The Church, Christian Life Flashcards
Define the Church
The church is not a building, its people (Acts 8:3)
- Local Church - a local group of believers who meet together to do Acts 2:42 stuff (1 Cor. 1:2)
- Universal Church - The body and Bride of Christ composed of all true believers in the present age (Col. 1:18 - Christ is the head, and the church the body. Eph. 5:25-32 - Christ the groom and the church is the bride)
Give a couple Pictures of the Church
1 Cor. 12 - The Body of Christ
Eph. 2:19-22 - the building, temple and household of God
Eph. 5:25-32 - The bride of Christ
1 Pet. 2:4-6, 9 - spiritual house and royal priesthood
Who builds the Church?
Matt. 16:18 - Jesus said he would
1 Pet. 2:4-8 - we are being built as living stones with Jesus as the cornerstone
What are the characteristics and mission of the church?
Worship - Col. 3:16
Instruction - Eph. 4:14-16
Fellowship - Acts 2:42
Evangelism - Acts 1:8
When was the NT church started and when does it end?
Church began at pentecost (Acts 2; 11:15-16) and will continue until the rapture (1 Thess. 4:16-17)
The church will be united with Christ forever (Rev. 19:7)
Distinguish between the Jew (israel), the gentile (greek) and the church of God.
1 Cor. 10:32 - there are distinctions.
The church is separate and distinct (Rom 9-11). Church is spiritual representation of God’s people and Israel is physical/ethnic representation
God’s covenant promises (Gen. 12:1-3) will be fulfilled to Israel literally in the millennial kingdom (Matt. 19:28)
Our hermeneutical approach is to take Scripture literally where it makes sense to and not understand it allegorically
Gentiles are referred to as nations who are blessed through Israel, but not israel (Gen. 12:1-3, Gal. 3:7-9)
There is no distinction in salvation (Rom. 10:12-13)
God will one day save all Israel (Zec. 12:10/ Rom. 11:25-27)
The tribulation is for Israel and the church is not mentioned in Rev. 6-18
Who are the leaders in the local church?
1 pet 5:1-2, Acts 20:17-18, 28
Elders - spiritual maturity (1 Tim 5:17)
Pastors/Shepherds - cares for and leads others (John 21:16-17)
Overseer - manages and cares for others (1 Timothy 3:1-4)
Acts 6, 1 Tim 3 - deacons
Explain your understanding for Church Discipline
Matt. 18:15-17 - goal is reconciliation
1 Cor. 6:1-8 - don’t settle disputes in the world
Explain how you view the church in relationship to local setting, all churches and the churches of the Charis fellowship?
Church is to be salt and light to community (Matt. 5:13-16) and therefore distinct
Church will work with other churches who share core beliefs for mission purposes
Church will network with other Charis Churches for training, mission and accountability.
What is the difference between a denomination and fellowship?
A denomination is hierarchical.
A fellowship is by consent, unified by core beliefs and churches operate autonomously. More like a family
What is the relationship between grace and works as they relate to the Christian life?
Eph. 2:1-10 - saved by grace by faith alone
James 2:14-17 - faith without works is dead
What does it mean to be separated from the world unto God?
We are sanctified, not of the world and devoted to Christ but sent into the world just as Jesus was sent (John 17:14-18)
Like a boat in the ocean, its in the ocean but not of the ocean.
Give a definition and description of what we refer to when we say that we believe in the sanctity of the home.
A family of God is wholly devoted to Jesus and set apart for God.
Deut. 6:4-6, Eph. 5:22-6:4
Describe some basic disciplines of the Christian life. How do we grow to become more like Christ?
Luke 5:16 - Solitude
Fasting (abstaining from food) and Prayer - Matt. 6:16-18
Prayer - Phil 4:6-7
Bible Reading/Study - 2 Tim. 2:15; 3:16-17, psalm 1
2 Cor. 3:18 - through Spiritual disciplines we contemplate Christ and are transformed by him
Explain the relationship of justification, sanctification, and glorification as they relate to the Christian life.
See salvation notes.
Justification - our identity
Sanctification - our purpose
Glorification - our hope
Explain your view of James 5:13-16
Elders - spiritual leaders
Sickness - “without strength”
Opportunity to confess sin
Physical sickness is not necessarily a result of sin (2 Cor. 12:7-10)
Sick person initiates
Oil is symbol of being set apart and work of HS - not special powers
Healing is possible if God wills it to happen
v 15 - under all conditions in this passage there is a promise for healing