Sacrament of Commitment Flashcards
vocare means
Three types of Calling:
- Single Blessedness
- Priesthood
- Marriage
Sacrament of Commitment
Holy Orders
in Roman antiquity designated an established civil body, especially a governing body
means incorporation into an ordo.
n the Church there are established bodies which Tradition, not without a basis in Sacred Scripture, has since ancient times called
taxeis (Greek) or ordines.
Integration into one of these bodies in the Church was accomplished by a rite called
a religious and liturgical act which was a consecration, a blessing or a sacrament.
is reserved for the sacramental act which integrates a man into the order of bishops, presbyters, or deacons, and goes beyond a simple election, designation, delegation, or institution by the community, for it confers a gift of the Holy Spirit that permits the exercise of a “sacred power” (sacra potestas) which can come only from Christ himself through his Church.
Ordination is also called _______________, for it is a setting apart and an investiture by Christ himself for his Church
The __________________ by the bishop, with the ________________________, constitutes the visible sign of this ordination.
laying on of hands; consecratory prayer
The Christian tradition considers ________________, “priest of God Most High,” as a prefiguration of the priesthood of Christ, the unique “high priest after the order of Melchizedek”; “holy, blameless, unstained,” “by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are sanctified,” that is, by the unique sacrifice of the cross.
Through the ordained ministry, especially that of bishops and priests, the presence of Christ as head of the Church is made visible in the midst of the community of believers. In the beautiful expression of St. Ignatius of Antioch, the bishop is ________________: he is like the living image of God the Father.
typos tou Patros
Three degrees of ecclesiastical ministry:
bishops, priests, and deacons.
Catholic doctrine, expressed in the liturgy, the Magisterium, and the constant practice of the Church, recognizes that there are two degrees of ministerial participation in the priesthood of Christ:
episcopacy and the presbyterate
The ___________ is intended to help and serve them. For this reason the term _____________ in current usage denotes bishops and priests but not deacons.
diaconate; sacerdos
fullness of the sacrament of Holy Orders
Episcopal ordination
co-workers of the bishops