The Charge of The Light Brigade Flashcards
Why did Tennyonson write this poem? What did he read?
- He read an eye- witness account of the battle in the newspaper (saw how horrific the battle was.)
- The blame for the mistake that made these men go to this battle was controversial.
When was this poem written?
- Mid 19th century.
What is the significance of the commander telling the soldiers to “charge for the guns!”
- Shows that it was a suicide mission - other army have guns whereas their army barely have any soldiers.
What is the significance of the brigade being called “light?”
- Religious imagery. Symbolic of showing how these soldiers bring light in darkness. Tennyson is showing how great they truly are!
What is ths significance that “someone had blunder’d?”
(made a mistake which made them go to battle)
- Shows the futility of war.
- The men don’t know what their aim is - they are just fighting for no reason!
How is the futility of war shown in the 2nd stanza?
“Theirs’s not to reason why, Theirs but to do and die.”
Anaphora - shows the regimen these men are put under.
What phrase about death is repeated throughout the whole poem?
“into valley of death”
“into jaws of death”
Metaphor: shows how dangerous it truly is and how brave the soldiers were for going into such a menacing place without even knowing why!
Repetition shows how they cannot get of the situation they were put in!
How are the soldiers described throughout the poem?
- “Bold and rode well” - bravery and well- skilled (deserve to be respected.)
- “hero”
- “glory”
- “honour”
- Patriotic language.
What is the main message of this poem?
- Tennyson is trying to make the readers appreciate the brave nature of soldiers in The Battle of Balaclava, even though they didn’t know why they were fighting (futility of war.) and didn’t stand a chance!!
When and where is this poem set?
- The Crimean War (1853- 56)
- The Battle of Balaclava
How does the last line of each stanza change throughout the poem?
Rode the six hundred
4th Not the six hundred
5th Left of the six hundred ]
6th Noble six hundred
Shows everything these men have been through in such a short amount of time.
How is the conflict from the actual fighting shown by Tennyson?
- “sabring and gunners” - shows they stand no chance!
- “shattered and sundered” - they have been absaloutely destroyed! D sounds like gun bullets.
- Tennyson is respecting this!
What sort of atmosphere is created once Tennyson writes: “Not, not the six hundred?”
- Melanocholy atmosphere.
- Repetition of not almost like Tennyson is trying to come to terms with the fact that they have died. He can’t believe it!!
What is the significance of Tennyson saying “left of the six hundred?”
- They have been destroyed in the battle.
- There are only small amounts of people left- the army has been destroyed.
What is the significance of the rhetorical question: “can their glory fade?”
- Tennyson is speaking to the British audience direcly - wanting them to remeber the soldier’s sacrifice.
What does it mean by the phrase “all the world wonder’d”, which is repeated in the poem?
- The world wondered why these people were sent to fight in the first place.
What does the repetition of the cannon images show?
- They cannot get out of the situation they are in.
- Although people have died, these people were forced to move on and try to retreat! (zoom out onto environment.)
- BUT Tennyson glorifies them after.
Why is the last stanza shorter than the rest of the stanzas?
- There are less soldiers - Tennyson is mirroring this with the structure of the stanza!!