The chromosomal basis of inheritance Flashcards
The chromosome theory of inheritance
Mendelian genes have specific loci (positions) on
Chromosomes undergo segregation and independent
Recombination of Unlinked Genes: Independent
Assortment of Chromosome
Mendel observed that offspring often display combinations of traits that differ from those of either parent. This phenomenon is known as genetic recombination.
Offspring with a phenotype that matches one of the parental phenotypes are referred to as parental types.
Offspring that display non-parental phenotypes, which result from new combinations of traits not seen in either parent, are termed recombinant types or recombinants.
A 50% frequency of recombination is observed for any two genes located on different chromosomes. This is because genes located on different chromosomes assort independently during meiosis, leading to a random assortment of alleles into gametes and resulting in a 50% chance of recombination occurring between any two genes on different chromosomes.
Recombination of Linked Genes: Crossing Over
Morgan discovered that genes can be linked,
but the linkage was incomplete, as evident
from recombinant phenotypes
* Morgan proposed that some process must
sometimes break the physical connection
between genes on the same chromosome
* That mechanism was the crossing over of
homologous chromosomes
Mapping the Distance Between Genes Using
Recombination Data: Scientific Inquiry
Sturtevant predicted that the farther apart two
genes are, the higher the probability that a
crossover will occur between them and
therefore the higher the recombination
Linked genes
Genes located on the same chromosome that tend to be inherited together
Genetic Map
- Alfred Sturtevant, one of Morgan’s students,
constructed a genetic map, an ordered list of
the genetic loci along a particular chromosome
A linkage map
genetic map of a chromosome based on recombination
map units
Distances between genes can be expressed as
map units; one map unit, or centimorgan,
represents a 1% recombination frequency
* Map units indicate relative distance and order,
not precise locations of genes
Far apart genes
Genes that are far apart on the same
chromosome can have a recombination
frequency near 50%
* Such genes are physically linked, but
genetically unlinked, and behave as if found on
different chromosomes
Cytogenetic maps
indicate the positions of genes with respect to chromosomal features
Alterations of chromosome number or structure causes some genetic disorders
- Large-scale chromosomal alterations often
lead to spontaneous abortions (miscarriages)
or cause a variety of developmental disorders
- In nondisjunction
pairs of homologous chromosomes do not separate normally during meiosis
* As a result, one gamete receives two of the
same type of chromosome, and another
gamete receives no copy
-Aneuploidy results from the fertilization of
gametes in which nondisjunction occurred
-Offspring with this condition have an abnormal
number of a particular chromosome
Monosomic zygote
has only one copy of a particular chromosome
A trisomic zygote
has three copies of a particular chromosome