The Church Flashcards
What is the altar used for
Represents religious sacrifices and offerings, it holds the items for holly communion and is the most important part in a church
Whats the tabernacle used for
a fixed, locked box in which the Eucharist (consecrated communion hosts) is stored as part of the “reserved sacrament” rite
What is the lecturn used for
A special stand for bible readers/priests to stand on
What is the (baptismal) font used for
holds water for baptisms.
What are pews used for
A bench used to seat the congregation or choir
What are pulpits
A pulpit is a raised stand for preachers in a Christian church, they have more re,igious connotationes then a lecturn which is primarily used for holding books
What is the sanctuary in a church
the area around the altar is called the sanctuary; it is also considered holy because of the belief in the physical presence of God in the Eucharist, both during the Mass and in the church tabernacle at other times.
What are purple robes used for
Preperation like advent or lent
What are gold yellow or white robes used for
A time of celebration like easter and christmas
What are red robes for
For times of the holy spirit, or to remember the death of a matyr or saint
What are green robes used for
Green is the normal colour
When does the liturigial year begin
Fist sunday of advent
When does the liturgical year begin
Last sunday of ordinary time (saturday after christ the king)
Order of priest robes
Purple - advent - december
Gold/white/yellow - christmas - 25th december
Green - ordinary time - febuary
Purple - lent - march
Red - triduum - april
White - easter - april/march
Green - normal - june - november
What is the greeting
When the congregation are welcomed
What is the penitential rite
People say sorry for there sins and ask for fogivness
Liturgy of the word
Reading from either
- the gospel
- Old testiment
- new testiment
- homily
- biding prayers
- creed
What is the offertry
Gifts of bread and wine are brought to the alter
What is the eucharistic prayer
The bread and wine become the body and blood of jesus
What is the sign of peace
A gesture of goodwill to eachother
What is the communion
The body and blood of christ are recieved
What is the blessing and dismisal
The people are sent out to spread the good news
What are the orders of the mass
The greeting
Penitential rite
The liturgy of the word
Eucharistic prayer
Sign of peace
Blessing and dissmisal
What are the different demoninations
Roman catholic
What do catholics believe
The bible is the word of god, they follow the teachings of the 12 apostles, pope francis is the head of the church
What do orthodoxs blieve
Made of up a number of self governing churches, the leader is called the patriach of constantinople
What do prodestants believe
The bible is the word of god, they allow remarrige, the head of the church is the king and leader is the archbishop
What do quakers believe
Believe in no fighting, the bible is an inspirational book, no leaders, worship in simple rooms
What do baptists believe
The bible is the only source of authority, every church runs individualy, people should be baptised older
Whats the paschal triduum
Final 3 days of lent
Holy thursdya, good friday and hoky saturday
Steps of ordination
Bishop lays hand on head and says ordination prayer
Chalice and paten given to new priest
Priest anointed with chrism
Promises to obay the bishop and care for gods people
What happenes when cardinals elect a pope
Dean of the collage of cardinals announces habemaus papam (we have a pope)
What are papal encyclicals
a letter to help everyone’s better understand of how to apply the teachings of Sacred Scripture and Catholic Tradition in their lives (especially in light of a particular issue).
What does fratelli tutti and laudato si teach
Fratelli tutti - It proposes fraternity and social friendship
Laudato si - to protect our comon home the earth
What does fratelli tutti and laudato si teach
Fratelli tutti - It proposes fraternity and social friendship
Laudato si - to protect our comon home the earth
3 stages of becoming a saint
Servant of god, venerable, blessed,
What are the 7 sacraments
Baptist, eucharist, confirmation, reconsilliation, anointing of sick, marrige, holly orders
What wre the sacrements used foe
Baptism - cleansing the soul
Reconsiliation - asking fkr fogivenes and confessing sins
Conformation - outpouring of the hoky soirit
Hoky orders - becoming priest
Marrige - marrige
Anoitning of sick
Whats adopption
Adoption is the process where a child who cannot be brought up with their biological
family become full, permanent and legal members of a new family.
Whats fostering
Foster care is when a child goes to live with another family for a while, because their
family can’t are not able to look after them
Whats living in care
Living in care is living with someone looking after you, Sometimes it’s because their parents can’t look after them properly or it’s unsafe at home and it’s decided that it’s better for children to live somewhere else. Some reasons for a child being taken into care include abuse, neglect, family breakdown or a parent or child’s illness or disability. It can also happen if a child’s parent has to go into hospital or dies. This is not a permenamt thing
Whats the care system
When the council or local authority decide it’s better for children to be away from their
parents for a while, it’s known as living in care.
When does a priest wear pink
Sunday of advent and lent
Order of christian year
Advent, christmas, epiphamy, lent, holy week, good friday, easter, ascension, whitesun(pentagost), trinity
Names of the pope
Servant of serents of god, bishop of rome, holy father, vicar lf christ
What biological gender
Assigned at birth
Gender itentity
How you identify
Trans people
Gender identity is different from birth
What does my man the pope bruv tink bout gayz
Critisised laws that criminalise homosexuality as ‘unjust’ saying god loves all his children, calling on bishops who support these laws to welcome LGBTQ+ into the church
Whats dysphoria
The deep sense of unease and distress that ocurs when your biological gender dosent match your identity
Whats gender dysphoria
The deep sense of unease and distress that ocurs when your biological gender dosent match your identity
What are the different thpes kf dysphoria
Physical - when you dont feel like your body matches you
Social - feel akward and distressed in socisl situations and kight be misgendered
Mental - worries about transforming from one gender to another
Whats breast ironing
The process of massging a females breasts in order to prevent furthere development, this is done usually for religious perposes to to prevent rape
Whats FMG (god bless their souls)
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is the act of cutting some
or all of a female person’s external genitals, for reasons which
are not medical. It is also sometimes referred to as female circumcision
Why is FMG done
It is considered to be a tradition which promotes modesty and what is considered to be ‘appropriate’ sexual behaviour in women. It is supposed to put women off having sex, so that they don’t have sex before marriage and only have sex with one person (their husband). It is sometimes also considered to be a sign of religious faith, or a symbol of passing into adulthood. FGM is often carried out by women on younger girls.
What are the type of abuses
Physical - voilence or suttle harrassment (toutchint girls)
Emotional - the way you feel
Phycological - the way you think
Financial - econimic control
Sexual - pressure into sex, blackmail, rape
Cyber - constant messages, grroming, posting images without consent, insisting
Benifits of arranged marriges
You know other intentions
Share same values and beliefs and are a definate match
Dont have to suffer dating
Get alot of support and guidance
Continues traditions
Preserve wealths of families
Benifits lf arranged marrige
You know intentions of others
Definate match
Dont have to suffer dating
Share values and beliefs
Support wnd guidance from family
Preserve family weakth
Comrinues traditions
3 types of FGM
What is Clitoridectomy
Clitoridectomy is where part or all of the clitoris is removed.
What is excsion
Excision is where part or all of the female person’s clitoris and the lips surrounding
vagina are removed. The outer lips may or may not be removed.
What is infibulation FGM
Infibulation is the most severe type of FGM. This is where the female person’s outer lips and clitoris are removed, and her genitals are stitched up so that she cannot have sex, or cannot get any pleasure from having sex. A small opening is left, so that the girl can still go to the toilet and have her period. If a woman who has undergone this kind of FGM gets pregnant, her genitals then have to be unstitched to allow her to give birth. Her genitals are then sewn back up again after she has given birth.