Prayer and Worship Flashcards
is a loving, conscious, personal relationship with God, our all-loving, good Father, who has adopted us through His beloved Son, Jesus Christ, in the Holy Spirit.
Christian prayer
intimate conversation with God who we know loves us
who brings us into this life of communion and fellowship with the Father and with His Son, Jesus Christ
Holy Spirit
Authentic Christian prayer, then, is always _______________, since it is through Christ that “we have access in one Spirit to the Father”
develops a conscious awareness of our relationship with God
is an effort to recognize the presence of God in our life. It is an attempt to establish conscious contact with God, to attend to God, to enter into a personal relationship with God.
is the raising of one’s mind and heart to God or the requesting of good things from God
Forms of Prayer
Personal Prayer
Public/Communal Prayer
It is spending time alone with God.
Personal Prayer
Personal prayer can be in a form of:
- Meditation
- Contemplation
- Conversation
Awareness of God’s presence in the midst of life; the water, the clouds, the stars, the rolling waves, the forest, fields of grain, music, rhythm of poetry.
we focus on the universe and our place in it. Then our mind is raised to God, for God is the only answer to the mystery that we meditate upon.
It means “marvelling at what God must be like.”
It means focusing our attention on God and not on ourselves, turning Godward, not self-ward. We allow the idea and experience of God to take hold of us so that we are “spellbound.
we remain quietly in the presence of God and allow the Holy Spirit to play in us. We listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit not with our ears but with the depths of our hearts
Contemplation is often practiced by the
Here, we speak to God, either with actual words formed by the lips or with the words formed in the heart
we just do not speak, we also listen for part of our conversation with God involves listening to God in the depths of our heart. Prayer is not a monologue
It is not enough to pray privately or alone. We are also a Church, a community gathered in the name of the Lord. The Whole Church must pray. Like private prayer, public worship is also a tradition in the church, it is an essential aspect of the church’s life. Prayer with the community is not an option for believing Christians, it is a necessity and an obligation.
Public/Communal Prayer
Types of Prayer
Adoration, Contrition, Thanksgiving, Supplication and Offering
It means true worship of God for what he is in himself, not merely for what God do for us.
It means recognizing and accepting the infinite difference between god and every creature.
It is a rejoicing in God’s sanctity and glory as we acclaim “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God of hosts”
It is an expression of sorrow for our sins.
It involves our consciousness of having failed to live up to the promises we made at our baptism
It expresses our need to say “I’m sorry” and seek conversion with the help of God’s grace.
To pray because we are sorry is to recognize and accept the mystery of God’s mercy and compassion, a mercy that reaches out to us in every circumstance no matter what we have done
Praying to thank God for His goodness to us is one of the great characteristics of the prayer of the Church.
is the celebration of the great prayer of thanksgiving.
The Eucharist
is a part of our relationship with God just like in our human relationships.
From the Latin supplere, “to beg, to ask insistently”
The most frequent form of prayer and is also called the prayer of petition.
The most frequent form of prayer and is also called the prayer of petition.We ask God for what we need because we know that God loves us and is concerned about us, and He is a God of compassion.
It’s always a good thing to start the day with a prayer of offering; it’s the best thing we can give God first thing of the day.
ecessarily includes both an inner attitude of reverence and homage before the Divine Majesty, and an outward expression in signs of words, actions, songs, dances, usually enacted in public ritual
Authentic worship
includes both secular and religious ceremonies. It is basically a social, programmed symbolic activity that has power for creating, communicating, criticizing and even transforming the basic meaning of community life.
Then there is the famous incident when his
apostles, obviously impressed by his prayerfulness,
asked him to teach them how to pray. He taught
them that most basic of all Christian prayers, the ____________
Our Father