End Times Flashcards
Share your understanding of heaven and hell
Heaven is God’s Dwelling place (Matt. 6:9, Acts 7:49)
- Also entire universe (Psalm 19:1)
- Place of judgment for the wicked, second death or lake of fire (Rev. 20:10, 14-15)
When people die, do they immediately go to heaven or hell? Where do believers and unbelievers go between death and ressurection?
- Believers - to be present with the Lord in paradise (Luke 23:43, Phil 1:21-23)
- Unbelievers - bodies go to the grave to await judgment. Souls go to hades and are tormented until final judgment (Luke 16:19-28)
How is a pretrib/premill view a reflection of our hermeneutic?
Interprets Bible prophecy literally rather than spiritualizing OT prophecies and applying them to church. The prophecies of first coming of Christ were literally fulfilled, so will his second.
So Pretribulation rapture means Church will rise with Christ before trib (1 Thess. 4:16-18, absence of church in Rev. 6-18)
The tribulation is only for Israel.
Their will be a literal Millennial kingdom inaugurated by Christ’s second coming (Rev. 20:1-6).
What is the rapture?
The living and dead believers from the church age will rise to be with Christ before the Trib. (1 Thess. 4:16-18)
What is the second coming?
Jesus returns to earth to bring judgment on wicked and reign in millennial kingdom ( Matt. 24:27-30, Acts 1:9-11)
What is the tribulation? What is it’s purpose?
7-year trouble.
Purpose: 1) purge Israel (Zech. 13:8-9, Daniel 12:10, Zech. 13:8-9)
2) Punish Gentiles nations (Psalm 2:8-9)
3) Prove god’s power
4) portray Satan’s true character (Rev. 12:10-12)
5) Purchase a group of believers (Rev. 7:9-10)
What is the millennium?
a literal 1000 year reign of the Messiahs kingdom to fulfill the promises made to Abraham and David (Rev. 20:1-6, Daniel 9:24)
What is the new heaven and new earth?
After cremation of old (2 Pet. 3:10,12) God will make all things new (Rev. 21:1-8)
Present your understanding of Daniel’s 70 weeks.
Dan 9:24-27 - God’s prophetic time clock. Timetable of Israel’s ultimate and final restoration under the Messiah
9:24 - seven’s refers to set periods of 7 years. seventy sevens are 490 years (Jewish calendar is 360 days/year). Concerns jewish people and jerusalem for Millienial kingdom
9:25 - Clock begins with King Artaxerxes decree to rebuild Jerusalem under Nehimiah’s leadership on March 5, 444 BC
- There will be 69 sevens or 483 years until Jesus rides into Jerusalem on March 30, AD 33.
9:26 - When Israel rejected Jesus as their Messiah, God paused the clock. There is now a gap between 69th and 70th seven, known as church age.
- in this gap the messiah will be killed (AD 33) and Jerusalem and temple will be destroyed (AD 70)
9:27 - After rapture, the anti-christ will make 7 year covenant with Israel. This begins tribulation (70th week)
- Antichrist will terminate covenant after 3.5 years and set up abominable, sacrilege of himself in temple (Matt. 24:15)
- After 70th week, God will kill the anti-christ (2 Thess. 2:8). This marks beginning of Millenial Kingdom
What do all Christians agree about when it comes to end times?
1) there will be a rapture - translation from mortality to immortality - for believers (1 Thess. 4:16-17)
2) there is coming a time of great tribulation such as the world has never seen
3) After tribulation, Christ will return to establish his kingdom on earth
How would you describe and defend Pre-tribulation and Premillennial-ism?
Pre-mill - Christ 2nd return will occur before establishment of 1000 year reign (Rev. 20:1-6).
Only way that allows for literal fulfillment of God’s promises to Abraham and David (Gen. 12:1-3, 2 Sam. 7:12-16).
Pre-Trib - rapture occurs before trib starts so church doesn’t experience trib (1 Cor. 15:51-55, 1 Thess. 4:16-18)
- no mention of church in Rev. 6-18.
- keep church from hour of testing (Rev. 3:10)
What role does Israel play in the future work of God?
- Israel is center piece of God’s work in the end times
- There will be a regathering of Jews to Israel before trib (Ezek. 20:33-38)
- The purpose of trib is to purge Israel (zech. 13:8-9, Dan. 12:10)
- Jeremiah 30:7 calls trib “Jacob’s trouble” and will result in Israel being saved (Jere. 30:22)
- Purpose of Millenial kingdom is to literally fulfill God’s promise to Israel (a place, a people, a kingdom)
Describe Paradise
synonym for heaven or present with Christ (Luke 23:43, Phil. 1:22-23)
Describe Hades
Lule 16:23, Matt. 16:18 - intermediate place of death, Sheol in OT
Acts 2:29-31 - the grave
- temporary place of torment where souls await final judgment
Describe Judgment Seat of Christ (Bema Seat)
believers are judged for future reward after rapture and before Mill.
1 Cor. 3:12-15, 2 Cor. 5:10
Rewards are crowns (2 Tim. 4:8)
Describe Great White Thrown Judgment
Rev. 20:11-15
- After Mill. and Satan’s judgment
- Judgment of unbelievers on whether they trusted Jesus
Describe Sheep and Goats judgment
Mattew 25 (judgment of nations after trib for who will live in millennial kingdom)
Describe the red heifer
a sign the temple will soon be rebuilt. It must be rebuilt before it can be destroyed.
Describe Armaggedon
climatic event of trib (Rev. 19:11-21)
Describe Gog and Magog
Russian Islamic force that invades Israel around midpoint of trib (rev. 20:8)
Describe the resurrection of the body
John 5:28-29
Dan. 12:1-2 (OT saints)
Guaranteed (Rom. 8:11)
1 Cor. 15:42-53 - changed
Describe first and second resurrection
John 5:28-29 - all will be raised but some to eternal life and some to eternal punishment
1st resurrection - the raising of all believers (Rev. 20:4-6)
2nd Resurrection - the raising of all unbelievers (Rev. 20:12-13)
Describe the future and eternal state of believers, unbelievers and Satan.
John 5:28-29 - describes both
- Believers - Rev. 21:3-5 - new heavens and new earth
- Unbelievers - Rev. 20:11-15 - eternal destruction
- Satan - Rev. 20:10 - eternal destruction.