Bayonet Charge Flashcards
When was Bayonet Charge written?
- Post WW2
- Ted Hughes didn’t actually fight in war but his father served in WW1.
Which poet did ted Hughes look up to?
- Ted Hughes looked up to Wilfred Owen.
What topics did Hughes explore in his poetry?
- Human history
- The countryside
- Mythology.
What is the significance of the word “raw” being repeated?
- “raw” - he is in full survival mode: back to him primitive nature. Like animal meat.
- Raw- he is exposed
How is the physical conflict shown by Hughes in the first stanza?
- “his sweat heavy”
- “lugged a rifle”
- “sweating like molten iron”
What is the significance of the poem starting “in media res?”
- Shows the chaos of the conflict in WW1
What war is this poem about?
- WW1
What is the significance of the phrase: “sweating like molten iron?”
- Iron: robotic imagery - starting to lose his humanity.
- He is fearful/ physically exhausted.
- He is still human at this point!!
What words does Hughes use to show the soldier’s confused/ unprepared nature?
- “dazzled” by guns
- “stumbling”
What is the significance of the phrase: “bullets smacking the belly out of the air?”
- Plosive alliteration
- Metaphor
- Aggression of the conflict// futility of conflict - air is being hurt, not the soldiers.
What is the significance of the soldier having a “patriotic tear?”
- He is giving everything for his country at this point - even his tears.
What is the significance of the phrase: “in what cold clockwork was he the hand pointing second?”
- Literally saying: Is he the one that has to lead the army.
- Mechanical language
- Time language: suspension of time, slow - motion element, time has stopped.
- He is losing his humanity.
What two main phrases/ ideas show that the soldier is losing his identity in stanza 2?
- Mechnical language
- Like a man (simile)
- “His foot hung like statuary in mid stride”
What is the significance of the fact the soldier is listening between his footfalls for the reason of his still running?
- He has turned back to base- fear.
- He has no clue why he is actually fighting.
What is the significance of enjambement between stanza 2 and 3?
- Inescapable nature of war. He cannot take a break, just like there are no breaks between the stanzas.
What are the 3 main types of conflict in this poem?
1.) Physical conflict
2.) Mental conflict
3.) Conflict of reamining human/ keeping his patriotism.
What is the significance of there being no clear rhyme scheme throughout the poem?
- Shows the dishevelled nature of the conflict.
What is the significance of the “yellow hare that crawled in a threshing circle” in the hedge?
- “Yellow” = symbol of cowardice =: sodlier isn’t brave anymore
- “hare” - often hunted. He feels like he is being hunted. Returned to primitive nature.
- “threshing circle” - unable to escape war, repeating cylcle for him.
- “crawled” - he is crawling through war like an animal.
What is the significance of the “green hedge” being repeated at the beginning and end of the poem?
- Cyclical structure.
- Shows that war is a neverending cycle.
What is a threshing circle?
- This is where donkeys walk in circles to separate grain from other crops.
What is the significance of the hare having it’s mouth open and it’s eyes standing out?
- Shows the soldier’s fear of the conflict.
What is the significane of the phrase:”king, honour, human dignity etcetra dropped like luxuries in yelling alarm?”
- None of the “human” reasons he came to war matter because he is so scared he is in survival mode.
- etcetra: futility of war, nothing matters but surviving all of the reasons are futile (no need to list)
- “like luxuries” he has lost his humanity
What is the significance of the phrase “blue crackling air?”
- Onomatepeia
- Symbol of him tearing apart - just like the air is.
What is the significance of the phrase: “his terror’s touchy dynamite?”
- Fear has made him as delicate as dynamite and he only cares about surviving.
- “dynamite” - war language
What is the main message of this poem?
- Hughes is showing the mental and physical difficulty that comes from war.
- He is also showing how people lose their humanity in war (only care about surviving.)