The Church History Flashcards
The period of Christian persecution lasted over _______________________ but there were times during this period when there was peace and happiness, and the Christian faith grew strong and spread throughout the Roman Empire.In the light of New Testament After his baptism, Jesus started to preach the Kingdom of God that led people to a fundamental decision of belief or unbelief.
three hundred years
The Persecuted Church
3 Stages or Periods:
- First Period, (54-60 A.D.): Emperor Nero
- Second Period (100-250 A.D.) :
o Emperor Trajan
o Emperor Hadrian
o Emperor Antoninus Pius, Emperor Marcus Aurelius - Third Period (249-251 A.D.)
o Emperor Decius
o Emperor Valerian
o Emperor Diocletian
First Period
(54-60 A.D.): Emperor Nero
Second Period
(100-250 A.D.)
Emperor Trajan
Emperor Hadrian
Emperor Antoninus Pius, Emperor Marcus Aurelius
Third Period
(249-251 A.D.)
Emperor Decius
Emperor Valerian
Emperor Diocletian
Causes of Persecution:
- Refusal to participate in pagan rituals
- Reluctance to worship the emperors and their gods.
- Christians are threats to the empire.
- Exclusivity
- Cannibalism and incest
- The nature and content of the Christian beliefs
Effects of Persecution
1.Strengthen the faith of the Christians
2.Attracted more converts to Christianity
3.Increased the number of Christians
4.Many died for the faith
5.Many turned apostates
6.Hampered the missionary activities of the Church
Orthodox means
right opinion
____ century, _______________________- ( Orthodox means right opinion), disagreed with the Western Christian Church.
4th; Eastern Church-Orthodox Church
hree Illustrative examples of the history of the unity and division of the Church
- Constantine and the Christian Church
- Religious Controversies: Dogma and Councils
- Luther splits Christendom (16th c.)
The early Church was unified under the ________________________________ but subsequently divided into two major branches:
Roman Emperor Constantine; Catholicism and Eastern Orthodox.
Under ______________, the coalition of the Church and the State paved the road to the union of the Church and the State in the Medieval Ages. Whether this coalition was right or wrong, it proved to be one of the turning points in the history of the Church and of the world. The Church would never be the same again for better and for worse.
Religious Controversies: Dogma and Councils
Council of Nicea (325 A.D)
Council of Constantinople (381 A.D.)
Council of Ephesus (431 A.D.)
Council of Chalcedon (451 A.D.)
The ____________________, led by ______________, started the _________________________ which was inspired by the ________________________________ empire in the __________
Carolingian empire; Charlemagne; Carolingian renaissance; Christian Roman; 4th c
a division of a church into factions because of differences in doctrine
the Patriarch of Constantinople
Michael Cerularius
In ______, at the Council of Clermont, ______________ called for the first crusade.
1905; Pope Urban II
The Church organized the holy war which is called
The crusades lasted for _______________________. According to history, there were as many as ____ crusades including a few children’s crusade wherein young lives were wasted, abused, sold to slavery and others died along the journey either by sickness or accident.
a few hundreds of years; 14
– is a plague that almost wiped out the population of Europe in 1347
was the last Frenchman to become Pope
Pope Gregory XI
a Dominican nun travelled from Italy to Avignon to tell Pope Gregory XI the Pope has to live in Rome.
Catherine of Sienna
The University of Paris proposed two suggestions to solve the problem of having two Popes in the Church
mutual resignation and general council (Conciliarism)
whereby the decision of the council has a greater authority over the Pope
In the council, they declared both popes as deposed and elected a new one who took the name ________________ who was succeeded by John XXIII after his death.
Alexander V
For the next 6 years, there were three popes.
Gregory XII in Rome, Benedict XIII in Avignon and John XXIII.
a Dominican priest, calling people to repent, threatening them with the fire of hell and its eternal damnation and selling indulgence with these outrageous words
Johann Tetzel
Belong to a well to do family, had a good educational background, entered the monastery and become an Augustinian monk/priest.
Took the “last things” very seriously:death, judgment, heaven and hell. He was tormented by the thought of God’s judgment as he reflected on his unworthiness.
He concluded that God alone can save him if only he would trust in Gods power and readiness to save him. He found peace when he read in the letter to the Romans that it is by faith that one is saved.
His dismay and dissatisfaction in the Church led him to nail his 95 theses on the door of the Church at Wittenberg as his protest to the Catholic Church.
A priest in the city of Zurich who was more radical than Martin Luther.
He used violence to promote his ideas.
The Scripture is definitely the only authority and each person should interpret it personally. (whose belief)
Condemned crucifixes, statues, pictures and altars.
last things
death, judgment, heaven and hell
Known for his influential writing
he put primacy on the Sacred Scripture as a source of belief, rejected the papacy and stressed on Divine grace for salvation.
God has already determined our destiny, and that God indeed allows many to be damned to manifest divine justice
Went to the extreme in his teaching on Predestination – God has already determined our destiny, and that God indeed allows many to be damned to manifest divine justice.
There were four (4) fundamental points which the Catholic Church found unacceptable in all the teachings of the reformers.
An exaggerated idea of the power of sin
A wrong idea of the role of faith
A misunderstanding of the function of the sacraments
A rejection of the authority of the Church
used reason to show the existence of God.
Rene Descartes
o Convened in
1869 led by Pope Pius IX
the pope during the Second World War
Pope Pius XII
4 Constitutions
Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (Lumen Gentium)
Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World
(Gaudium et Spes)
Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation (Dei Verbum)
Constitution on Sacred Liturgy (Sacrosanctum Concilium)
9 Decrees
Decree on priestly Ministry
Decree on Eastern Catholic Churches
Decree on Bishop’s Pastoral Office
Decree on Church’s Missionary Activity
Decree on the Appropriate Renewal of Religious life
Decree on Instruments of Social Communication
Decree on Ecumenism
Decree on the Ministry and Life of the Laity
Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity
3 Declarations
Declaration on Non Christian Religions
Declaration on Religious Freedom
Declaration on Christian Education