The Civil Wat Flashcards
What were the jobs of the house servants and why were there so many?
Jobs: cared for house, garden, yard, cooked meals, drove carriages etc.
The #s wer large cuz planters wanted to seem rich plus better treatment
Besides cotton farming, what other agricultural plantations typically had slaves?
Tabbacco, rice, and sugar cane plantations
What was the gang system?
Overseer takes out group and assigns them a specific task
What other resbonsibilities did slaves have besides crop?
Clearing land, burning underbrush, rolling logs, splitting rails, carrying water, mending fences, spreading fertilizer and breaking soil
What wer the work hours of plantation slaves?
Sunrise till sunset unless full moon or harvest, then longer
Why was little accomplished during an overseers absesnce?o
No purpose for slaves, no cause to work
Why was phnishment necessary?
Without it no motivation to work(slaves)
Why were overseers more cruel than plantation owners?
Cared less about slaves and their value, power crazed
Describe slave food and clothing rations
Poor weekly food rations self prepared, shoes only in the winter, and rough cloth clothing
Describe slave houses
Dirt huts with no windows or floors that were poorly furnished.
Who was William Lloyd Garrison and his message regarding the abolition of slavery?
W.L.G. Was creator and editor of ab paper called liberator and believed jn emancipation of all slaces
Why was WLG unpoplular with other abolitionists?
Extreme and blamed churches and gov for failing to condemn slavery
Describe the life of Fredrick Douglas
Born into slavery, taught to read and write, had high paying job later but was not paid therefore ran off to New york and became well known abolitionist lecturer for anti-skave society
Why was slavery so profitable?
- worldwide demand
- investment that keeps on giving
How did the south defend slavery?
- biblical
- necessary evil to pos good
- great civs had slaves
- better than factory
Who was Harriet Tubman?
She was an escaped slave that led 19 trips, 300+ slaves through the underground railroad which had a big impact on the south
Why did other groups in the south who didnt own slaves defend slavery?
Small farmers wanted their own, craftsmen didnt want them to take their jobs, bankers wanted to get paid back lians, merchants wanted slaves for profit, and poor whites didnt want to be at the very bottom of soc chain
Who was Nat Turner and what did he do?
He was a slave who led a rebellion made up of about 80 slaves who went between 4 plantations and killed 60 whites, however this later caused the white retalliation killing of 200 or more slaves who werent even involved and for slaves to be treated more strictly
What was the Compromise of 1850?
Gave south fugitive slave laws and north cali as a slave free state
What wer fugitive slave laws?
Laws that allowed owners to claim and take back slaves without a trial-benefitted south
What were the personal liberty laws?
Laws the north made saying no slave could be taken back without a fair trial
Give a summary of the dred scott case and what its result was?
……slaves property
What did the protective tariff do?
It forced the south to spend more and buy more from north factories
What was “uncle toms cabin”?
A book written in slave perspective that was banned in south
What was the republican party and what did they believe in?
-protective tariffs
- no slavery in new territories
A political party
What was the democrat party and what did they stand fir?
What was the souths economy based on?
Cash crops(king cotton) and slavery
What did the norths economy depend on?
Manufacturing, also railroads
What is sectionalism?
The devotion to the inetrests of a section kf a country rather than the countries interests as a whole
What is pop sov?
The ability of a states pop to decide whether or not that state should be slave or free
What does the term bleeding kansas mean?
It was a phrase used to describe the violence in lawrence city kansas between the abolitionists and proslavery ppl
Why did the south suceedd?
- inability to compromise
- economic diffs
- political loss of power
- stereotypes
- slavery
What was diff about the confederacy constitution?
- garunteed existence of slavery
- final authority of major issues with states
- protective tariff prohibited
- pres serves for 6years
What was fort sumter?
A federal fort in charleston; south carolinas harbor which the south wanted control of, took lincolns foid as threat and attacked. Only xasualty was a horse
How was the battle of bull run a surprise to the union?
Their troops quickly retreated
What were blockade runners?
Ships that got supplies for the south and wer able to speed past northern navy blockade
Why was battle of antietam a turning point?
Loss of soldiers for south, shattered invasion if n, and led to emanci procli
What was the result of the emancipation proclamation?
Changed purpose of war, but did not free any slaves
What was shermans march to sea?
General grant ordered soliders to go into south and inflict as much damage as possible to damage their war resources
Where did lee surrender
Appamattox courthouse(city)