My Last Duchess Flashcards
What is the main message of this poem?
- Browning is criticing men with inherited power for misusing their status in society to mistreat/ control women in Victorian era.
When was My Last Duchess written?
17th century (Victorian times)
Who are The Duke and Duchess in the poem thought to be based off?
- Duke Ferrara and his Duchess in Italy.
- Duchess died under suspicious circumstances (it is thought that The Duke poisoned her.)
How does form of poem show the power of The Duke?
- Dramatic monologue: shows the control/ power the Duke has over the way the story is told.
- Enjambement: story is flowing: never inviting space for response.
- Accentuates the wife and messenger as being voiceless.
What is the significance of the title: “My Last Duchess?”
- “My” - posessive pronoun: controlling nature of Duke.
- “last” - suggests there are many: he has exerted his power on many wives.
- “Duchess” - no name insignificance of her (in the eyes of The Duke.)
What is the significance of The Duke having a painting of his wife smiling?
- He wants his wife to be his object - she will smile just for him if she is immortalised in this painting.
- He can control who sees her “the curtain that I have drawn for you.”
How does Browing describe The Duchess physically?
- “spot of joy.”
- “her looks went everywhere.”
How does The Duke feel about The Duchess blushing at Fra Pandolf, the painter of the painting?
- He feels distgusted, want his wife only to blush at him.
- BUT… it mentions that she thought it was courtesy, perhaps she was being modest.
How does The Duke describe the blush along The Duchess’ throat?
- “Half- flush that dies along her throat.”
- “Dies” - foreshadows the way she died.
What sort of things did The Duchess enjoy?
- Sunset
- Cherries that a man gave her.
- Horse- riding
How does The Duke feel about the fact that The Duchess liked the cherries that someone bought her?
- He says: “as if she ranked my gift of a nine- hundred year- old name with anyone else’s gift.”
- He thinks he is superior because of his inherited power- Browning is criticing this.
How is The Duke seen as a hypocrite?
- “Who’d stoop to blame this sort of trifling.”
… BUT he has done that for the whole poem and he killed her for this “trifling.”
What is significant about The Duke speaking unclearly to the messenger when he speaks about “stooping?”
- He is trying to make the messenger not understand what he is saying.
- Trying to manipulate/ confuse the messenger.
How is The Duke’s power shown in the way he kills his wife?
- “I gave commands.”
- He doesn’t do it himself! Can get out of the situation because he is a man of high status…
What is the euphemism for dying that Browning uses for The Duchess?
- “all smiles stopped together.”
- Duke is happy that he can control her now that she is in “his” painting.
What is the last word of the poem and what is the significance of this?
- “me”
- Shows the selfish, narcastic nature of The Duke.
What two phrases are repeated at the beginning and towards the end of the poem to the messenger?
- “There she stands - as if alive, Wilt you please rise.”
- “looking as if she were alive, please sit and look at her.”
- Reminding the readers that this is a conversation but what The Duke says drags on long before the line is repeated.
What is significant about The Duke saying: “as if she were alive?”
- He is trying to relive her memory.
- Psychotic nature.
- He only wants her in his life if she will give him pleasure.
- Victorian times: men would turn to prostitues if they didn’t like their wives.
How is imagery of the patriach used at the end of the poem?
- The Duke speaks about how he is expecting the dowry from his future wife’s father.
- Business transaction, women isn’t involved.
How does The Duke speak about his future wife?
- “my object”
- just like tha painting
How is The Duke shown as being controlling to the messenger?
- “Wilt you please sit and look at her.”
- He immediately starts speaking about the painting - like messenger has no choice but to listen.
- Messenger try to warn bride’s family.
Duke: “nay we’ll go down together.”// CONTROLLING!!
What is the significance of The Duke pointing out the sculpture of Neptune at the end of the poem?
- Neptune: Roman God of the Sea.
- He is showing his power with this painting.
- Thinks he is better than others “cast for me.”
- Just like seahorse is rarity, so was his wife to him/ he wanted to tame her like he tames the sea horse.