is the main source of authority for Christians?
Answer: Gospel which means good news. The New Testament and Old Testament. The Bible is a key source of wisdom and authority for all Christians.
Question 10: What interpretations of the Gospel do Christians have?
Answer: Some Christians believe that it is the actual word of God and that everything init is absolute true. Other belief that it was written in a certain time period and needs to be interpreted for today’s world.
Question 11: What is a Creed?
Answer: Creeds is the Latin from “credo” which means “I believe”. The Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed are examples of Creeds that highlight the important sources of wisdom and authority for Christians.
Question 12: What are Denominations?
Answer: Different groups or branches of the same religion that have different interpretations of the Word of God and what it means I modern day life.
Question 13: What is the main source of authority for Protestants?
Answer: The Bible is the most important source of wisdom and authority. For some Protestants, Religious experiences such as being filled with the Holy Spirit are also a source of authority and wisdom.
Question 14: What are the sources of authority for Roman Catholics?
For Roman Catholics the history of the Church
The statements of the Pope and Church Councils are important
The Bible.
Question 15: What are the main sources of authority for Orthodox Churches?
Answer: It is the voices of patriarchs which is the highest ranking Bishops in the Orthodox Church along and ancient traditions that are sources of authority.
Question 16: How did the Orthodox Church form?
It was the first major divergence in Christianity as a result of the disagreement of what the Nicene Creed meant. Chritians in the East of the Roman Empire considered themselves to be correct in their beliefs and took on the name Orthodox. The west continued to accept the authority of Rome and became known as Roman Catholics.
Question 17: How did Protestant Church form:
Answer: In the Roman Catholic Church a further divergence occurred in the sixteenths entire know as the Reformation.
Question 18: What are Sacraments?
Answer: Sacrements are rituals where Christians fell they receive God’s blessing example in Baptism and the Eucharist.